Chapter 43: Lian Jingyuan

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After spending a week in the hospital, Xia Liang was discharged and returned home with his arm in a sling. Colleagues from the special task force came to pick him up, bringing flowers, nutritional supplements, and gifts from Zheng Youqing, who was representing the provincial department at a meeting.

Xia Liang was in good spirits, having spent his days in the hospital eating and sleeping. His complexion had become rosy, and even his angular chin had rounded out. After being discharged, he continued to live in his old dormitory without Yun Xiaoxiao to take care of him. He had to do everything by himself.

“Are you really letting him stay in the dormitory? With his arm in a sling, he’ll have trouble even eating. Can he manage on his own?” Chong Zhen questioned.

Hu Songkai felt guilty for not taking better care of Xia Liang and immediately suggested, “Why not have Xia Xia stay with me? My house might be small, but I have everything, and Gege can take care of you.”

Chong Zhen protested with disdain, “You? Forget it. While Xiao Xia is recovering, he needs a clean and comfortable environment. Last time I visited your place as a guest, how long has it been since you took down and washed those curtains? They’ve turned from white to black.”

Hu Songkai retorted, “Look at you! You’ve even stuffed socks under your pillow, making it as wrinkled as dried vegetables!”

Wu Xiaolei felt awkward, but Yun Xiaoxiao remained unfazed – she was already accustomed to the distinct lifestyles of their two senior colleagues. For the sake of the reputation of the criminal investigation team, someone needed to step forward now to prove that middle-aged men weren’t all slovenly uncles, that there could be refined and elegant mature charm.

“Let Lao He take care of Xiao Xia.” Chong Zhen suggested.

“Yes, Lao He is obsessed with cleanliness. His house is cleaner than a hospital room.” Hu Songkai agreed.

All eyes turned to He Wei. He Wei gave a faint smile, “I’m afraid that won’t work right now.”

Chong Zhen slung his arm over He Wei’s shoulder, “What’s the problem? You live alone, and you have a spare room, don’t you? Xiao Xia is all grown up now; he doesn’t need you to hold his hand. Just some support would do.”

“It’s not for that reason,” He Wei paused, “My place isn’t convenient; someone is already staying there.”


Everyone was surprised, and Yun Xiaoxiao quickly caught Zheng Youqing’s shoulder, becoming her strong mental support.

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Noticing their puzzled looks, He Wei explained, “It’s not a partner, just a friend.”

“…” Everyone looked at He Wei with obvious disbelief. Over the years, He Wei had earned a reputation not just within the criminal investigation team but across the entire police bureau for being “emotionally distant.” Here, “emotionally distant” didn’t refer to physiological issues but rather his personality. He had no interest in romance, and even his ordinary interpersonal relationships were quite bland. Aside from a few friends on the team, hardly anyone could establish a connection with him.

In essence, it was incredibly hard to get close to He Wei. Invite him to dinner, he’s allergic to many foods; ask him to go karaoke or to a bar, he’s not interested, preferring to read at home; buy him gifts, he’s too polite, saying he doesn’t lack anything; introduce him to beautiful women, please, Zheng Youqing isn’t even resolved yet, and there’s more coming.

Hence, most paths to He Wei were blocked. He also had a slight touch of OCD, so most people couldn’t get close to him, let alone live with him. 

“It’s really not a partner, just a friend from out of town.” He Wei explained again.

Chong Zhen patted his back, “We get it, we get it! Just a friend, we completely understand! No misunderstandings here!”

Scratching his head, Xia Liang interjected, “Chong-ge, ErHu-ge, you don’t need to worry about me. I can manage on my own. It’s not a severe injury, and the bureau has given me extended sick leave. If I’m not even on duty, what’s not possible?”

Chong Zhen and Hu Songkai came up with various eccentric ideas, planning to find Xia Liang a bodyguard caretaker. Xia Liang was taken aback and quickly stopped their crazy suggestions, mustering the strength to lift his bandaged arm. He almost resorted to doing push-ups to prove his strength.

Rubbing his chin, He Wei spoke softly, “You could come to my place if you want.”

“Isn’t your friend already living there? Wouldn’t Xiao Xia be a bother?” A bother to you and your “friend’s” quality time.

He Wei smiled faintly, “It’s not a dormitory; it’s my home.”

Chong Zhen suddenly realized this, displaying an incredulous expression. He Wei had already made up his mind; he let Xia Liang into the car and headed to his home. His mother was always complaining about the house being too quiet without anyone around – having the lively Xia Liang around would surely add some excitement.

Standing outside the electronic gate of the row of villas, Xia Liang’s only thought was, “Oh my god.” The butler came to open the door, and He Wei patted him on the back, “Go inside.”

“Captain-Captain He, is this your house?”

“Otherwise?” He Wei led Xia Liang inside and turned to the butler, saying, “Uncle Qin, this is my colleague from work. He’ll be staying here temporarily. Please take care of him.”

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Uncle Qin immediately arranged for a room to be prepared, had servants place Xia Liang’s luggage, and asked with a warm smile, “Young Master, may I ask for your surname?”

“Xia, my surname is Xia.” He was scared to death.

He Wei reassured, “Don’t worry, treat this place as your own home. I’ve talked to my mother; you don’t need to worry about food, clothing, or expenses. You don’t need to do anything; just focus on recovering. And when you have free time, chat with my mom. She enjoys traditional Chinese studies; there are several books on the bookshelf in the study. You can read to her.”

Xia Liang nodded quickly, “I’ll definitely keep Auntie company and read stories to her!”

“If you need anything, just give me a call. Oh, and,” He Wei thought for a moment and reminded, “If you see someone who looks exactly like me, dresses in suits, and has a mild temperament, blushing often, don’t assume I’ve changed my ways.”

“Who is that?”

“My twin brother. He has a teardrop mole below his eye. Just don’t mistake him for me.”


After three interrogations and repeated questioning, He Lu had provided all the information he could. The differences between his previous statements and his current ones weren’t significant, making his testimony credible. During the initial investigation, several of He Lu’s colleagues testified on his behalf, insisting they were all out of town for a meeting and thus he couldn’t have committed the crime. As a result, the hotel surveillance footage was never investigated. This time, they visited Anshui City specifically for that purpose. The surveillance footage showed He Lu leaving the hotel on the evening of the 13th, returning around 2:30 a.m. on the 14th. Coupled with highway toll booth footage, it was enough to prove He Lu’s innocence.

Ke Dongrui’s expression displayed clear disappointment. “It really has nothing to do with him. He didn’t lie.”

“It’s true; he didn’t lie. Aren’t you satisfied?” Cheng Zesheng asked.

“I’m not satisfied. This man is too despicable. If I were He Wei, I’d want to take him even if I were a ghost.” Ke Dongrui clenched her fist.

Xiang Yang was driving, goosebumps appearing on his arm, and his neck shrank. Ke Dongrui asked, “Vice-Captain Cheng, does that mean we’ll have to release him when we go back?”

“No rush. Our fieldwork and investigation need to be meticulous and thorough, leaving no important information overlooked. We need to re-investigate all his colleagues and friends, ensuring nothing is omitted. Understand?”

Ke Dongrui’s eyes lit up with understanding, nodding, “Right, to clear his name, we definitely need to gather evidence diligently and meticulously, leaving no stone unturned. It’s okay if it takes ten days or half a month.”

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Cheng Zesheng crossed his arms, looking earnest. “Exactly, we must have the spirit of serving the people.”

“…” Xiang Yang rubbed his hands, his goosebumps getting worse.

On a rainy night in Shengzhou City, Cheng Zesheng received an invitation from Lian Jingyuan to meet at a café.

Cheng Zesheng opened the menu and casually asked, “Why aren’t we going to your bar?”

Lian Jingyuan propped his chin up and smiled, “Can’t go there. Officer Cheng, your image and demeanor are too striking. Many customers at the bar have been asking me for your contact information.”

“… I’m not gay.” Cheng Zesheng closed the menu, handed it to the waiter, and said, “Just a cup of black tea, please.”

Lian Jingyuan ordered a caramel coffee. The sound of the stirring spoon clinking against the porcelain cup mixed with the soft rain outside. His fingers were fair and slender, with rounded and neat nails. The smooth nail surface had a pearl-like hue, and these hands were like a work of art, easily captivating all attention.

“What’s the matter with asking me out today?” Cheng Zesheng asked as he picked up his black tea.

“I heard that He Lu has been arrested. Is it true?”

“Yes, he’s involved in the death of He Wei. We’re investigating.”

Lian Jingyuan lowered his eyes for a moment before smiling, “Officer Cheng, He Lu’s feelings for He Wei were too domineering. With his extreme personality, he’s capable of anything.”

“You know?” Cheng Zesheng raised an eyebrow. “Then why didn’t you tell me from the beginning that He Lu had issues?”

“Well…” Lian Jingyuan smiled helplessly, “Their brotherly matters, I couldn’t interfere. Plus, I promised my senior not to tell anyone. And I believe with Officer Cheng’s wisdom, you’ll definitely uncover the connection between them.”

Cheng Zesheng chuckled, feeling that Lian Jingyuan was acting strange. The topic of today’s meeting was peculiar; he wasn’t a gossip-loving person. Yet he was inquiring about He Lu. Could these two have some hidden conspiracy or connection?

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The sound of the spoon clinking against the porcelain cup was harmonious and pleasing. Lian Jingyuan added a sugar cube, using his thumb and index finger to hold the white porcelain spoon, continuing to stir. The rain outside intensified, creating a symphony of sounds—the clinking of the spoon, the pattering of the raindrops against the window—and for a moment, it was difficult to distinguish which sound was crisper, the stirring of the coffee or the rain on the glass.

“Officer Cheng, He Wei was my senior. He was controlled and oppressed by his younger brother, forced to shut himself off from his emotions. For He Lu’s death, he will have to pay a certain price. He is guilty, isn’t he?”

Cheng Zesheng felt as though he was in a 360-degree surround sound music venue. Lian Jingyuan’s voice became distant and elongated, ethereal and vague. His words reverberated in his ears, leaving only a few fragmented words:

He Lu… is guilty.

Just as Cheng Zesheng was about to nod, his heart skipped a beat twice. He was suddenly alarmed; a shock ran through him, and tiny beads of sweat formed on the tip of his nose.

No, something’s not right. He Lu didn’t commit murder; he’s innocent.

“Officer Cheng, think carefully. Are there really no loopholes in the evidence you’ve gathered from He Lu? There must be some; as long as you can find a tiny flaw, He Lu won’t escape…”

Cheng Zesheng suddenly grabbed Lian Jingyuan’s hand. The crisp, clinking sound of the spoon abruptly stopped.

Lian Jingyuan wasn’t flustered. He stared at Cheng Zesheng calmly. Cheng Zesheng put his caramel coffee aside, took out a tissue, and wiped the tiny beads of sweat from the tip of his nose. He composedly said, “Boss Lian, while I may not like He Lu, I won’t disregard fairness, ignore evidence, and send him to court. Your actions are obstructing judicial fairness, do you realize that?”

“To achieve this level of psychological manipulation is quite impressive. Unfortunately, I’ve also taken courses in hypnosis during my time at the police academy. It’s not so easy for me to fall into such a trap.” He glanced outside the window and then back at the coffee cup. “I finally understand why you wanted to meet me on a rainy day.”

Lian Jingyuan remained silent, not embarrassed or ashamed after being exposed. Instead, he was surprisingly calm as he said, “I’m telling the truth. He Lu isn’t a murderer, he’s a much more sinister soul manipulator. Even if his brother’s death isn’t directly related to him, he must still take responsibility for his brother’s life.”

“Why are you so persistent? You’re willing to resort to hypnosis to have me send He Lu to prison…” Cheng Zesheng looked surprised. “Did you like He Wei too?”

Lian Jingyuan gave a bitter smile, shook his head, and spoke softly after a while, “I just think my senior was pitiable. Why did the person he once loved immigrate? Because He Lu injured him and threatened that if he appeared by He Wei’s side again, he would pay an even greater price.”

“After that incident, He Wei didn’t dare to love anyone and couldn’t resist his brother. He could only endure in silence.” Lian Jingyuan lowered his head, covering his eyes with his elegant hand. “Pitiable, he was truly pitiable. If my senior could have had the same momentum as his final appearance to break free from He Lu’s shadow, I wouldn’t have considered using your hand to eliminate him.”

Cheng Zesheng handed over a piece of paper.

“I’ll treat today’s matter as if it never happened. While I understand your intentions well, He Lu truly didn’t commit murder, and we don’t have the right to convict him.” Cheng Zesheng placed the coffee in front of him. “In the future, let’s meet at your bar for anything. I’m afraid I might pay a heavy price if I’m not careful.”

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