Rejected the Demon’s Marriage Proposal Thousands of Times - Chapter 97.2 - Sleepy Translations

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6-7 minutes 23.08.2021

Facing The Abyss (2)

“I like both,” Ana said cheekily, even glancing at the belt that Rothgarr had thrown aside, saying, “Can I have another look at that?”

In the past, Rothgarr would definitely label Anna greedy, but now, he just thought her greedy appearance was very cute.

He pointed to the belt and said, “It’s broken, there’s no need to look at it.”

Then he saw Anna’s expectant expression suddenly turned into disappointment, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help rising.

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Anna saw that the belt and the bracelet/staff were indeed from two different generations; the former looked very old. Having the two treasures in her hand was enough, so she didn’t look at the belt again.

She looked at the bracelet and staff. With her strength, she might only be able to use the spell embedded in the staff once or twice at present, so having multiple magical devices would be useless either way. Thus, she put the staff back in the chest and slipped the bracelet on.

This bracelet was made of silver, had the thickness of about a finger, and was inlaid with hollow crystals. The shininess of the silver and the reflected light of the hollow crystals complemented each other well, and the style was very good.

“Thank you, I like this very much.” Anna moved her wrist, watching the bracelet flicker in the light. The more she looked at it, the more beautiful she thought it was.

Rothgarr took Anna’s bracelet-wearing hand and pulled her up: “Go and try it out.”

Anna followed Rothgarr downstairs and out behind the castle to try out her new magical device.

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The first thing she tried was the thunder spell circuit in the bracelet. After all, she was the most familiar with the thunder spell. She couldn’t see the effect just by looking at the spell circuit. This time when she probed into the spiritual power, it was not like her previous exploration, but a direct attempt to activate the spell circuit.

A bolt of lightning suddenly shot straight into the air from her hand, and then a thunderstorm fell five meters in front of her. The bolts were as thick as one’s fingers, and fell densely, like rain, covering the space of about 100 square meters. She could even vaguely feel her hairs stand up slightly.

When the thunder and lightning rain that lasted for nearly ten seconds dissipated, she saw that the land of about 100 square meters had been hit to create a big crater about half a meter deep.

Those thunderstorms were not independent, but connected as a whole. Within the range covered by the thunderstorm, the person she would be attacking would receive the power of the entire storm.

Anna looked at the effect of this spell in shock, and said after a while, “I’ll name it ‘Heaven’s Punishment’!”

Then she realized that half of the mental strength she recovered before eating was gone.

Not far away, Gray Gray, who was plowing the ground, and White Fur and its companions who were helping Gray Gray, all watched this scene in astonishment. They were dumbfounded that Anna could actually cast a spell of the Heaven’s Punishment’s level.

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Rothgarr just thought that the power was not satisfactory, but with Anna’s current mental strength, she likely couldn’t control a more powerful staff, otherwise he would make a new one for her.

He said, “Try something else.”

This was almost a four-star level spell cast by herself. Anna felt excited. Her mental power penetrated into the bracelet, and this time she chose to cast a water-type spell.

Her mental power was taken up almost instantly. A blue light rushed forward, forming a ball in mid-air and spinning rapidly. It swelled to the size of a yoga ball within a second, followed by water droplets shaped like sharp arrows that shot out with no rhyme or rhythm. There was no place to hide in the entire spherical space covered by the range of water droplets, and this spherical space had a radius of five meters.

Anna didn’t have great control of the spell, and she happened to be within the range of the spell’s attack, but Rothgarr had been watching from the side. After the spell was cast, he immediately took her away from the attack range of the spell so that she did not suffer any injuries.

Anna was in the safe zone before she even had time to be scared, and she felt like a toddler playing with a gun now, unable to fully grasp how to use the bracelet.

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When casting “Heaven’s Punishment”, she still had enough mental power, so she could control it to stay away from herself, but when she cast the second spell, she didn’t have much mental power, so she couldn’t control it.

Therefore, only if she encountered a desperate situation would she cast a second spell. But in the Demon Realm, with Rothgarr at her side, she didn’t have to fight anyone just yet.

Anna pushed Rothgarr away and sat down to meditate on the spot to regain her mental strength. At present, she only needed to be proficient in these two spells in the bracelet as her killing move.

After recovering, Anna tried “Heaven’s Punishment” and the water spell which she named “Big Water Ball” again—it was so difficult to come up with names, and it wasn’t like she would shout it in front of others in the future…

Before sitting down to meditate for the third time today, Anna suddenly remembered something she was very curious about, and asked Rothgarr, “What does it feel like to be possessed?”

Rothgarr looked at Anna with great interest and said, “Want to try?”

He had never possessed a woman before, but if it was Anna, he was willing to try it, no… He wanted to try it very much.

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