Want To Be Powerful (3)

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Anna looked back down and continued reading the book. After flipping through the dozen or so books, Anna discovered that they were all books related to meditation and spells.

A mage’s level was artificially determined through a human-designed assessment. In reality, there was no accurate boundary between one star or two stars, or between two stars and three stars. Rothgarr’s books, the older they were, the less they mentioned the classification of stars and levels. Back in those days, there were no ranks. When two mages met, they really wouldn’t know who was the more powerful one unless they battled.

In these ancient books, there were quite a few ways to improve the efficiency of one’s meditation and the effect of one’s spells. Some of them had been greatly modified with relatively small effect, while others were slightly modified but had a great effect.

Anna didn’t try them out immediately. She planned to finish reading all these books first.

After a while, Anna heard some noise, and looked down from the window of the study. She saw some smoke and dust all the way from far to near, and when she got closer, she found that it turned out to be Gray Gray, White Fur and the bunch.

Looking at the sky again, Rothgarr passed the front of the castle and landed on a side terrace she couldn’t see.

When Anna persuaded Gray Gray and them to go away, she was mentally prepared that she would never see them again. She never expected to see them again, and so soon.

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Rothgarr, of course, brought them here to take care of her daily life for her sake.

Anna didn’t go down to meet Gray Gray and the others immediately. She turned her gaze away from the window and continued to read. She had never been so serious in her life, more serious than when she was preparing for the Mage Association exam. She didn’t even notice when Rothgarr had come in.

After finishing the fourth book, Anna looked at Rothgarr and asked, “Assuming that the combat power of a one-star mage can go against ten others, what is the combat power of other levels? How much is yours?”

Rothgarr had never used Anna’s calculation method before, so he thought for a while before saying: “If the level of a one-star mage is equivalent to going against ten, the mage’s disciple can go against five, two-star is twenty, three-star is forty, four-star is eighty, and five-star is one hundred sixty. For me….three hundred.”

Anna nodded. Rothgarr’s estimate of the mage’s combat power was similar to her own guess. The difference in combat power for each level was almost doubled. In the past, when he possessed Raymond, who was only two-star and about to rise to three-star, he could easily take on a three-star mage.

Her current combat power could be regarded as capable of taking on forty, while the demon’s was three hundred. The gap between them was desperately large.

However, these values were only a rough estimate after all. If there was another way…

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Anna asked again: “Aside from giving me a longer life span, does the soul contract have any other benefits? For example, you can share your strength with me or something…”

Rothgarr sneered, “What wishful thinking.”

Anna was just asking casually. She really didn’t think such a good thing existed. She was not angry when she heard Rothgarr’s sarcasm. She picked up the next book and turned a couple of pages. Then she looked at him and asked, “Balan said a long time ago , you all climbed up from The Abyss… What kind of place is The Abyss?”

“You really want to know?” Rothgarr raised an eyebrow.

Anna nodded: “If you’re allowed to say, I really want to know.”

“I’ll take you to see it in two days.” Rothgarr smiled, a little bit like watching a show.

Anna responded immediately: “Okay!”

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She sensed Rothgarr’s malicious intentions, but he couldn’t possibly kill her anyway, so why not take the risk to see The Abyss?

She then added: “The gifts and curses of The Abyss…can I ask too?”

Originally, this was a demon’s secret. Even between Rothgarr and Balan, they usually wouldn’t talk about it, but Anna was in a special situation. Whether it was his gift or curse, she had personally experienced and survived them.

Rothgarr didn’t have much to hide from Anna now. Without waiting for Anna to ask her questions one by one, he said: “The innate ability gifted to me by The Abyss is possession, and as for the curse…on the day of the attack, the first person I see will be recognized as my master. ”

Anna remembered the way Rothgarr kissed the tops of her feet while calling her master that day, and asked, “How many times has the curse acted up so far?”

Rothgarr stared at her and sneered: “You want to ask me how many times have I experienced such a shameful thing?”

Anna shook her head: “No.”

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Rothgarr approached her and looked down at her: “Besides you, there was another time. That time… I harmed myself to resist the power of the curse, and Balan helped me kill that person. You are the only one who has seen my curse in action and survived it.”

Rothgarr was so close that Anna felt her breathing was a bit constricted. She didn’t expect that the question in her heart would have the answer. It turned out that it was really because that person was her that he accepted being controlled by the curse, bowing to her. But this answer was not important now after he signed the soul contract with her.

His words were almost a confession. Anna was silent for a moment and said, “And Balan.”

Rothgarr frowned: “What?”

“Balan has seen your curse and survived.” Anna said.

Rothgarr stared at Anna for a few seconds and said, “You want to provoke me into killing Balan?”

Anna: “…No.” She just wanted to change the subject.

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