The Humble Him (2)

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Anna looked in curiously.

Rothgarr walked in, and as he walked, the lights on both sides lit up.

He stopped in front of a room, turned around and said to Anna, “You can choose where you want to stay.”

When he opened the door, Anna hurriedly asked, “Is there any place I’m forbidden to go to?”

Rothgarr looked back at her. “What do you want to do?”

Anna smiled: “I’m just curious and want to look around.”

Rothgarr sneered: “Go for it. The teleportation portal is at the bottom, but it can’t be activated at your current level.”

Anna: “…” Although she did have the intention to see if there was a teleportation portal, she was a little embarrassed for him to say it outright.

Fortunately, after Rothgarr finished speaking, he entered a room and closed the door. Anna stood for a while and began her castle adventure.

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Before landing just now, Anna saw that this was the top floor of the castle, and she opened every room except Rothgarr’s room.

Yep, all the rooms were unlocked.

These rooms were almost the same, and no one seemed to live in them, but she thought that someone probably cleaned them regularly, as there was not too much dust.

Anna chose a room two rooms away from Rothgarr’s, put her clothes away, and started exploring.

There were oil lamps around the stairs, she lit them and walked down slowly.

To be honest, exploring a deep ancient castle alone really felt like being deeply involved in a horror movie. Anna formed thunder in her hand at all times. If something suddenly popped up to scare her, she would let them enjoy “heaven’s punishment”.

Anna went down to the first floor and entered along the corridor. She found that one of the rooms was full of books.

She was so surprised, she quickly switched to the light element, walked in and took a closer look, and she couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

There were more than a dozen bookshelves in this room, and the bookshelves were full of books!

Compared to the perfunctory “study” at Balan’s place, this was practically a whole library!

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Anna walked around first to confirm that there were no other creatures inside, and then randomly selected a bookshelf to see. After flipping through a few books, she found that these books were placed randomly and were not arranged according to the categories. On the same bookshelf, there were spell books as well as potion books.

Moreover, it could be seen from the pages of the books that their ages also varied greatly. She dared not touch some books that looked very fragile, for fear that they would disintegrate when touched.

After reluctantly leaving here, Anna continued to check the other places.

She went all the way to the basement.

The castle had five floors in total, including the basement. She saw the banquet hall on the first floor, and also the kitchen. The kitchen was clean and barren, but there was some wine in the banquet hall.

The structure of the basement was slightly different from Balan’s castle, but she suspected that the two castles were designed by the same architect as they were very similar.

She did see the teleportation portal in the basement that made her covet it, but she was temporarily powerless to summon it.

Anna returned to the room she had chosen, used the wind element to “clean up” the whole room again, and then laid on the bed.

In this castle, except for her and Rothgarr, there were no other creatures. She didn’t even see a bug.

So, when she laid back in bed, she had a very practical worry – what was she going to eat?

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Anna now knew that demons didn’t need to eat to survive, and they drank only because they wanted to drink.

She couldn’t help thinking with chagrin that she should have brought Rabbit over…

Anna laid down for a while, hungry.

She had been waiting to have dinner at the wedding banquet, but she didn’t know that would happen, and she came here with Rothgarr without having eaten anything.

She had toured the whole castle, and there was nothing to eat where there should have been food, only some wine that had been kept for a long time. If stored properly, wine could be kept for a long time, but she couldn’t live on wine alone.

Anna rolled around in bed for a while, but finally got up and ran to knock on Rothgarr’s door.

His voice sounded from inside: “What?”

Anna replied through the door, “Is there anything to eat? I’m hungry.”

There was silence behind the door, and a moment later it opened and Rothgarr appeared before her.

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There was a little impatience on his face, but when he met Anna’s eyes, he didn’t say anything, only, “Come with me.”

Anna quickly followed.

Rothgarr’s destination was the terrace. After Anna followed him there, he took her up into the sky and landed in front of the woods after a while.

Anna took a closer look and noticed that the trees in this forest were growing with a pattern, and she saw some green fruits growing on the trees. Just after she and Rothgarr landed, the forest, which bustled with some strange noises, suddenly fell quiet.

“Come out.” Rothgarr said coldly.

Anna was confused until she saw a small head emerge from behind a tree. The head had a pointed mouth and looked a bit like a mouse, but it was as tall as a seven- or eight-year-old child.

It squeaked twice and came forward tremblingly, the way a human walked.

It was a terrifying experience for Anna to see such a big “mouse” standing upright. She quietly took a step behind Rothgarr and looked at the “big mouse” curiously.

“Pick the ripe ones,” Rothgarr ordered.

The big mouse squeaked and turned around, scurried up the tree, grabbed with its paws, and two apple-sized fruits fell into its hands. It hugged the tree with its forelegs and practically slid down from the tree. Then, it ran back, placed the two fruits on the ground in front of Rothgarr, and scurried back to the tree, repeating the process.

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