Relying On Login Rewards To Play Through The Game C13

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Chapter 13


I didn’t plan to untie this woman with who I was not familiar first.


If I untie her now, she might make sound because of panic, then in this quiet and closed underground, any sound would be infinitely amplified, and it was very likely that those who tied her underground would find out. At that time, the difficulty of my task would be greatly increased, which was what I didn't want to see.


After I solved all the troubles below, I would come back to save her.


Thinking of this, I made a silent gesture to her again, and then continued to shine the light of the phone at the stairs under my feet.


When the woman saw me walking down, she didn't make any sound, and even her previous struggle stopped. 


This made me sigh with relief.


Sorry, when I come up, I will loosen your tie.


With such thoughts in mind, I continued to walk deep into the stairs. After walking for about half a minute or so, the staircase was still pitch black, and there was no light except the light from the phone in my hand.


Just as I was guessing how long this staircase would take, I suddenly felt like a cool breeze blowing across my neck.

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This made me feel very strange, how could there be wind blowing in such a closed underground passage.


I tried to reach out to touch my neck, but found that the world in front of me suddenly began to spin.


After about two seconds, my head hit the ground heavily, and my cheeks were close to the stairs.


I didn't know why, the scene in front of me gradually blurred, and even my eyelids were extraordinarily heavy. I could only vaguely see a body. The right hand of the body was holding a mobile phone with the flashlight function on, and the left hand of the body was touching the neck, but the head that should be on the neck had disappeared, and the broken part of the neck was gushing blood out like a fountain.


The headless body in front of me made me feel very familiar...


That was, my own body.


Only then did I realize that at that moment, my HP had dropped from 108 to 0 in an instant.


My head had been cut off.


When I opened my eyes again, I found that I had returned to my bed.


After confirming the time, it was 9:00 am on May 24th. As I expected, I had returned to the same morning. Looking up, the [3/3] on the head had changed to [2/3].


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I sat up and fell silent.


This was my second death. It was different from the first time I died. I didn't feel any pain in this death. Even the fact that I had been beheaded was not discovered until the end.


However, the feeling of fear was several times stronger than at the first death.


That came from the fear of the unknown.


Is this really a game?


It was completely different from the experience of playing games before. The fear of death made my hands tremble slightly at this moment.


Although it was better than vomiting directly after the first death, I still could still accept the fact that I had died again.


And the feeling this death brought me was different from the first time.


When I died for the first time, I knew why I died and who killed me. But this time, I didn’t know what killed me, and I couldn’t even tell whether I killed because I triggered some kind of trap, or someone killed me.


So even if I did it all over again, I didn't have any confidence that I could complete the task the second time.


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After taking a few deep breaths, I forced myself to calm down. Panic was not the way to solve the problem. At this moment, calm analysis was the only way to find the solutions.


Did I overlook something?


I carefully recalled whether I had missed any key information.


There were stairs along the way, the only key information I might have missed...


It was the woman who was tied up.


I stood up suddenly, could it be that that woman was the key to the task?


So far I was not familiar with this game. I could only slowly explore it step by step. If I really neglected the woman and caused my own death, then did it mean that all the characters appearing in the mission in this game had some kind of roles?


It was very easy to verify this conjecture.


After I was ready, I left my flat immediately and followed the actions of the last time and arrived at the factory. Until I walked into the stairs, I did not make any different actions from the last time.


When I came to the factory and walked down the stairs again to the wide platform, I shone the flashlight toward the platform.


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Sure enough, the woman was still there. Like last time, she also saw me and struggled slightly.


To be safe, I put on my sunglasses again.


The sight in front of me made me sigh with relief.


Although the surrounding light looked dim, after putting on the sunglasses, through the sunglasses, I still clearly saw the girl who was tied to the wooden stake exuded a terrifying dark crimson light. Saying that it was dark crimson, actually in the dark, it looked like a dark colour even more.


Like a burning black sun, those rays of light twisted and writhed around her.


I had never seen this color on pedestrians on the road or anywhere else, and even the color indicating the factory was just a faint orange-yellow color.


I swallowed involuntarily, trying to relieve my tension at this time. It seemed that the previous decision was wrong, and the woman in front of me didn't look like a simple character.


Although I was a bit resistant, I had to choose to approach her.


I walked slowly, moving a little bit in the direction of the woman on the platform.


When the distance was close enough, a system prompt popped up before my eyes.


[Task Objective: Rescue the hostage, difficulty: E]

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