Psychedelic Poison (4)

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These kinds of low-level demonic creatures wouldn’t break into Balan’s castle. He hadn’t seen a green beetle sting wound for a long time, so he leaned over with some interest to take a closer look at the wound, but was slapped away by Rothgarr.

Balan smiled and said, “Roth, you’re too stingy. I’m just looking at the wound; it’s not like I want to do something to Anna. I already have Catherine.”

As he said that, he hugged Catherine tightly and planted a deep kiss on her lips.

At first, when Balan showed affection with Catherine in front of Rothgarr, Rothgarr felt nothing, sometimes he would even be a little disgusted, but looking at it now, he suddenly couldn’t help but wonder what Anna’s lips tasted like.

The next moment he realized what he was thinking, Rothgarr passed by Balan and Catherine angrily. He carried Anna into the room, and gently placed her on the bed. The fruit in his hand was thrown on the bedside table.

Anna’s hair band fell off at some point, and her long brown-red hair was scattered on the bed like a fan. Her eyes were closed, her lips were abnormally rosy, and her tattered clothes showed a lot of skin. She just laid there defenseless, as if inviting someone to have a taste.

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Rothgarr suddenly remembered what Anna looked like when she was bound by the spider-like demonic creature; she looked as if she was waiting for a gift to be opened, just like at this moment, her half torn dress made people want to see what was underneath…

Rothgarr suddenly pulled the blanket over, completely covering Anna, and walked out of the room.

Balan was still hugging Catherine and kissing her like no one was watching,

Hearing the movement behind him, he looked at Rothgarr in surprise, and said: “Why are you so fast?”

Rothgarr: “…”

He had nowhere to vent his anger. Staring at Catherine in Balan’s arms, he said, “Go and change Anna into sleepwear.”

Catherine was stunned for a moment, and quickly broke free from Balan’s arms. She adjusted her disheveled clothes, and walked into the room, but Balan couldn’t help laughing after letting go of Catherine.

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“Roth, I didn’t know you were so cowardly. You don’t even dare to take off a girl’s clothes!” Balan almost laughed until his tears came out, “Then what will you do when enjoying sensual pleasures with her in the future? You wouldn’t want me to teach you, right?”

He was now completely convinced that Roth and Anna hadn’t done anything at all. He really admired Roth’s endurance. If it was the girl he liked, she would be lying under him in a few days; he wouldn’t be like Roth, scared to even touch her. He was also pretty sure that Roth at least liked Anna, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought her back to the Demon Realm and have Catherine take care of her.

He liked this. Roth, who used to look down on him for marrying a human woman, was now also deeply in love with a human woman. He liked seeing this scene very much.

In response to Balan was a black flame. Balan narrowly avoided it and shouted, “No way, I hit the nail on the head and you’re embarrassed now?”

Rothgarr didn’t quarrel with him, he just sent another fierce black flame shooting towards Balan. Balan was ready this time and started to fight back after avoiding it.

“Do you want to fight? Bring it on!” Balan rushed to the nearest terrace after saying that. He didn’t want to destroy his castle, and plus Catherine was in the other room.

Rothgarr naturally chased after him without showing weakness.

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In the room, Catherine lifted the blanket and saw the red marks on Anna’s skin. She couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

Hearing the two people outside noisily leaving the castle, Catherine thought about it and walked out of the room. She called out to the empty corridor: “Rabbit.”

After a while, the petite Rabbit ran over from a distance. Rabbit had excellent hearing. As long as there was no magic seal, you could call her from anywhere in the castle, and she would be able to hear it and come over.

Catherine led Rabbit into the room and said, “Help me change Anna into sleepwear together.”

Rabbit couldn’t speak, but she had enough IQ to understand Catherine’s meaning, and she was stronger than Catherine was. In the end, she took the lead, taking off Anna’s clothes, wiping her down and dressing her back in sleepwear.

The two demons were still fighting above the castle. From time to time, she could hear their movements. Catherine stood by the bed and looked at Anna who was asleep, and her eyes gradually became wet.

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She had seen Lord Rothgarr’s anxiety when he brought Anna back and asked her to take good care of her. She thought that Lord Rothgarr would really pity and care for Anna, but then she saw the red marks on Anna’s body.

She had wished Lord Rothgarr was different.

Anna woke up feeling refreshed, but she quickly realized something was wrong.

No matter how she thought about it, she could only recall the memory of the previous moment when she looked down at the wound on her ankle, but she couldn’t remember what happened after that.

When did she come back?

She glanced at her clothes.

When did she change into her pajamas?

Anna noticed something on the bedside table. The fabric became more and more familiar, as if it had been torn from the dress she was wearing yesterday…

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