Escape (4)

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“Roth!” Balan frowned.

But Rothgarr turned around and flew back, obviously not wanting to continue talking to Balan.

Anna had waited so long for Balan’s arrival, so how could she let the two separate peacefully?

She raised her head and shouted to Balan who was in mid-air: “People who can’t even handle their own affairs are not qualified to meddle in other people’s affairs. Instead of telling Rothgarr what to do, Balan, you should go back and reflect on why Catherine would rather die than be with you. She obviously had a better way, but chose to do it right in front of Rothgarr. She just didn’t want to live, she hated you!”

Catherine was now Balan’s sore spot. At this time, Rothgarr had already regained consciousness. Balan didn’t intend to do anything, but Anna’s words made him angry. His eyes were blood red. He yelled angrily: “What nonsense are you talking about, Catherine obviously loved me!”

When facing the death of their loved ones, human beings often do not register it immediately. They might cry tears of grief when a loved one dies, without really realizing what it really means. Later, with the passage of time, they gradually realize that the loved one is gone. At that time, grief would have already fermented and taken root in the heart.

Balan was not much different from humans in this regard. When Catherine died, he was very sad. He continued throwing parties, just like in the past when Catherine was still alive. But later, when her figure appeared at every party he threw, and her smile appeared on every woman he hugged, he could no longer maintain a false calm.

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He went to see Catherine’s body. Because it was well preserved, she still looked like she was before death, but without moving or breathing. She would never call his name softly and show him a sweet and shy smile ever again.

He suddenly and truly realized that every day from now on, she would no longer be by his side, and that such days would last for at least thousands of years.

And only the fact that “Catherine loved him” could give him a little bit of comfort, allowing him to have a little respite when he was overwhelmed by sadness.

But now, Anna said that Catherine didn’t love him, and even hated him!

How dare she say that!

Balan’s rage was ignited by Anna, and all he wanted now was to silence her, but of course Rothgarr blocked his attack.

“Get out of the way, Roth! For your sake, for my sake, for Catherine’s sake, I will kill her!” Balan roared irrationally. Right now, he was like a wild beast waiting to bite its prey.

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“Don’t you think about hurting Anna!” Rothgarr sneered, “If you try to hurt her again, don’t ever appear in front of me again!”

Balan was taken aback, and laughed loudly: “Roth, for a human woman, you don’t even want your friends anymore?”

Rothgarr looked at Balan coldly: “You should take a look at your own self and what you have become all because of a human woman.” Perhaps, Balan’s appearance at this moment was also an important reason why he did not know how to deal with his feelings for Anna.

“It’s not ‘a human woman’, it’s my wife! My wife who loved me so much!” Balan roared and rushed towards Rothgarr.

Anna, who succeeded in instigating the provocation below, saw that the two were fighting, and quickly retreated into the castle.

Although she was not very familiar with the array, she had decided to put all her eggs in one basket. Her provocation was too obvious. If she didn’t act now, Rothgarr would understand immediately afterwards and come to her to settle the score.

After entering the castle, Anna immediately used the Wind Gathering spell. She first rushed to Rothgarr’s room, found the mixed elemental ore. Then, she grabbed a handful of gold coins, and rushed to the basement without taking anything else.

The complex structure of the teleportation portal was there.

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Anna sat cross-legged in the middle of the teleportation portal. Holding the ore in one hand, she mentally drew the spell circuit for the assisting array.

In the past two days, she had been memorizing this circle intensively. Her spiritual power drilled into the ore, guiding all eight natural elements to intertwine into a bundle, and then filled the spell circuit she had constructed in her mind.

When the last beam of light was formed, the entire array was completed, and a faint white light emanated from Anna’s palm. This white light activated the teleportation portal array underneath Anna, and the teleportation portal emitted a purple light, as if starting up. At the same time, she felt a tugging force.

It worked!

The purple glow flashed, and Anna disappeared into the teleportation portal.

At the same time, in the sky outside the castle, Rothgarr flew high, dodging Balan’s attack. He looked at the castle with a cold face and frowned, feeling the activation of the teleportation portal.

Anna had been the only one in the castle at that moment.

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Rothgarr’s expression changed, and he rushed into the castle, not caring about Balan.

They were both Grand Dukes of The Abyss; Balan also felt the movement of the teleportation portal in the castle. He chased after him and couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Roth, look! Her obedience was all fake. She wanted to escape all along! You love her, but does she love you?”

“Shut up!” Rothgarr said. It didn’t take long for them to reach the basement, but of course, Anna was gone.

After using the detection spell, he realized that Anna was not in the castle or nearby.

He suddenly understood that Anna had deliberately provoked Balan so that she could find a chance to escape from the Demon Realm.

Rothgarr suddenly remembered that just a few days ago, Anna had promised him that she would not abandon him.

Of course it was all lies.

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