Black-hearted Lotus Twin (15)

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Chu Cheng scratched his hair irritably, walked aside to call Mr. Chu, and felt a sense of powerlessness deep inside.

Chu Xi has been very anxious since Chu Xiang went abroad. When he asked her what was going on, she didn’t say anything. She always thought about this and that by herself. The doctor told her to calm down and recuperate, but no matter how the family made her happy or accompanied her, she was rarely at peace. Nightmares often awakened her, and she could not help crying and asking them to find a matched heart for her.

Heart transplantation was almost impossible, so what could they do? In addition, even if there was a successful match, then it must be that the donor happened to be dead. That was the only time a transplant could be done for Chu Xi. The probability was even slimmer. It was a no brainer. Even if they encountered favorable circumstances, how many years could she live after the transplant was successful? It would just be another round of despair.

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But they couldn’t tell Chu Xi these, and Chu Xi didn’t listen to them, so she incessantly cried, aggrieved, saying that she didn’t want to die. She cried so bitterly till they could not bear it. That feeling of incompetence and that feeling of helplessness enveloped them all the time, stripping any happiness even for a day off them.

Chu Xi’s refusal to let go of what was weighing on her mind resulted in her condition turning serious.  As Chu Xiang concluded, the more she schemed, the more she would not live past 22. Presently, they were scared that Chu Xi would suddenly die one day, because she has lost weight over the past two years. Her complexion turned unhealthily pale, looking much like a patient. Her health was really getting worse and worse.

Chu Cheng leaned against the wall and looked at Chu Xi, scolding Chu Xiang over and over several times in his heart. Fang Jie walked up to him, glanced at Mrs. Chu, and whispered, “Is the one who called you just now really your sister? Why does she hate Chu Xi so much?”

Chu Cheng snorted coldly and said, “She is just bad at heart, treating our family as enemies and hating us to death. She was raised without any worries, but she doesn’t remember our kindness at all. She only complains about this and that, but maybe she has been bad since childhood.”

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Fang Jie said skeptically: “Impossible. Wasn’t she always peaceful before? There must be a reason why she changed abruptly, right? What happened that caused her to change?”

Chu Cheng sneered offhandedly, “What could have gone wrong? She fell into the sea by herself. She even blamed Chu Xi for tripping her up. She’s vicious and poisonous in her bones.”

Fang Jie was not from the Chu family, so she did not have the bottomless bias towards Chu Xi. Her first reaction was that the reason Chu Xiang cut ties with her family so decisively was probably because everything was true. How else could you explain why a liar still stubbornly cut ties with her family? Now, she even blatantly stunned Chu Xi out of anger. The more she looked at it, the more she felt that the Chu family was wrong about Chu Xi.

Hearing no response from her, Chu Cheng frowned and said, “What are you thinking? Xixi is my sister. Chu Xiang has long since severed ties with the family, so there is no such person in the family. Don’t say anything that shouldn’t be said. ”

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“I know.” Fang Jie heard the ambulance arrive and pushed Chu Cheng over to help. She took a few steps behind and did not move forward.

This sister-in-law was too precious, and she didn’t want to get involved. Were patients that easy to serve? If anything happened to her, the blame would be on her. What was more, she now has a lot of doubts about this sister-in-law. They got along just fine, yet she was even more reluctant to help take care of her.

Chu Xi entered the intensive care unit once more. She didn’t find the place unfamiliar when she woke up because she was more familiar with it than the school. Even the air here seemed to be telling her that her days are numbered, that she was dying.

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Mrs. Chu grasped her hand and cried, “Xixi, you must control your emotions well from now on. You can’t get so stimulated again. You’re scaring Mommy to death.”

Chu Xi turned her head and saw Mrs. Chu, who was wearing a sterile suit, as well as Mr. Chu, Chu Cheng, and Fang Jie who were looking at her through the glass window outside. She couldn’t help but think of Chu Xiang’s words. They all thought she was a drag. Fang Jie would give birth to the next generation of the Chu family after she married into the family. She was no longer the focus of the Chu family, and Chu Cheng no longer loved her as much as before. A year later, if she died, they would continue to live happily, and even become relaxed and happy because she was no longer a burden.

Why? Why could everyone be fine, but only she couldn’t? Why could Chu Xiang stimulate her wantonly, but she could only lie on the hospital bed without the strength to say a word? Why were they still after happiness when she was downright miserable?

At this moment, everyone seemed to have changed in Chu Xi’s eyes. They were no longer the loved ones who loved her, but enemies who hated her.

Chu Xi held Mrs. Chu’s hand and said weakly, “Mom, I want to live, help me…”

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