Respect The Strong (3)

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After regaining his freedom, joy painted his face, as if he had just survived a catastrophe. He looked up and saw that Chu Xiang was fighting with the zombies. He immediately rushed over with the dagger in his hand, frowning and cursing, “Disgusting things, you all deserve to die!”

The man’s combat power was quite strong. Chu Xiang withdrew from the battle when she saw the man and observed his skills while watching. In three minutes, the man eliminated the remaining zombies, turned to face Chu Xiang, and said seriously while gasping for breath, “Thank you for saving me.”

Chu Xiang leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, looked at him and asked, “How did you get tied up here?”

Speaking of this, Chu Xiang saw the man’s face turn gloomy. His entire expression changed, like wanted to immediately find someone to avenge himself.

The man replied in a deep voice, “Because of an idiotic battle for the leadership, we split up when the worse came to worst. But they actually tied me up here and let me die!” He hurled an expletive, looking very ugly. “I won’t let them go.”

“How many of them?”

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“Seven, and a dozen more in the camp. And you? Are you by yourself?” The man looked around and found that Chu Xiang really did not have a single companion. The look he gave Chu Xiang drastically changed. In the past days a woman single-handedly came out like this. Her skills were even notable. No matter what, she was impressive.

Chu Xiang nodded, looked at her watch and found that it was half past two. She walked towards the food area.

“What are you going to do now? Return to the camp for revenge?” Chu Xiang washed her hands with mineral water and opened a can of meat to eat.

The man stepped forward and said, “My brother is in the camp. I have to go back, and of course I have to exact my revenge. Do you want to come with me alone? You saved my life and I can do whatever you want.”

“Really?” Chu Xiang looked at him with a smile. “You’re not such an honest person, but I don’t have a companion for the time being, so I stay with you. Saving you has wasted a lot of my time. I haven’t collected supplies yet. Since there are no zombies around, first find two large bags to carry more stuff.”

The man was momentarily stunned. “Are you not leaving yet? There are not so many zombies on the upper floor as there are on the ground floor. The sound of their car led the zombies away when they escaped. It’s dangerous up there.”

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“I dare to come to save you alone, yet you dare not go to find supplies with me now?”

“Fine, let’s go.” The man glanced at her speechlessly, turned around and left. “I don’t like this kind of excitement, but I owe you. My name is Xiao Jin, what’s your name?”

“Chu Xiang.” Chu Xiang took several large plastic bags and quickly packed compressed biscuits and food with a long shelf life.

Xiao Jin looked back, and when he saw that Chu Xiang hadn’t followed, he urged, “Hurry up, I don’t know what supplies you want.”

“Survival supplies. Get going. I’ll catch up soon, don’t waste time.”

Xiao Jin’s original intention was not to leave Chu Xiang alone, considering her safety, but Chu Xiang thought he was wasting time. He cursed in a low voice, downed half a bottle of water, threw the bottle, and quickly sprinted up the stairs. Not to mention that he owed her a life, just relying on her skills, it was worth him to do these things.

Once Chu Xiang packed several bags of food and went to find Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin had already killed several zombies and packed a mountaineering backpack.

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Chu Xiang grabbed another backpack and stuffed things in it. Afterward, she ran to Xiao Jin’s side and ask about the camp casually, hinting at her desire to join. Xiao Jin immediately said with disdain, “They are all idiots, stupid and weak, and they’re fond of questioning and picking on things. When we find my brother and take revenge on the person who harmed me, we will leave.”

“Let’s see then.” Chu Xiang thought of the pistol she picked up and asked, “Do those people have weapons? Do you know where there are weapons? I found a gun on the first floor when I came.”

“Gun? It must have been dropped by that punk. He grabbed it from a police zombie earlier. There was a police station on our way here, and everyone who came out that way had a gun. That’s how it all came about.”

Chu Xiang’s eyes lit up. “Is it on the way to the camp? You didn’t go to that police station where the guns are kept, right?”

Xiao Jin stopped and looked at her in surprise. “Several of them couldn’t obtain any of them. Do you think we too are capable of it? Listen, I admit that you are competent, but there are a lot of zombies in the police station. That’s a stupid idea you have.”

Chu Xiang filled the mountaineering backpack, zipped it up, and looked at him. “We need weapons, which are the best defense to have at present. Besides, don’t you think this will also be a retaliation against them? They will never find weapons there even if they go in the future.”

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Xiao Jin looked fixedly at Chu Xiang and found that she was actually serious and said offhandedly, “You are simply crazy! That’s a dead end. I’m not going. I have to save my life to find my brother. I won’t be marching to death!”

“Okay, I’ll go by myself. Go get a car to pack these things, we’ll leave here immediately. Just put me down when we get to the police station.” Chu Xiang simply threw her bag and the bag she just filled to him. Let him be the porter.

Xiao Jin immediately reached out and held her. “Hey, do you want to die? How can you go there alone?”

Seeing Chu Xiang’s unwavering appearance, he really felt that she was a lunatic, so he issued another series of expletives under his breath. But he was not going to be a coward who hid while watching his savior die, especially since he told Chu Xiang the news.

He wiped his face hard and said helplessly, “I’ll go with you.”

Chu Xiang raised his eyebrows and laughed. She perceived that Xiao Jin was a very smart person, not an honest and loyal person. She said earlier that she would let him do anything. It was a superficial statement, not even a promise. But she didn’t expect this guy to attach great importance to saving somebody’s life, at least he dared to fight for his benefactor.

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