Inside The Abyss (6)

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When Gray Gray and White Fur ran up to them, Anna jumped off the back of the cow. Gray Gray rushed to her immediately, grabbing her trousers and squeaking anxiously.

“What’s wrong?” Anna couldn’t help frowning when she saw Gray Gray like this.

White Fur, who was on the side, also reacted similarly to Gray Gray, looking very anxious.

Anna was also very anxious. They couldn’t speak human language, so when they wanted to express more complicated meanings, she often didn’t understand. Rothgarr would translate for her sometimes, but right now, he was unconscious.

But soon, Anna understood why they were anxious.

At this moment, she was one or two hundred meters away from the castle, so she could clearly see someone coming out of the castle. She could even see the mage robes on those people!

There were intruders! Intruders from the Human Realm!

In the past, Anna would worry about the life of the intruder, but now, Rothgarr was unconscious, and his features as a demon were too obvious. The mages from the Human Realm would definitely not let him off. The air of the Demon Realm was poisonous to ordinary humans, and it also had a weakening effect on mages. Low-level mages dared not come to the Demon Realm. That is to say, the mages who came here were probably high-level!

Many thoughts flashed through Anna’s mind, and she immediately said to Gray Gray, “Gray Gray, do you know where Balan’s castle is?”

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Gray Gray froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

Anna said: “Okay, right now, you and White Fur escort Rothgarr to Balan’s immediately.”

She squatted down in front of Gray Gray, looked into its small eyes and said, “Gray Gray, can I trust you?”

Gray Gray nodded vigorously and squeaked in response.

At this moment, Anna had no other plan, let alone time. So even if she was still a little worried, she could only keep it in her heart.

The cow-like demonic creature was bigger than White Fur and the others and was just the right size to carry Rothgarr. on their shoulders. The mages were getting closer, and Anna had no time to move Rothgarr. She had Gray Gray sit on the back of the cow-like demonic creature and had White Fur and the others stay on all sides of the cow-like demonic creature, “escorting” it and Rothgarr to Balan’s castle.

There was a lot of movement on Anna’s side, which those mages definitely saw, especially Rothgarr.

In other words, these mages dared to approach them because they saw him from a distance returning with a body full of injuries, and seemingly unconscious.

When they saw that the demonic creatures were about to run away with the demon, some of the mages immediately prepared to cast spells to stop them.

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How could Anna let them stop Rothgarr? She immediately poured her mental power into the bracelet. “Heaven’s Punishment” really fell upon them like a punishment from the sky; the thunder and lightning rained upon the mages who were about to cast their spells, and there were screams in an instant.

As for Gray Gray and White Fur, they surrounded the reluctant cow-like demonic creature, raising a cloud of smoke as they ran away.

Anna did not run with them. If she ran away, the mages would keep chasing her and Rothgarr, and when her mental strength was exhausted, she would not be able to protect him anymore.

Only by stalling these mages here could she buy time for Gray Gray and the others to take Rothgarr away, disappear from the mages’ sight, and save Rothgarr.

Anna recalled when she first got the bracelet and thought that with Rothgarr around, she would not have the chance to fight for her life. She didn’t expect to manifest it; not only did she have a chance to fight for her life, but also for Rothgarr’s.

The thunder and lightning rain that lasted for ten seconds passed, and these mages were sitting or standing, looking a little ruffled.

Anna glanced at them and saw that there were five mages in total, four men and one woman. They were not too young, and the badges pinned to their mage robes told her that they were all five-star mages. One of them was not wearing mage robes, but the uniform of a priest; they were likely a five-star priest.

This was a strange scene. She once wanted to meet a five-star mage but wasn’t able to, yet now she saw five at once.

What was even more amazing was that she, a three-star mage, stopped these five five-star mages with her four- or five-star level spell. This was of course thanks to the weakening effect of the Demon Realm air on these five-star mages. She was able to adapt to the Demon Realm air because Rothgarr used a special method on her, but they did not have such a good thing.

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Since the purpose was to delay time, Anna naturally didn’t mind saying a few more words.

“Who are you, and why did you come to the Demon Realm?” Anna paused, then softened her tone and said, “The Demon Realm is too dangerous for you.”

The priest among the five-star mages stood upright. He had silver hair, a peaceful expression, and sharp eyes.

“You are Mage Anna who was taken away by the demon?” His voice was very majestic, “Why do you want to prevent us from capturing the demon?”

After careful identification, Anna discovered that the priest who was speaking was the one in red who had tried to stop them from leaving when Rothgarr had caught up to her that day.

Capturing the demon?

For some reason, Anna couldn’t help laughing when she heard this statement. According to the explanation of levels Rothgarr had given her, his combat power in the Demon Realm was 1 vs 300, while a five-star mage’s combat power in the Human Realm was 1 vs 160, and this would definitely decrease in the Demon Realm. With such a gap in strength, how did they suppose they would “capture” the demon? By dreaming?

“Your Excellency Christopher, let’s go capture the demon first!” After the female mage said this, she ran after Rothgarr.

“Stop!” Anna raised the bracelet in her hand and sneered, “None of you are allowed to move!”

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The spell Anna cast just now was really unexpected, because Anna was too young, less than twenty years old. No matter how talented she was, she couldn’t surpass the level of a three-star mage. But she chose to use a spell that could only be cast by a four-star mage or above.

Therefore, these five-star mages were a little apprehensive, thinking that Anna likely had gotten some gifts from the demon. But their strength in the Demon Realm had been reduced, and the longer they stayed here, the more pressure they would feel. In essence, they were in a race against time.

Therefore, even though they were afraid of Anna, these five-star mages still did not listen to Anna’s words, but chased in the direction where Rothgarr was taken away.

Without any hesitation, Anna used another skillful spell, “Big Water Ball”.

The faint blue water elements first gathered and swelled, and then exploded. The mages who were in the front couldn’t escape, and all suffered moderate injuries.

The injuries they suffered were irrelevant. The main problem was that they were in shock because of Anna’s unexpected strength, and they didn’t dare to pursue Rothgarr anymore.

Anna’s mental power had been exhausted, and she couldn’t even cast a single spell. But she knew that her two spells had temporarily suppressed the five-star mages.

She didn’t even have to scare them away, she just had to stall them a bit longer.

Anna tried not to show her weakness. She looked at the people in front of her with a cold expression, and said with a sneer, “If you want to capture him, you have to get through me first!”

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