The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (22)

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Chu Xiang informed the doctor in advance and repeatedly asked him to tell them the precautions. She did roll down the hillside and choked on the smoke. Although she didn’t have herself fully checked out, it was true that she was in critical condition twice, and her condition was very serious. The doctor instructed Li Yuezhen to give Chu Xiang more nutritious food to supplement her, to let her rest at home for recuperation, and return for a re-examination in a week’s time.

Li Yuezhen’s face turned green when she heard these. Chu Xiang was going to be on bedrest again. How long has she been resting? She could go to college to earn allowances, she could work, but she had to eat healthy food to replenish her health. Was she asking them to serve their ancestor?!

Most importantly, Chu Xiang’s small room was burnt down and was uninhabitable. Where would she stay? Chu Xiang and Chu Lan seemed to have a grudge, so they couldn’t be allowed to stay together. This being the case, Chu Weiguo could only go to sleep with Chu Xin, and she would sleep with Chu Xiang? What solution was this? Chu Weiguo snored, and he would disturb Chu Xin!

Li Yuezhen and Chu Weiguo both had gloomy faces along the way. Moreover, they had to push the car laboriously. In no time, they were sweating profusely. They kept grumbling about Chu Xiang between themselves, but Chu Xiang merely lay on the cart with her eyes closed as if she couldn’t hear them. Last time, Li Yuezhen pushed her and almost killed her. Both of them had psychological shadows because of it, so how could they dare to do anything to her now?

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After they entered the village, almost everyone in the village who knew came, including the educated youth. Some asked how Chu Xiang was doing, some asked if she had seen Chu Lan set the fire, and others asked where she was going to live. Everyone threw question after question, and it was quite a trouble to hear who was asking what.

Chu Xiang just put on a dazed and uncomfortable look, and always replied, “I don’t know…”

Chu Xiang’s acting skills have won the International Academy Award. She looked so pitiful. Even if everyone heard that she was a broom star, they couldn’t help but sympathize with her. They marched behind the cart all the way to the Chu residence, as if they were afraid that she would be killed. It was sort of escorting her home for fear she’d be bullied.

Song Yang was also very worried. He blended in the crowd in an attempt to talk to Chu Xiang. He didn’t expect, however, that the scar on Chu Xiang’s face was as long as a finger!

Song Yang’s eyes widened in shock, and a timid educated youth next to him covered his eyes and cried out. At the time when Chu Xiang was injured, only most of the villagers saw it, and the educated youth had never seen her injury, especially Song Yang. It was also because Chu Lan deliberately gave him the impression that she was recovering well but was weak and pitiful, so within this period he has always imagined the beautiful Chu Xiang.

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Chu Lan has painted Chu Xiang beautifully in his mind. But when he saw the ferocious scar on her face without warning, the gap between heaven and earth stimulated him too much. He was totally unable to accept the impact, and unconsciously retreated several steps away from Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang didn’t spare him a single look. This kind of man made a show of being decent and proper, but he was useless when encountering an accident. It could also be said that he has experienced less and was far from calm, but what did that have to do with her? She didn’t like him, why should she mature with him?

Song Yang returned to the educated youth camp in despair, while Chu Xiang was stopped at the door of Chu’s residence. It was Grandma Chu who stopped everyone. She was so superstitious that she dared not let Chu Xiang enter the house despite her desire to maintain their prestige. She winked at Li Yuezhen and said coldly, “The child’s grandmother misses her so much, so hurry up and send her over to reassure our in-laws. Chu Xiang’s room was burnt and must be rebuilt. There’s no room for her to live in, and there’s chaos all around. Let her stay with our in-laws these days.”

Li Yuezhen’s eyes widened: “Mom, there’s no room there either!”

Chu Xiang sat up on the cart, coughed a few times with a pale face, and said weakly, “Grandma, Mom, you… what are you doing? Why aren’t you letting me in?”

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“They think you’re a broom star!” Shou Hou’er, who was squatting at the bottom of the wall, shouted and turned around, escaping behind the house.

Chu Xiang held onto the cart while trying to get down in disbelief. She looked at the expressions of the Chu family one by one and said, “It turns out that you are all superstitious? A broom star? I’ve been in the Chu family for 18 years, yet you call me a broom star?”

The villagers were watching with schadenfreude and weren’t afraid of the matter becoming a big deal. One said one thing, and the other supplemented it, not only mentioning the words broom star, but also the lucky star.

Chu Xiang gave them compliments inwardly. After hearing all the information, she exclaimed even more unbelievably, “Just because Chu Lan has caught two rabbits, she is blessed, while I am your nemesis after encountering danger twice? Then what do you mean now? Do you want to kick me out of the house and separate with me? Don’t even think about it! I have taken care of Daxin all these years, and you all said I could rely on my brother for the rest of my life!”

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As soon as the word “separate” came out, the surroundings immediately became quiet for a moment. Family separation was a very sensitive topic. The more people there were, the higher the labor. If there were not too many conflicts in their village, family separation could never arise at all. This was a very shameful topic.

But the word “separation” enlightened the Chu family all at once. Grandma Chu has not been able to interrupt, but the moment she heard Chu Xiang say that she would rely on her precious grandson, she couldn’t care less about her face, and she immediately shouted, “It’s time to split the family. At 18 years old, you’re already an adult, so what’s wrong with splitting up? You set fire to the house, falsely accused Chu Lan, and I have not scolded you yet. I won’t let you compensate for the room. Just leave. The old house at the edge of the village will be given to you.”

They approached the Captain. Shou Hou’er appeared again from the back of the house with a sneer and said, “I’ve seen shameless people before, but I’ve never seen someone as shameless as you. This is reversing black and white and bullying someone. Chu Xiang, let the Captain decide for you!”

The Captain was also surprised. He stepped forward to persuade the Chu family not to make trouble. How could they separate an unmarried little girl? Everyone also persuaded them, but Grandma Chu was bent on it.

Chu Xiang tottered, and her face became even paler. She stared at them and said, “Fine, let’s split up!”

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