Anna is in the Demon Realm (4)

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She remembered the legend she heard before about demons. It said that demons liked to kidnap beautiful girls. At that time, she dismissed it in her heart, thinking that if demons were to kidnap beautiful girls, it would be for their souls. But now she had been slapped in the face. Demons would really kidnap beautiful girls to sleep with them, just look at Balan!

Now, there was a demon in front of her, and she could be considered a beautiful girl…

Thinking of this possibility, Anna was so nervous that her breathing slowed down.

Although this demon originally wanted to get close to her for a bet, he had suffered repeated defeats, so it was inevitable that he would have some kind of rebellious psychology that even if he won the bet, he would be unwilling to let her go.

Otherwise, since he didn’t need her to prove anything to Balan at all, why take her back to the Demon Realm and heal her?

Anna didn’t know what she would do if the demon wanted to sleep with her.

She couldn’t beat him in a fight, and she couldn’t persuade him with words as he would not listen. If she pretended to pitiful, he might not even stop; and she herself was not willing to commit suicide.

She had been through so much to get here, how could she just give up her life!

And likely, if the demon was here to watch her, she couldn’t die even if she wanted to.

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Seeing that he was frowning slightly because of her own problem, Anna hurriedly said after pretending to think for a moment, “Thank you for healing my injury, you are such a good…demon! Speaking of which, I deserve some credit for you winning the bet with Balan, right? For the sake of such a little credit, let’s call our previous grievances even. How about you let me go back to the Human Realm?”

“No.” Rothgarr refused very succinctly. Seeing Anna’s momentarily stiff expression, he suddenly felt very happy, and said with a low smile, “Remember what you once said about the Demon Realm?”

Anna remembered that in order to prevent the demon from taking her to the Demon Realm, she said she hated the Demon Realm.

“I remember; I said the Demon Realm is really a mysterious place, both scary and awe-inspiring,” Anna said solemnly.

Rothgarr didn’t expect Anna to be able to talk nonsense like this. His smile froze, and then he sneered: “Looks like you like the Demon Realm this much? Well, that’s perfect. I didn’t plan on sending you back to the Human Realm anyway.”

Wait, her statement was obviously neutral, how could it turn so biased coming from his mouth!

Anna said quickly, “I don’t like it that much. I still prefer the Human Realm.”

Rothgarr stood up with an indifferent expression: “I won’t send you back to the Human Realm, you can go back yourself if you can.”

She didn’t even know what the Demon Realm was like, how could she go back by herself?

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Seeing that the demon was about to leave, Anna hurriedly grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Rothgarr lowered his head. Anna’s fair, slender hand clutched onto his clothes, her veins on her fingers straining from the force.

He looked up and met Anna’s smiling eyes.

Anna put away all the tension in her heart and made her smile look impeccable. Right now, she could only use the tactic of “defense is the best offense” to fight against the odds!

She chuckled and said, “You obviously didn’t need to take me back to the Demon Realm, but you did so… You’re not in love with me, right?”

Anna smiled and looked at Rothgarr, wanting to put some pressure on him in this way. With her familiarity with him in these past six months, she thought he was a very arrogant demon who looked down on humans very much. How could he fall in love with a human? Even if there was such a possibility, he wouldn’t be able to accept it. Of course, it was probably no problem for him to sleep with them as a plaything.

Moreover, after waking up to now, she found that although he said that he would torture her to death or something, in fact, he had no intention of killing her.

So she said this on purpose as a gamble; she bet that he was suspicious of his motives for bringing her to the Demon Realm; she bet that he would send her back to the Human Realm in order to prevent what she was saying from actually happening.

After Anna finished speaking, Rothgarr just stared at her with no emotion at all.

Anna was a little nervous. If he wasn’t furious, he would at least sneer with contempt, right? His silence made her very scared. She was afraid that she hit the nail on the head. What if he suddenly admitted that he was in love with her?

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——Wait, if this was the truth, it seemed to be more beneficial to her? But……

Rothgarr broke the eerie silence while Anna was thinking about this.

He reached out and grabbed Anna’s fingers, ripping her hands off his clothes.

His movements were not rough, and Anna wasn’t holding onto him like clutching on straws, so she didn’t feel any pain.

Anna just thought that his hands were a little cold, but very quickly, the part where their skin was touching became a little hot.

Anna looked down at him still holding her hand and counted silently in her heart.

It wasn’t until she counted to ten that he let go of her and sneered: “Anna, what are you thinking about? How could a demon fall in love with a lowly human?” It was just like he never thought that Balan actually loved Catherine.

He said with a cold face, “I’m the Grand Duke of The Abyss, and I don’t need any reason for what I want to do. Just stay put!”

After speaking, he walked out and slammed the door shut.

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Anna was both a little relaxed and a little disappointed when she heard the first half of the demon’s sentence. She thought her conclusion was correct.

Although the second half of his sentence seemed unreasonable, she thought it was just his stubbornness.

Maybe when he looked back and thought about it carefully, he would find that there was still a tiny possibility that he would fall in love with her, so in order to prevent this from happening, if he didn’t want to kill her, of course he had to send her back to the Human Realm. What if his feelings for her grew by keeping her by his side!

Anna laid back in bed. Just after readjusting the blanket, she suddenly remembered something.

Speaking of which, she still didn’t seem to know what the demon’s name was, and he didn’t tell her himself. But Balan seemed to call him “Roth” just now. She wondered if she heard him wrong.

Forget it, if he sent her back right away, she wouldn’t need to know.

Outside the door, Rothgarr did not leave immediately.

He frowned and looked at his hand, with deep confusion and unease on his face.

He was already back in his own body. Why did he still feel reluctant to let go when he held Anna’s hand?

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