During the Wedding (4)

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“Catherine! Today is your wedding day with Lord Balan, don’t mention irrelevant people!” Viscount York saw that Catherine was behaving weirdly, and he hurriedly wanted to stop her. According to their original plan, the real action was taken after all the guests, including the other demon, left! What happened to Catherine, how could she suddenly mention Carol!

Balan glanced coldly at the Duke of York, suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and frowned: “Catherine, what’s the matter with you?”

Catherine said, “You forgot, didn’t you? Carol, that’s a nice name, you should remember it.”

“Catherine, what are you talking about?” Balan stepped towards Catherine.

Catherine suddenly shouted, “Don’t come over here!”

Balan paused. Surprised, he glanced at his feet.

However, Catherine said with tears in her eyes: “Carol is a very beautiful, considerate and kind noble girl. Because of her poor health, she lived in the manor outside the city all the year round and lived a carefree life. Until one day, a handsome demon appeared, she fell in love with him and dedicated everything she had to him. But the demon who said he loved her disappeared completely one day and never appeared again.”

Balan pursed his lips, he remembered.

“Carol is my sister. She treated me well, she was my beloved sister,” Catherine said, choking.

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Because of Balan’s unannounced farewell, her sister died within a few months. As for Catherine, she learned of Balan’s existence from a diary secretly written by her sister. Her sister had been in poor health since she was a child, so she always watched others quietly. She was very good at observing others. The diary was full of speculations about Balan’s hobbies and likings.

She was only twelve years old at that time, but she already hated the demon in the diary who had abandoned her sister. Therefore, she completely adjusted her appearance and character according to the demon’s liking in the diary, looking forward to the day when she could meet the demon who killed her sister.

In the wild rose bush that day, the demon came from the sky. From the look in his eyes, she knew that he liked her appearance very much.

At the same time, she also knew that the opportunity for revenge she had been looking forward to day and night from the goddess finally came.

“Balan, please kill yourself now.” Catherine bit her lower lip and said what she had been wanting to say since she saw Carol’s diary.


Viscount York and Hansen exclaimed. This result was not what they wanted! What they wanted was to harness the demon’s power to use themselves!

Balan also shouted her name. His eyes were eerily red, and he couldn’t control his body. He raised his hand to stab his heart.

But his move was unsuccessful, as Rothgarr grabbed his arm tightly.

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“Balan!” Rothgarr and Balan were evenly matched. He was trying to stop Balan from killing himself.

But the next second, the strength behind Balan’s motion to kill himself disappeared.

At the same time, Catherine fell to the ground.

Balan was startled, broke away from Rothgarr’s hand and rushed towards Catherine, knelt down and hugged her: “Catherine!”

Catherine’s face was pale, and she could feel her vitality rapidly draining.

After a while, she finally understood what was going on.

Balan really loved her, so the soul contract was invalid, and the trapping magic circle built on the soul contract was also invalid. She wasn’t able to kill Balan to avenge Carol, and she was about to die.

Catherine looked at Balan, hitting him helplessly with her fists, weeping bitterly. She said weakly and resentfully, “Why! Why! You can love me, so why couldn’t you love Carol! Why do you love me!”

Balan took her hand, and he looked at Catherine with red eyes, but said nothing.

Catherine’s voice gradually lowered, with only sadness remaining: “You can’t love me… You shouldn’t love me…”

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Catherine was dead.

Balan held Catherine for a long time without moving.

Then he put her down gently, got up and walked towards Viscount York and Hansen, the former who was in despair.

“It was Catherine’s idea!” Viscount York suddenly panicked. “Lord Balan, please spare my life! I will serve you as my Lord!”

Balan twitched the corners of his mouth. “Why do I want two weak human beings to be servants?”

Then he raised his arm lightly, snapping the necks of the two men.

When Balan turned to his side, Anna, who met his gaze, took a small step back. She was frightened by the murderous intent in his eyes.

But Rothgarr stood between her and Balan: “Anna had nothing to do with it.”

Balan laughed loudly: “Roth, look at me, even a pure and beautiful girl like Catherine wanted me to die… Hahaha, did you see that? Catherine wanted me to die! If you really fall in love with Anna, you will definitely be killed by her!”

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“Anna is different from Catherine.”

“Yeah, she is not the same. Catherine is nowhere as cunning as Anna!” Balan seemed to be admonishing Rothgarr, “I know you haven’t slept with her so you can’t bear it, but let me tell you, plenty of human women are beautiful and have good figures. The sensory experience it brings to you is not much different. If you can’t do it, I can help you.”

Rothgarr said coldly, “I don’t need you to worry about it.”

Balan looked at Rothgarr for a while, then smiled, “Then do whatever you want.”

He turned to pick up Catherine’s body and left the hall.

Balan went to the basement, put Catherine in the treasure trove, and went back next door to the ceremony hall without looking back. The guests who came to the banquet did not know what was going on and were still drinking happily.

Balan casually hung his arm around two humanoid maids who seemed to be related to lizards. He walked among the guests, and laughed: “Come on, cheers, and celebrate my return to singleness!”

The guests looked at each other, but soon they all cheered and raised their glasses to Balan’s return to singleness.

Balan hugged left and right, and he didn’t refuse any toasted wine, and the whole hall echoed with the sound of his happy laughter.

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