Black-hearted Lotus Twin (7)

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Chu Xi appeared so pitiful and harmless. The girl she asked agreed without thinking and personally took her to the library.

Chu Xiang was now a popular figure in the school. Almost everyone knew that she reads books in the library at this hour every day, reading professional books that are thicker than bricks, and sits in a fixed position by the window.

As soon as Chu Xi walked inside, she attracted a lot of people's attention, because her dress was very soft and cute, while Chu Xiang exuded a kind of confidence and strength. The two had completely opposite temperaments. Everyone's first reaction when they saw her was — Why is Chu Xiang's appearance not quite right today?

Then everyone looked towards Chu Xiang and found that she was sitting by the window and reading a book. Two girls who looked exactly the same but exuded a very different feeling; everyone realized that they were twin sisters. Almost everyone in the vicinity shot glances curiously. After all, such beautiful twins were rare, plus Chu Xiang was even outstanding. Everyone subconsciously wanted to take a second look.

Chu Xi slowly walked to Chu Xiang and sat down. She showed a sweet smile and whispered, "Sister."

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Everyone saw the frost that formed on Chu Xiang's face in an instant. The two classmates sitting opposite her felt the tense atmosphere almost immediately and inexplicably didn't even dare to breathe.

Chu Xiang whispered in a glacial tone, "Are you here to continue to harm me, or do you want to know if your disease can be cured?"

Chu Xi had already prepared her draft, and wanted to cry out in public that Chu Xiang had misunderstood her and bullied her, but when she heard whether her disease could be cured, she was stunned. She stared at Chu Xiang subconsciously, and failed to react the slightest bit.

Chu Xiang closed the book, took out her phone, and said lightly, "Some people are lucky enough to be cured of congenital heart deformities, while some will suffer from the disease all their lives. Unfortunately, you are the latter. I have studied medicine for a while and have confirmed one thing. That is, no doctor in the world can cure you."

Chu Xi's pupils shrank, and her face instantly went white. She stood up sharply and stared at Chu Xiang, her lips trembling as she sternly rebuked, "You're talking nonsense! You're talking nonsense! My illness can be cured!!!"

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Her almost screaming voice caused the entire library to look in their direction with surprise. Chu Xiang got up with her book in her arms and bowed her head apologetically to everyone, "Sorry for disturbing everyone. I'll leave now."

Chu Xiang fixed her chair and walked out. Chu Xi pulled her back and said urgently, "Chu Xiang, stop right there! Tell me clearly. What do you mean by that? Who did you confirm with? How did you confirm it? What made you say that?"

Chu Xiang frowned, got rid of her grip, and said aloud, "Administrator, please call security. This girl is harassing me, thank you."

The administrator froze. Seeing that Chu Xiang did not look like she was joking, she hurriedly called security.

Chu Xi's eyes widened. She exclaimed, "I'm your sister!"

Chu Xiang took a few steps back and picked up her phone to call an ambulance. "We have a heart attack patient here. Please arrive as soon as possible, thank you."

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"I'm not having a seizure! Chu Xiang!" Chu Xi looked at the strange Chu Xiang in front of her incredulously. What has happened in the past five months? Why did Chu Xiang seem to have turned into a different person?

Just as she was about to speak, Chu Xiang replied coldly, "Chu Xi, ever since you deliberately tripped me into the water and almost drowned me, I have no more relationship with you. If your memory is poor, let me tell you once again. I have severed my relationship with the Chu family, and even returned the money that the Chu family used to raise me since childhood. So, please don't come and harass me again."

"But since you are curious about your illness, I can answer you."

Chu Xi's defense that just reached her tongue was blocked again. She stared at Chu Xiang and waited for her answer.

Chu Xiang looked at her and said, "The top doctors in the world can't cure your disease. Judging from the frequency of your seizures, you can live up to 25 years old if you recuperate. However, with your black heart and overthinking, thinking all day how to play the pitiful one and scheme on others, you probably can't live beyond 22."

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Many people gasped at Chu Xiang's vicious tongue and stared at her in surprise.

To Chu Xi, these words were like a sharp blade piercing her heart! When did she ever suffer such a vicious and cruel attack?! She held her heart, breathing rapidly, and then began to tremble from head to toe. "You—you——"

"I'm sorry if I was too blunt, but as a medical student, I need to tell you the truth. If you still keep your original character, 22 is definitely your limit. Then, you have less than four years left." Chu Xiang shook her head. "Maybe you should treasure what remains of your time, and stop wasting time running around to pester me. After all, you failed to kill me last time, and I will never give you a second chance to do so in this life. I won't tolerate you like I did in the past 18 years. So, look, why are you so angry that you've made yourself sick? This will only shorten your lifespan."

Chu Xi's mind went blank. The discomfort in her heart grew heavier and heavier, and her vision went dark for a while. She saw Chu Xiang's mouth open and close, coldly uttering cruel sentences in front of her, cutting off all her hopes and directly announcing the date of her death. At this moment, Chu Xiang embodied the devil, scaring her to the point of suffocation.

Chu Xi fainted abruptly. Chu Xiang was prepared and quickly gave her simple first aid to make sure she could wait for the ambulance, then got up and retreated to the side.

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