Black-hearted Lotus Twin (20)

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The loud ‘bang’ made everyone frown. Chu Cheng sighed tiredly, and inevitably felt that Chu Xi was too naive. He got up and said, “Xixi, you should rest early if you’re fine. I still have work to do, so I’ll go back to my room first.”

Mr. Chu nodded, signaling that his work was important, and told him to get going. However, Chu Xi suddenly lowered her head and said, “I saw Chu Xiang.”

Chu Cheng immediately stopped walking and said incredulously, “What? Did you see Chu Xiang? Are you serious? How did you manage to do that when the staff wouldn’t let us in?”

Chu Xi looked blankly at the carpet and whispered, “I met her on the streets. I begged her to save me, begged her to operate on me, and she said…”

“Said what?”

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“She said that she would never save me…”

“What?!” Mrs. Chu shrieked and felt a wave of vertigo. “How dare she?! She won’t even save her own sister? What is she thinking? Chu Cheng, Chu Cheng, quickly think of a way to make sure that she saves your sister. What kind of attitude is she showing? Why is she so poisonous? How did I – how did I give birth to such a creature?”

Mr. Chu frowned and said in a deep voice, “All right, stop crying, it’s annoying. We’ve tried everything, yet we can’t even meet Chu Xiang. How can we get her to save Xixi?”

Chu Cheng sat down again, wiped his face and said, “Now Chu Xiang is Xixi’s only hope. We have searched for an organ, but there is no suitable one, and Xixi’s physical condition now… She can not wait any longer. Besides, we should not consider organ replacement until it’s the last resort as the success rate is too low. Chu Xiang has the skill, which is a good thing, but I don’t know what’s going on. She just treats us as enemies. I think she, ah, can not wait for Xixi to suffer an early accident. What can we do?”

Mrs. Chu cried, “This can’t be done. She must save Xixi even if we have to force her. Let’s go to where she lives to beg. I will kneel on the ground and beg to see how shameless she can be. She is so famous now, and she can’t let her mother kneel outside, right? She will definitely save Xixi.”

“Mom, we don’t even know where she lives. After we went there last time, she changed places. How can I beg?” Chu Cheng had a headache imagining the scene of Mrs. Chu kneeling and begging. What kind of solution was this? If it was exposed by the media, how was he going to work in the company in the future?

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However, what Chu Xi heard was hope. She held Mrs. Chu’s hand and said, “Mom, we can’t find my sister, but we can find the media. If everything’s aired, Sister will definitely be able to see it, right? You don’t need to lower yourself down. I’ll go and ask. I’ll beg her to save me, no matter what she asks me to do, even if she asks me to toil and moil for her for the rest of my life. I just want to live…”

Mrs. Chu hugged her and said soothingly, “Good child, don’t worry, you are unwell. Stay at home and rest in peace. Mom will get Chu Xiang back to save you. I promise, so behave.”

Mr. Chu and Chu Cheng looked at them, hesitated several times but did not say anything to stop them. This was probably the only way.

The next day was Xia Yunhui’s wedding, and Chu Xiang, as a bridesmaid, accompanied her in the hotel dressing room to do the final touches. Xia Yunhui looked at Chu Xiang in the mirror and said, “You, the bridesmaid, have outshined me, the bride. No, no no, what are we going to do if everyone’s looking at you later?”

Chu Xiang fastened the veil on her and said with a smile, “Then don’t ask me to be your bridesmaid.”

“That won’t work, you are my best sister. Who will do it if you don’t? I have to let you witness my happiest moment. Besides, do you know how many doctors and nurses are here today? They are all my colleagues from Zheng Yu’s internship hospital. A lot of people admire you so much, they must be envious when they see you being my bridesmaid, hahaha.”

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Chu Xiang looked at her smug smile and shook her head. “You are also going to be a famous doctor in the future. Can you not stabilize your focus? The patients will be scared away if they ever see you like this.”

“In private, I am very serious in the hospital, and my mentor the master praises me every day.” Xia Yunhui picked up the bouquet on the table and said, “I’m going to throw the bouquet later. I’ll throw it to you then.”

Chu Xiang patted her head. “No, you two are so happy and sweet, so many people must be wishing to get your blessing. Throw the bouquet to the other girls. The one who receives it will be overjoyed.”

Xia Yunhui looked up at her in confusion. “Huh? Why don’t you want it? Even if you’re not dating someone now, you can still do it later. It’s not like you have to get married right away after receiving the bouquet. It’s a good omen.”

Chu Xiang sat next to her with a smile and said seriously: “Matchmaker, stop worrying. I intend to marry the scalpel in this life. I won’t want a man.”

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“I’m not interested.”

“So…If you’re not interested in men, are you interested in women? Shall I elope with you today?”

“Screw you! Do you want Zheng Yu to hunt me down?” Chu Xiang pushed her, and they both laughed.

A knock on the door of the room sounded, and Zheng Yu’s voice came outside the door, “Sorry, ladies, I accidentally heard you talking. Did I hear you guys wanting to elope? Can I, the groom, come in and arrest someone?”

Xia Yunhui convulsed into laughter. “Oops, caught in the act. Come in, come in.”

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