The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (42)

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Chu Lan was totally oblivious to it, and was still trying to persuade him. Song Yang didn’t want to listen anymore, so he simply went to bed and slept.

Chu Lan was overflowing with words of encouragement to him, and was afraid that he would give up being an official and become an accountant. However, she couldn’t do anything else when Song Yang was sleepy. She could only pack their things as quietly as possible and prepare to move out tomorrow.

The old lady was still scolding people outside incessantly, from Chu Lan’s mother to her father, and then to Li Yuezhen and Chu Weiguo. Many villagers who had returned home from the banquet heard the farce of the Chu family and laughed at them behind their backs.

Golden Phoenix, ah! Chu Xiang, the golden phoenix, originally belonged to the Chu family, but now all the glory belonged to the Yin family! But then again, who made the Chu family blind? They held onto Chu Lan as a lucky star and also held Song Yang like a treasure. Look now. Everything they did was in vain. They could only fly into a rage, right?

Now, no one believed that Chu Lan was the reincarnation of a lucky star. To say that she was a broom star was quite apt. The lucky star was obviously Chu Xiang, and almost everyone was thinking about going to Yin residence to absorb some good fortune.

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One by one, the Chu family was terribly aggrieved. In the end, the old lady got tired of scolding. She pointed to Chu Weiguo and Li Yuezhen and ordered, “Go to Chu Xiang tomorrow, and tell her that I am ill. Ask her to come home for a visit.”

Li Yuezhen was moved, and she hesitantly asked, “Is this possible? Didn’t we say before that we have completely cut ties with each other. What should we do if she ignores us?”

“She dares!” The old lady snorted coldly. “I am her grandmother. If she doesn’t come home, she will be unfilial. She is going to be a college student, so I don’t believe that she doesn’t want a reputation. Besides, you two are her parents. How dare she disobey you? I told you from the start that she would be recognized back if she’s promising. What are you afraid of?”

These kinds of unreasonable remarks came out of the old lady’s mouth with great confidence. Although the Chu family felt that doing so was embarrassing, Chu Xiang, the golden phoenix, must be recognized, and she must be the glory of the Chu family.

The next day, Chu Weiguo and his wife specially rushed to the Yin residence when it was crowded. When everyone saw them, they were curious about their purpose, and many of the villagers walked to the vicinity of Yin residence to watch.

Yang Yuelan blocked the door gloomily and asked in displeasure, “What are you doing here?”

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Li Yuezhen smiled and said, “In-law…”

“Eh! Don’t say such nonsense. Who are your in-laws? Our Yin family has nothing to do with your Chu family. Don’t come here to climb relatives. Get lost!” Yang Yuelan didn’t give them the least bit of respect and bluntly said so in front of everyone.

Chu Weiguo frowned and replied, “Chu Xiang is our daughter. What do you mean by this as her mother-in-law? Aren’t you being too domineering, stopping us from seeing our daughter? What kind of life did my daughter live in your house?!”

Chu Xiang and Yin Xu walked out side by side. Chu Xiang replied, “Of course I lived a good life at the Yin’s house, and it couldn’t be better.”

Yin Xu took a big step forward, blocked Chu Xiang in front, and said coldly, “The Yin family and the Chu family have no ties. Chu Xiang married into my family, so she is part of the Yin family. Of course, there is no need to see you. Besides, you have signed the paperwork, so you both aren’t related in any way. This can be justified anywhere, and if this matter spreads out, no one will think that Chu Xiang is unfilial. They’ll only think that you, the Chu family, are ridiculous.”

Chu Xiang married Yin Xu so that he could play his role at this time. Naturally, she stayed behind him leisurely and refused to speak.

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Chu Weiguo and Li Yuezhen were not reconciled to their failure and called her many times, saying that her grandmother was sick, that her grandpa was unhappy, that her parents were missing her…

But no matter what they said, a daughter who got married was deemed water poured out. The Yin family and the Chu family acted as if they were feuding. Yin Xu banned Chu Xiang from contacting her parents, so she couldn’t contact them. No one could find fault in it. That was the rule in a small village like this in this day and age.

Chu Xiang merely took advantage of this loophole and left herself in the Yin family, so that the Chu family could not pester her. Even the villagers didn’t find a problem with it.

Yin Xu’s toughness rendered Chu Weiguo and Li Yuezhen incompetent and powerless. In the end, they bowed their heads and walked away in dismay.

They didn’t expect Chu Xiang to be so heartless. They didn’t expect the Yin family to be so unyielding either. Otherwise, they certainly would not have come to make a fool of themselves.

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After Chu Xiang and Yin Xu returned to the house, Yin Xu looked at Chu Xiang. “Are you at ease now?”

“I’ve never worried about it.” Chu Xiang gave him a thumbs up and laughed. “Do the same in the future, extinguish all the enemy’s hopes.”

Yin Xu jokingly gave her a salute. “As ordered, I promise to get my mission done.”

Chu Xiang patted him on the shoulder and said, “Now let’s complete another task. You haven’t fully convinced your mother to go with us. Go and persuade her. I’ll wait for your good news.”

“This is no big deal. Just wait and hide the treasures with your skills.” Yin Xu stood with his crutch by the wall and walked unhurriedly to Yang Yuelan’s room.

He could walk without crutches, but his legs weren’t that flexible yet. Everything has turned out wonderfully. Why shouldn’t they go away together as a family?

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