Escape (2)

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In the end, she was neither killed nor forced against her will. She thought she would face a storm when Rothgarr woke up, but she didn’t expect it to be much cry and little wool?

Anna couldn’t help but think again of the deduction she had after hearing Balan’s words.

Maybe what Rothgarr meant by “I want you” was that he wanted not just her body, but her love? And the latter was more important.

Otherwise, how else to explain his connivance?

Maybe…he really liked her and cared about her, which was why he didn’t resist the curse of The Abyss and allowed her to become his master. As well as during the curse, he used various and almost shameless methods to get close to her.

Anna couldn’t help laughing, it turned out that it wasn’t just all in her head.

But then the smile became bitter again.

So what?

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She understood, but what about Rothgarr?

Her way of thinking in the beginning might have been wrong. Perhaps Rothgarr might not have realized that he liked her, or maybe he realized but refused to admit it. The latter was more likely. And in this case, it seemed like she didn’t need to ask him for further clarification.

She worried that he would become angry, misjudge his own feelings and hurt her.

Wasn’t it common in novels for one to not realize how much they love the other one until they die…. this was too tragic; she didn’t want to be the dying person in order to test how deep the other’s feelings for her are. She would rather them be strangers, living their own separate lives well.

With the answer to yesterday’s doubts, Anna didn’t want to ask Rothgarr anymore.

She thought that keeping things as they were right now was good, until she could find a chance to return to the Human Realm.

Thinking of this, Anna didn’t “stay here”; she got dressed and left the room and went downstairs to the small farm behind the castle. She didn’t see Rothgarr in the corridor.

As soon as Gray Gray saw Anna, it ran over, raised her head for Anna to pet, and squeaked twice.

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Anna looked at this large piece of newly reclaimed land that was already in such good shape and felt sad for it to go to waste. However, Rothgarr regained consciousness earlier than she expected. She might escape at any time, so it was still necessary to arrange everything for them in advance, otherwise she would not be able to leave with good conscience.

“Gray Gray, didn’t I tell you to go and see your orchard with White Fur earlier? I think you should go and see it today and stay longer. It’s best if you can turn it into the same as here.” said Anna.

Gray Gray squeaked twice. It circled around Anna, with many questions in those small eyes.

Anna sighed and said, “I don’t know if you understand… Rothgarr is now the Grand Duke of The Abyss you once feared. He won’t listen to me anymore, and he doesn’t like other people in the castle, so it’s best if you leave.”

Gray Gray likely understood what Anna said. It stared at Anna with its small eyes, as if it was very reluctant to part with her.

Anna understood that Gray Gray’s life here in the castle was likely much better than before. It could farm the land with peace of mind, no one bullied it, and it had four spike pigs as its subordinates. One could just imagine how happy it was.

But these were still not as important as being alive. She couldn’t guarantee that Rothgarr would not take it out on them after she escapes.

“You and White Fur and the others can stick together first. If there is a chance in the future, you can come back.” Anna could only say this. She called White Fur and its little brothers over and said the same thing.

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White Fur also understood what Anna meant through Gray Gray’s squeaking explanation. It even snorted and grunted while looking at Anna with tears in its eyes, like a child about to be abandoned, which made Anna’s conscience uneasy.

But she really couldn’t be soft-hearted and keep them. She was doing this for their own good. They didn’t know the reason why there was no one in Rothgarr’s castle except himself, so they wouldn’t understand how dangerous it would be if they stayed.

“I’m sorry, but you have to go.” Anna said to White Fur. “White Fur, take good care of Gray Gray, perhaps if fate allows, we can meet again in the future.”

But Anna knew in her heart that this was unlikely. Once she returned to the Human Realm, she would never come back. She would find a small town to hide in. There was no way Rothgarr would be able to find her, and she would spend the rest of her years in hiding.

White Fur and its fellow spike pigs snorted while blinking their big teary eyes. Gray Gray stood on its hind legs at Anna’s feet, tugging at the hem of her skirt, reluctant to part.

Anna ruthlessly pushed away Gray Gray’s paw. She turned around and left, but she saw Rothgarr standing behind her.

But she didn’t panic. He had returned to normal and would never listen to her again, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to drive these creatures away for their own safety.

“If you drive them away, do you plan on farming by yourself?” Rothgarr sneered coldly.

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Anna said, “Yes.”

No wonder he was a thousand-year-old virgin; he refused to be gentle despite liking her. He would likely become a ten-thousand-year-old virgin sooner or later.

Rothgarr came over, his gaze falling on White Fur, Gray Gray, and the rest of the spike pigs.

Their hairs stood on end immediately, and their bodies froze, not daring to move. It couldn’t be said that Rothgarr turned a blind eye to them a few days ago, but at that time he only had Anna in his eyes and would just give them a brief glance. So, looking at them like this now, they all felt real pressure, and then one after another, prostrated before him.

“Why are you scaring them?” Seeing Gray Gray and the others trembling, Anna hurried over to stand in front of Rothgarr, “If they don’t please your eyes, just let them go.”

Rothgarr’s eyes fell on Anna’s face: “You think so too?”

Anna was taken aback.

He raised his hand, and she subconsciously took a step back.

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