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The empress dowager tries her best to get Xu Wei Rong to enter the palace, the empress tries her best to stop it. This was the latest gossip in the palace.

Ji Wu Jiu faked the "can't wait to get a new pretty gal face" while standing aside. Sometimes he will comment on Ye Zhen Zhen's actions. One time he knocked her head and said "Jealous Wife".

This news was quickly spread, and the title Jealous wife was placed on to Ye Zhen Zhen. She was thinking whether she once again fell into Ji Wu Jiu's trap, because if this title got solid, then next time when he wants to demote her from the empress position it would be easier. (Last time one can ask for divorce if wife is easily jealous, as men are allowed to have a lot of concubines.)

That is why Ye Zhen Zhen starts to contemplate.

The moment when Ji Wu Jiu wanted to shamelessly announce that he wanted to give up getting a concubine because he got pestered by the Jealous Wife too much, a person that he did not include in his place stood up.

Xian Concubine gave her opinion, "Although the inner palace matters should be decided by the empress, but since I am taking care of the matters as well now, I can't help but to say a word of fairness"

Xian Concubine has her own plans, although Xu Wei Rong entering the palace may endanger her position but since the emperor likes it, then most probably the woman will enter the palace in the end, why not she help him now and still can obtain a title of benevolent.

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Ye Zhen Zhen no longer wants to carry the title of Jealous Wife, so she let it be.

Ji Wu Jiu :.........

This time he took the stone and slammed on his own feet, thinking about how to torture Ye Zhen Zhen he forgotten about another clever person. But… Xian Concubine this time, got too clever.

Ye Zhen Zhen was feeling down, why is he still unhappy when she finally agreed? This fella really is hard to make him happy.

She is now in Kun Ning palace, facing a table full of drawings. Drawings of her gun that can shoot more than once. She told this matter to many people, but they did not believe her, not even Ji Wu Jiu.

This is the sad story of a genius, Ye Zhen Zhen thinks.

JI Wu Jiu was looking at her now, his white face looks abit tired, because of Xian Concubine's interference, he is not in a good mood. He also don't know why he wandered to Kun Ning Palace, this woman don't even know how to make him happy, all she thinks about is how to trouble him.

"Your majesty, are you not busy lately?" Ye Zhen Zhen asked.

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Ji Wu Jiu suddenly thought of another thing, "you always give jade toad to other people?" Recently he has been receiving reports from his small wives about receiving toads from the empress, although this animal is supposed to be a prosperity animal, and they can't really deny it, but after receiving too much of it, they will still feel goosebumps. Wang Zhao Yi, even placed the big jewel encrusted toad at her bedside, and that night that toad even entered Ji Wu Jiu's dreams.

Repeated reports finally conditioned him to relate Toad to his bed business, will make Ji Wu Jiu hard to focus during his business, and then his lower body will be less active.

Infront of him, the consorts don't dare to say anything, but at the back, they hint the kitchen that the emperor is abit weak lately…

This type of topic will damage the emperor's reputation, so they also can only help by placing more nutritious food into the emperor's daily meal.

Therefore, Ji Wu Jiu ate a lot of those things without knowing, but sometimes he will wake up in the middle of the night feeling very hot. We need to know, now it is already early winter.

Hearing from Ji Wu Jiu about the toads now, Ye Zhen Zhen answered "Yes"

"Is there any special reason behind?"

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Cannot mention "fertility", if not it would be telling the emperor that his future children are toads, also cannot mention ab out wealth, why would the emperor's woman need to be wealthy?… thinking about it hard, Ye Zhen Zhen said "the meaning is that they are all toad and you are a swan, " 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉" it means that the toads want to eat swan meat. Although not nice to hear, but it is still words of flattery.

This person, she really dares to say anything. Ji Wu Jiu not getting angry and continued asking "What about you? You are a toad as well?"

"I am your empress, of course I am a swan as well"

Ji Wu Jiu smiled, "What about Xian Concubine? She is a toad as well?" Suddenly thinking about what Xian Concubine did, he frowned.

Ye Zhen Zhen looked up, from her drawings to Ji Wu Jiu's face and replied while smiling "Xian Concubine is the moon's Chang Er fairy"

"You see her so?"

"But then again, story states that when Chang Er escaped from the moon, in the end she turned into a Yue Jing, another name for toad"

So, still a toad!

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Ji Wu Jiu got very happy from her nonsense, and felt better. Dinner time is approaching soon, he did not move and had dinner together with Ye Zhen Zhen at Kun Ning Palace.

After dinner, both of them looked at each other.

Ye Zhen Zhen thought that he would be like last time, after dinner he will go, but did this it seems like he does not seem to want to leave. Ye Zhen Zhen could only shout out to Feng You De outside, "Feng You De, bring the name plates over, the emperor haven't flip them"

"No Need". Feng You De just only looked up , Ji Wu Jiu stopped him.

Ye Zhen Zhen had a bad feeling, "Your Majesty, you are not gonna take a walk outside?"

Ji Wu Jiu looked at her, with a hint of smile creeping up "We are a pair of swans right? Don't tell me you want me to go look for a toad?"


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