Human Realm (2)

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She couldn’t say for what purpose the five-star mages came to the Demon Realm, but it was definitely not to “save” her. But she thought that Leon came to save her.

But the inside story was too complicated, and she didn’t even know how to explain it.

“Sorry.” Anna said in the end.

The air in the Demon Realm was highly poisonous to human mages. Leon was next to the teleportation portal that was still open, maintaining the minimum open state of the teleportation portal. The impact of the air on him was much smaller this way. The five-star mages who were able to withstand the air of the Demon Realm could go out and investigate.

And to open the teleportation portal of the Human Realm and the Demon Realm, and set it for this one in Rothgarr Castle, was all thanks to the ruby pendant. As the sacrifice captured by Magnolia at the beginning, Leon could be regarded as the only witness besides Grace, who had already gone insane. He told Bishop Christopher all about the ceremony. Grace had confirmed offhandedly that it was all thanks to the ruby pendant, which could be used to locate the demon’s teleportation portal.

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Although many people in Black Cloud City had seen the demon, the sacrifice ceremony and tragic ending of Magnolia’s family were still a secret to most mages and ordinary people. Leon, as a witness, was recovering from his injuries and originally only cooperating with the investigation, but after meeting Anna that day and seeing her being captured by the demon, he actively participated in this matter. As someone who already knew the inside story, it was much easier for him to get involved.

Of course, these five-star mages came to investigate other matters, and looking for Anna was just incidental, but for him, finding Anna was the main purpose.

However, things didn’t seem to be the same as he imagined.

The five-star mages heard Anna say that there would be another demon coming. In this scenario, they would rather believe her than not. Immediately, three of the five-star mages activated the teleportation portal, bringing the group back to the Human Realm.

As soon as she came out of the teleportation portal, Anna saw many people around her, and under her feet was an intricate teleportation array.

“There may be a demon coming, get ready for battle!” Bishop Christopher ordered immediately after he came out.

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Some priests quickly dismantled the teleportation portal, while the rest retreated a hundred meters away.

Anna glanced around, but there were not many familiar faces around, and the one she was most familiar with was actually a stranger to her.

Yes, she was talking about Raymond.

Anna remembered that when she saw Raymond for the first time, he had been possessed by Rothgarr, and after Rothgarr left his body, she had been taken to the Demon Realm. In other words, this man she had been with for many days did not actually know her at all.

Perhaps he noticed Anna’s gaze because Raymond looked over with a haughty expression.

Anna smiled. He should be aware by now that he was once possessed by Rothgarr and lost a part of his memory, right? Presumably, he also knew that during this period of time, he and she had always been a couple in the eyes of others. Thinking about it, he was innocent, too.

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“Anna.” Leon had walked up to Anna at some point.

Bishop Christopher and the other five-star mages had disagreements before. Some of them thought that Anna should be sent away as soon as possible to at least guarantee part of the results of the battle. Others believed that Anna managed to survive in the Demon Realm and protect the demon in turn. It could be seen that she had an unusual relationship with the demon, and she could be used as a hostage so that the demon would not dare to act rashly.

After some debate, the latter won the support of the majority. Leon’s words didn’t carry much weight, and after knowing that Anna would be taken as a hostage, he had no choice but to walk over.

“Leon.” Anna nodded, “I know there are some things that you don’t understand… I don’t know how to explain them. I have always been very grateful to learn from you. I never thought that things would end up like this …You can just pretend you never had such a student like me.”

Leon looked at Anna in silence for a long time, and then said: “Anna, I know what kind of person you are. If you want, I can help you.”

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Anna turned sideways so he could see the hands behind her back. She smiled deliberately: “Including untying the rope for me and letting me go back to the Demon Realm?”

She didn’t know Rothgarr’s situation now, so she was a little worried, but she didn’t think he would die so easily as the Grand Duke of The Abyss, so she wasn’t too worried.

In reality, she didn’t think she would be able to go back to the Demon Realm in the near future.

The strength of the demon in the Human Realm would weaken, whereas here, looking at the badge on the mage’s robe, there were at least seven five-star mages. Even if Balan came, he would be beaten back once he came out.

Leon shook his head: “Sorry, I can’t do that.”

“I was just joking.” Anna smiled, “My matter is too big, you don’t need to get involved. You only taught me for a few days at the beginning; you don’t really count as my teacher. You don’t have to be responsible for my actions.”

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