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"If you want to exchange lover's gaze, please wait till later, I am still doing serious investigating here." Ye Zhen Zhen suddenly said.

Xian Concubine closed her mouth.

"Therefore this cloth is from the guards office, and was given to the guards. Not something made by Sun Gui Ren, also not taken off from the soldier, also not possible that Sun Gui Ren got someone to get it for her to gift him — this type of present the other has plenty, how would she be gift him these. Then all is left is one possibility" Ye Zhen Zhen stopped and took a sip of tea.

"What is the possibility?" Ji Wu Jiu asked.

"Most probably it was the guard got muddle head and placed his new clothes here at Sun Gui Ren's room, and ask her to help him keep it first. " Although this might not be really possible but at this moment this should be the only reason left.

Sun Gui Ren thought that there was hope, but started crying again "I am framed!!"

"You close your mouth" Ye Zhen Zhen frowned, "all you said was that sentence, so bothersome… Xian Concubine, what do you think about my explanation, can it be accepted?"

Xian Concubine replied while nodding "It seems like this could only be the reason, your majesty is wise"

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"Wrong" Ye Zhen Zhen laughed, "I am wise, but that explanation was a huge mistake. This cloths is identical with the guards clothings, that is true, but it is not any of the palace's guards cloths"

Hearing her explanation, even Ji Wu Jiu got shocked, "Why are you so sure?"

"Your majesty have you forgotten? All the guards in the palace have identity numbers, this number is given to the guards to keep track of their identity and this number is sew on to the collar of their clothes. Normally it can't be seen properly, but if something unfortunate were to happen, it is useful to differentiate their identity then."

Ji Wu Jiu looked at Ye Zhen Zhen "of course I know the guards have identity numbers, I didn't know it was sew on the collar"

"Your majesty, you are so busy with the court matters, of course it would be normal for you to be not clear with these matters" Ye Zhen Zhen said and flipped the clothes again, "The collar of this cloth do not have any numbers, surely it was stolen before reaching the guard's office, at the finance department."

Finance Department was mentioned again, Xian Concubine's face is almost green in colour.

"I daresay, Sun Gui Ren perhaps you have offended someone, that person wanted you to die, so they thought of something so evil, that implicated the emperor's name, such evil people. However this plan has so many faults, Xian Concubine did not properly investigate and made you took the fault, and did not put the emperor's pride into account, it was a little too foolish. "Ye Zhen Zhen said and smiled at Xian Concubine.

Xian Concubine immediately kneeled " Your majesty, I was too anxious to protect your face, and wanted to quickly settle the case. Although the evidence is not trustworthy, there is still the witness, Xiao Zhu said she it herself?" And she looked at Xiao Zhu, in her heart thinking, as long as Xiao Zhu kept on saying she saw what happened, then even without the evidence, according to Ji Wu Jiu's personality surely he would not end it easily.

"Really, I saw it personally" Xiao Zhu immediately said.

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"Really? Su Feng?"

"I am here", Su Feng walked over, in her hands there was a pouch, and was brought forward to Ye Zhen Zhen. " Your majesty, I gotten this from Xiao Zhu's living quarter."

Xiao Zhu upon seeing that item, her face changed, without any strength left in her, she just sat on the floor.

Ye Zhen Zhen took the pouch, opened and search through, besides the quite a sum of money, there was also a good grade jewelry, she looked through the pouch again and looked at Xiao Zhu, "you are just a small maid servant, where did you get so much money and these jewelries?" Surely you didn't steal them did you?"

"No, no , no,.. I didn't.. " Xiao Zhu shook her head and denied.

"Of course I know you didn't, someone asked you to frame Sun Gui Ren, and gift you these items. Sun Gui Ren was leaving in the side court, with very little people by her side, that allowed you to plan this, is that correct?"

Xiao Zhu kept shaking her head "I did not.. I did not… "

"I suspected you from the start, so I let Su Feng searched your room, and these are the clues. Since you aren't able to tell where these things come from, then why don't you let me help you investigate? Just now you have already seen my capability, with this pouch and the jewelries, if I want to know where it came from, it would not be hard. I will give you another chance, if you speak the truth now I will spare your life, if I were to get the answer myself… hehe…."

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Although Ye Zhen Zhen purposely tried to force out a cold laugh, to create a scary effect, but due to her voice problem, her laugh did not appear to have the effect she wanted, but more like a female, making everyone in the hall feel goosebumps on their hands. Ji Wu Jiu thought that there was a worm climbing on his body, and quickly stopped Ye Zhen Zhen " If you don't want to speak the truth, then flogged to death immediately. Feng You De."


"I will say, I will say, !! Your majesty please spare me, empress niang niang please spare me!!!" Xiao Zhu cried non stop on the floor.


Ye Zhen Zhen, Ji Wu Jiu, Xian Concubine, the three of them was returning to their own place. Ji Wu Jiu and Ye Zhen Zhen was heading to the same place, and headed towards the east. Xian Concubine was standing at her place and see them leave together, with a sad expression.

"What is that in your hands?" Ji Wu Jiu was looking at her left hand, he couldn't take it anymore and asked.

"Walnut, this is 'Man Tian Xing", Wang You Cai said it is hundred over years, holding it the hands, the feeling is rather good" Ye Zhen Zhen was praising the walnuts, and looking up she saw Ji Wu Jiu looking at the walnuts in earnest, so she looked down again and said "Your majesty if you like it, I will ask him to search some for you"

"No need, I have them myself"

Ye Zhen Zhen was looking down, and did not see the smile creeping on his face, "Your majesty, I have something I don't understand"

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"Today, Xian Concubine was investigating the case, as per your level, it is not possible that you couldn't tell that Sun Gui Ren was innocent, but…"

"But did not do anything?" Ji Wu Jiu continued for her.

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded.

"You were to anxious" Ji Wu Jiu answered

Ye Zhen Zhen was trying to understand his words, Anxious? Anxious?? She was anxious to clear this case properly, if she was not anxious, slowly investigate.. slowly investigate.. in the end, by the time the truth comes out… Sun Gui Ren would have been wrongly accused, and be sent to the criminal bureau and be treated by the punishments. In another words, till that time, the case that was personally gave verdict by Xian Concubine, her personally wearing the green hat for Ji Wu Jiu… then… Xian Concubine's fault would be bigger than now….

Ye Zhen Zhen got shocked.

Ji Wu Jiu wants to punish Xian Concubine? This Ye Zhen Zhen could have guess a little, because this half a month plus, JI Wu Jiu did not go to Yao Yue Palace, but she don't know what Xian Concubine did wrong to Ji Wu Jiu.

But… he didn't have to hate it that much right? Xian Concubine was someone he dotes on, and also to punish her, he wanted to sacrifice an innocent person as well..

This man, how can he be so cold hearted.

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