Reward and Punishment (1)

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Anna was a person with a wide range of knowledge. Although she was not familiar with it, she had heard of submissive and dominant, slave, master and servant role play and so on.

She never imagined that one day a master-servant relationship would fall from the sky like this, forcing her to become the “master”.……How crazy!

Anna woke up from her shock, pushed Rothgarr’s lips away with one hand, wiped away the wet stickiness on her neck with the other, and met his expecting red eyes. She warned solemnly: “Rothgarr, I’m telling you, don’t try to pretend to be crazy and take advantage of me…what are you doing!”

With a flushed face, Anna retracted the hand that was pressed against Rothgarr’s lips, and rubbed it against her own clothes, wiping the sticky saliva from her palm.

She didn’t feel this weird when she was kissed by Rothgarr before!

“Don’t you like this kind of reward, my master?” Rothgarr raised his head and asked softly, with a tone of panic, “What do you want me to do, please tell me what you want.”

Anna saw that Rothgarr had really stopped, and was looking at her, waiting for her command. She said tentatively: “Get up off me right now.”

“Yes, my master.”

Rothgarr stepped back without saying a word, looking at her, kneeling on one knee, waiting for her next command.

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Anna hurriedly sat up. She readjusted the collar of the pajamas that had slid down her shoulders, and put on her slippers which had fallen off.

And while she was doing these things, Rothgarr kept looking at her. How to describe that look? Like he wanted to eat her up, but also like he was resisting this urge, as if he was humbly praying that she would be kind and make his wish come true.

Anna got goosebumps. But he did obey her orders just now, so she wasn’t as frightened as she was before.

This means……

Anna said, “I want you to activate the teleportation portal.”

This was such a good opportunity. Of course she would take the chance to escape while he was not conscious!

Rothgarr curled his lips, his blood-red eyes fixed on Anna: “Does Master want to leave me?”

He stood up, and the height difference made her feel a sense of oppression that could not be ignored, and she subconsciously took a step back.

He caught up with two steps, wrapped his arms around Anna as if both cherishing and repressing her. He rested his chin on the top of her head, and said in a deep voice, “Is that what you think?”

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Anna was forced to feel the vibrations in Rothgarr’s chest as he spoke, and nearly thought he was pretending.

Didn’t he say he would obey her orders? Why wasn’t he listening when she commanded to activate the teleportation portal? Was he just pretending to act like this just to take advantage of her?

But in that case, he wouldn’t have listened to her, and would have continued doing what he was doing, but he did not continue.

Anna sighed internally. She knew that taking shortcuts would not work, so what else could be done? Depend on oneself!

Thinking of the various books in the castle, Anna was determined to improve her strength quickly before Rothgarr returned to normal and find a way to activate the teleportation portal to escape. Otherwise, when he recovered, she, the only witness, would definitely suffer.

Time would tell whether he recovered first, or whether her strength increased to the point where she could escape first! She had already seen this side of him anyway, so she had nothing to worry about. While he was obedient to her, she would use him to the fullest!

After thinking about it, Anna pushed Rothgarr away with a sincere expression: “How could I leave you? It’s just that I am human and need food to survive. I want to go to the Human Realm to get some food back.”

Rothgarr did not completely let go of Anna. He looked down at her, playing with the ends of her hair, and asked lightly, “Really?”

“Really.” Anna said with great certainty.

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Rothgarr lowered his head and kissed the ends of her hair, looked up at her and said, “Thank you for not thinking about abandoning me.”

Anna said solemnly, “Of course I won’t abandon you.”

Rothgarr curved his mouth slightly. He kissed up the end of his hair, finally arriving at her lips, and said softly: “Then can you satisfy my desire? I want to possess you from the inside out. I want your whole body to have my scent…”

Anna gulped. Her face turned red, and her ears were hot.

What was the matter with him, spewing so much nonsense… She was going to go crazy!

She quickly grabbed his hand that was creeping up from her waist and warned sternly, “No!”

Rothgarr could easily break free from Anna’s hand, but he didn’t. He just looked at her in despair, with a deep sense of inferiority in his eyes: “I can understand your rejection, after all, how can I, who is so inferior, be worthy of you?”

Despite saying this, he lightly pecked Anna’s lips again, whispering in her ear: “I can only hope that one day you will show kindness so that I can taste my long-cherished wish. I long ardently for your body.”

Anna: “…”

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He was talking too obscenely right now.

He had this persona after the curse of The Abyss broke out… No wonder he was the only one in his castle. He likely did not want others to see him like this, right?

She thought of the fact that he would still be this way when the curse of The Abyss struck, even if the one that was here with him wasn’t her, and she didn’t feel good.

Anna felt disgusted from her heart, pushed him away and said, “If you can listen to my orders well, maybe I can consider your wishes.”

Rothgarr’s eyes lit up and hurriedly said, “Master, please give me orders!”

“Okay, come with me now.” Anna said, walking ahead with the temperment of a master.

But as soon as she walked out of the room, she realized that she was still wearing pajamas and slippers, so she stopped and said, “Wait first, I’ll change clothes.”

Rothgarr said, “I can serve you and help you change your clothes.”

“…Just stand here for me!” Anna said angrily, went back to her room, and slammed the door shut. After eavesdropping for a while, she didn’t see that Rothgarr had any intention of coming in, so she quickly changed her clothes, and then stepped out.

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