After a while, I arrived at my destination.

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The building in front of me was a dilapidated villa, which seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time. The two kidnappers seemed to especially like this kind of place. The courtyard of the villa was messy, full useless wood and broken marble pillars.


But it was a building like this that was emitting a strange orange light at this time, and there was no doubt that the two men were in this building at this time.


Seeing that the front door could not be entered, I turned to the back of the villa and found that the iron gate of the courtyard of the villa was not locked at this time. I gently pushed open the iron gate, came to the corner of the villa, and quietly looked inside the villa through the glasses.


What I saw was an empty room full of dust. There were no footprints on the dust, indicating that no one had been in this room for a long time. I gently climbed over the window and slid into the room.


To be on the safe side, I did not take off my sunglasses, I also took the Post-it note in my hand. Because I have never seen what the two men looked like, so I decided that as long as there was a person emitting the orange light, I would subdue him first no matter what.


But what made me feel strange was that until I searched all the rooms on the first floor, I didn’t find anyone. So I walked up to the second floor quietly. However, I still couldn’t find a trace of anyone after I searched the second floor.


As I said before, the whole house was covered with dust. If someone had been here recently, there would be footprints.


But the whole house had been explored by me. Apart from my own footprints, no one else's footprints had been found.


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That was to say, there was no one in this building, but the light of the sunglasses clearly pointed to this building.


I carefully pondered the situation that made me feel contradictory. After recalling the previous factory, I seemed to have gotten some clues.


These two people did not use the factory building before, but used a more concealed basement, then did it mean that...


Thinking of this, I hurriedly went downstairs and walked out of the house. I circled the house and found a passage to the basement on the side of the house.


Seeing that my guess was not wrong, I exhaled a sigh of relief. Then I felt a little nervous. After all, it was very likely that the two evil cult members were in the basement at this time.


After making all the preparations on the ground, I took a flashlight and walked in.


Unlike the underground passage of the previous factory, the stairs here still had lights on the walls, and the stairs were not as deep as the underground of the factory. After walking for a while, I saw the iron door at the end.


The door was not locked, but slightly open. Through the gap in the door, I could see the light shining from inside.


After confirming that there was a light, I put away the flashlight and held the Post-it note in both hands.

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This was the basement of the house, so the space was definitely not as big as the factory. It was very likely that as soon as I entered, I would meet those two people.


Since the head-on conflict became an unavoidable situation, I had to face it. With Post-it notes in my hand, as long as I caught them by surprise, the probability of winning was quite high.


After counting one, two, and three in my heart, I made up my mind and kicked open the iron gate.


"Don't move! You are arrested..."


I shouted the lines that I had prepared to scare people, but before I finished speaking, the following words got stuck in my throat.


The lights in the room were not bright, but the dim yellow incandescent light still made me see the situation clearly.


The first thing that caught my eye was two people who were tied up. They were lying on the ground in a coma. They should be the two hostages who had been transferred before.


On the ground in front of them, there was a strange half-painted circle, exactly the kind I saw under the factory. On the unfinished circle, lying two headless bodies of men, their heads had already rolled into the corner. Probably they had just died, so the broken necks were still gurgling with blood, even the bodies were still twitching unconsciously.


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But these were not the reasons that made me stunned. What really made me unable to speak was the petite figure standing beside the two corpses.


Through the sunglasses, I could clearly see that the person's body was emitting a black-red light, under the shining of the dim yellow incandescent light, it was like the black sun burning slowly in the world.


The person was not tall. SHe was dressed in a strange maid costume, with waterfall-like hair draped over her shoulders. Her golden pupils were shining in the shadows, and she was holding a strangely shaped black and purple short knife. At the moment, the sharp knife was pointing to the ground, drops of blood were dripping from it.


This person was the girl named Ye Zi that I sent home yesterday!


I didn't know how to express my shock at this time, but for a while I didn’t know how to react.


Obviously, Ye Zi had also discovered me, or she had already discovered me before I entered the basement.


She turned her golden pupils to look in my direction, her face seemed to be shrouded in ice, without the slightest expression.


"You are here."


The simple words without any emotion made my whole body's hair stand up in an instant. It was a feeling of being watched by a superior person. If it must be compared, it was like a sheep being stared by a cheetah. Obviously, I was that sheep.

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I swallowed and tried to moisten my dry throat so that my voice would not be so hoarse.


"Ye...Ye Zi, what are you doing here?"


Ye Zi frowned at once, but her voice was still cold.


"Are you blind? Can’t you tell by looking at it?"


Of course I could see it clearly! In this situation, I could tell at a glance that you killed the two evil cult members cleanly, but everyone would doubt it, right?  A thin girl beheaded two adult males like cutting vegetables? What kind of joke was this?


She looked at me, who had a shocked expression, and showed a very disappointed look.


"Well, then you can die together with them."




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