Respect The Strong (32)

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Chu Xiang got out of the car and threw a dagger at the who aimed a shot at them on the wall. Xiao Jin followed closely behind, and with a sniper rifle, he managed to snipe two people before getting off. He followed it with a fireball to force back the other sniper.

Zhou Zhen led the crowd to attack and commanded loudly, causing the armored vehicle to ram the door hard. His daughter was in the hands of the enemy, and in his anxiety, he didn’t care about the loss of military supplies. They densely fired bullets like they had endless wealth, and the superhumans also showed their superpowers.

Chu Xiang gestured to Xiao Jin and Xiao Cheng, and the three of them quickly hit the bottom of the city wall. She leaned on the wall with her feet, and with a little help, she jumped up the wall and knocked a man back. She bent down and extended her hands.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Cheng clasped their hands, and when Xiao Ai stepped on their wrists, they threw her up, tossing Xiao Ai directly into Chu Xiang’s hands. Chu Xiang brought Xiao Ai into the base, while Xiao Jin and Xiao Cheng also took advantage of the base wall. While the brothers were clearing the guards on the walls, Chu Xiang had already dealt with the guards of the gate, leaving the whole gate open.

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Zhou Zhen and others who witnessed this scene with their own eyes were shocked, especially Chu Xiang who climbed over the wall and killed the enemy neatly. Everyone demonstrated superb individual combat abilities, a toughness they had never seen or heard of. They were so shocked that they forgot to react. It was only when Chu Xiang whistled before they regained their senses and rushed into the Dawn Base.

The Xiao brothers were helping them, and with such a powerful superhuman as Chu Xiang, she boosted the morale of the Hope Base.

He Lin, the leader of the Dawn Base, sullenly led people to fight back. Zhou Zhen immediately shouted, “He Lin! Hand over my people and supplies!”

He Lin glared at him, gritted his teeth, and responded, “Zhou Zhen, job well done. How dare you undermine me? Return my space power user, and I can also consider letting your daughter live. Otherwise, I’ll make her the lowest woman in our base!”

“You dare!” Zhou Zhen’s eyes reddened with anxiety, and he said furiously while attacking, “I have never seen your space power user. You are just making an excuse to annex us. It’s too despicable and shameless to use this method. Fine, if you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. Let’s see who ends up dead today!

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He Lin firmly believed that it was Zhou Zhen who stole Yao Li. She was the warehouse of the Dawn Base. He wished he could kill Zhou Zhen immediately, so he ordered the two strongest superhumans of Dawn to attack him.

Chu Xiang pulled Zhou Zhen and said, “I’ll deal with these two. Go and settle He Lin.”

Zhou Zhen froze, looked up and saw that Chu Xiang had already charged forward to meet them. She attacked one with one hand, forcing those two backward. It seemingly didn’t take her much effort. He was so ecstatic that he immediately led his men to attack He Lin and the rest of his minions. He Lin had never heard of a character named Chu Xiang. He was shocked and enraged, but he couldn’t dwell deeper into it. He could only focus on the battle.

The strengths of the two superhumans that Chu Xiang faced, one gold-type and the other thunder-type, were indeed not bad. But Chu Xiang’s magic completely slaughtered the few trivial techniques they studied themselves. It was akin to hanging someone up and torturing them.

Since the apocalypse, the two have been calling the shots at the base, and became an object of worship in the Dawn Base. When they suddenly encountered such a strong opponent as Chu Xiang, they instantly became confused. In the next exchanges, Chu Xiang’s offensive increasingly became fierce. They subconsciously fled to the place they thought was safe. Like a cat catching a mouse, Chu Xiang tracked them without any effort, and thus found the place where they hid their treasures without sweat.

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Xiao Jin left the battle circle early according to Chu Xiang’s plan, went straight to a place in the base where it was closed, knocked down the guards, and successfully rescued the Hope Base people who were captured, except Zhou Yuxin.

“Where’s Zhou Yuxin? Who knows where she is?” Xiao Jin frowned and asked those who were rescued.

Several people were seriously injured. They supported each other and said anxiously, “They took Yuxin away and said they would torture her to vent their anger. We don’t know where she was taken. We could only listen to what they said underground…”

Xiao Jin ran out immediately, and when he saw people of the Dawn Base, he grabbed them and forcibly questioned them about the place where Zhou Yuxin was tortured. When he failed to get an answer, he asked the next person. He moved quickly to check all the suspicious places in the base. Ten minutes later, he finally caught a soft-headed one, successfully found the basement where Zhou Yuxin was located, and broke his way in to rescue her.

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Zhou Yuxin was fighting desperately with a superhuman. It seemed that she had been given some kind of medicine. But her desperate attacks did not allow her any advantages over the superhuman. At most, she was beaten a few more times. The corners of her mouth were bleeding, and she was in a sorry state.

Xiao Jin wrestled with the superhuman a few times. Seeing that Zhou Yuxin was still attacking, he cleverly avoided her, slipped behind her and controlled her. “Okay, I’m Xiao Jin. I’m here to save you. Relax.”

“Xiao Jin?” Zhou Yuxin shook her head and looked back at him. She finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his figure clearly, and her body softened. “Xiao Jin, save me, save me…”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, you’re safe.” Xiao Jin patted her back, picked her up by the waist and walked quickly out of the basement, heading to the direction of the gate to reassure Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen saw that his daughter and the people who were captured at the base were rescued. He finally let go of his dangling heart, but his attack grew even more violent. He must take this opportunity to decide the outcome with He Lin.

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