Chu Guowei glared at Chu Xiang and said, “Aren’t you going to say something? Who the hell is he? Did your temperament change recently because of him?”

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“Say something, you damned child!” Fang Ping raised her hand and was just about to hit Chu Xiang’s arm.

Liang Jun caught Fang Ping’s wrist right in front of Chu Xiang. The elevator door opened just in time and revealed the underground garage. Liang Jun let go of the woman and escorted Chu Xiang out of the elevator, making a beeline to his car with large strides.

“Wha- Stop! Stop right there!” Fang Ping was the first to catch up and shouted.

Liang Jun and Chu Xiang both ignored her. They got into the car and let the Chu family chase after them to bang on the windows, and Liang Jun directly started the car.

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The Chu family flew into a rage, but Liang Jun was quite scary when he was expressionless. They did not know Liang Jun, so they did not know if he would just plow into them without caring. They did not dare to stop the car and could only watch as it drove away.

Chu Zhe kicked the pillar next to him and seethed. “What now? Just let them go?”

Chu Guowei lit a cigarette in annoyance. “What else can we do? She’s forgotten her roots and won’t listen to us anymore. Are we supposed to drag her back? That’ll still have to depend on the person.”

Fang Ping chased after the car for more than a hundred meters. When the car finally went out of sight, she stopped and panted with her hands on her knees. “We haven’t even given her the account number. What now? Will that damn child really break off relations with us and avoid us? What does she think she’s doing? How did she change become like this?”

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“Do you even need to ask? It must be that man who taught her to do this. He’s afraid that her family will take money from her after they get married. No one can beat her when it comes to being miserly. She’s earning so much money after making the gold list but won’t give any to her family. Instead, she’s giving it to that man and being some kind of housewife instead. She must be brain-damaged.” Chu Zhe kicked the pillar again. The white pillar got peppered in shoe prints.

Fang Ping was indignant. “He’s so stingy that he’s not even giving a betrothal gift. Chu Xiang is also stupid. How could she marry someone like that? The car he drives looks good, and he dresses well too. His family background must be good. Shouldn’t the groom prepare a house, a car, and one million yuan as a betrothal gift when getting married? Chu Xiang can earn money by writing novels. That man is just taking advantage of her by marrying her.”

“Enough already. What’s the point of saying all that? She’s already gone. Hurry up and think of a way to find her. Come on. We’ll ask her previous landlord.” Chu Guowei smoked a few cigarettes and called them both to leave.

When Liang Jun and Chu Xiang drove a distance away, he laughed. “How was it? My performance earlier wasn’t bad, huh? I blocked them for you as soon as I saw that you were unhappy talking to them.”

Chu Xiang wilted a little. She softly leaned back in the seat and said breathlessly, “If I’d known it’ll turn out like this, I wouldn’t have come. I really did not expect it to be like this after falling out with them. It’s like there are a thousand flies buzzing in my ears.”

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Liang Jun guffawed. “Seriously? You can’t handle it already? Do you usually get very annoyed when I talk to you about this and that, then?”

“It’s not the same.” How could talking to a normal person be the same as talking to a numbskull? Chu Xiang did not even have the strength to speak and only wanted to sleep. She closed her eyes directly.

Liang Jun’s heart skipped a little when he heard those four words. He also did not know why, but for an inexplicable moment, it felt like Chu Xiang was saying that he was special— that he was different from others.

He turned his head to look at Chu Xiang and saw her close her eyes in fatigue. On rare occasion, he did not speak and simply drove silently. However, his mind was not quiet at all. He could not sort out his chaotic thoughts.

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Today, he was sad to learn that she planned to go abroad, he was teased by her, he thought that her bare face was quite cute, and he was subconsciously worried that her family would bully her. He was really acting abnormally!

Great God Liang had read countless novels before. In just the span of one red light, he realized that his heart might have been a little moved. That thought stunned him since he had never had a crush on anyone before, and Zhuo Yu and Hua Zi both said that he had very high standards. How did he suddenly develop a crush on Chu Xiang?

He could not help but glance at Chu Xiang a few more times. To be honest, Chu Xiang really wasn’t some kind of timeless beauty. Although he could tell that her facial features were not bad if he looked closer, her being fat ruined everything so she could not be considered a beauty. However, he was not someone who attached great importance to appearances. What he cared about was if her soul was interesting. Was he moved because Chu Xiang was an interesting person?

However, there were many interesting people. Why was he moved by Chu Xiang so easily?

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