The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (49)

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Chu Lan anxiously got off the train, picking and pulling people around to find her packages. Many people were pulled for no reason, and were even scratched in their wrists. They could not help but frown and scold her.

Chu Lan’s sister-in-law felt embarrassed, but she couldn’t ignore her and ran over to question her, “What are you doing?! What about the bags? That’s four or five bags, how could you lose them all? Were you dead asleep or what???”

Chu Lan snapped in a rage, “If I knew, would I have lost them? How do I know where the thieves came from? You didn’t fall asleep, and you weren’t far from me, but why didn’t you watch over them? What right do you have to blow your top here?!”

The sister-in-law’s face turned blue all of a sudden, and she pushed Chu Lan hard. “Hah, why are you scolding me?! Are you a mad dog that bites whoever you catch? How is it my fault that you lost them? Can’t I even go to the toilet now? I’m telling you, don’t show your prestige in front of me. We’ve invested so much money into those goods, yet you lost them. Just prepare yourself for a scolding!”

“Scram! You’re so useless, and all you are good at is hindering me. Can’t you see that I’m looking for them? Why are you dragging me? It will be all your fault if I can’t find them!” Chu Lan was so annoyed that she couldn’t maintain her pretense any more. With little patience left, she showed her true colors and stunned her younger sister-in-law with her rebuke.

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The sister-in-law couldn’t contain her anger, and without waiting for her, she left by herself first. When she reached home, she burst into tears and complained about Chu Lan.

Chu Lan was still looking for her goods at the train station. When everyone who got off the train at the stop disappeared, she fell to the ground dejectedly.

The lost goods weren’t the most devastating, her bad luck was. She couldn’t believe that her bad luck from her previous life had actually returned. Did it mean that she was going to have misfortunes all the time in the future? She prayed to the Gods so sincerely, was it all to no avail? Then why did God let her be reborn? Just to make her suffer again?!

When a police officer saw that she was in the wrong state, he stepped forward to ask her. Chu Lan anxiously responded to the officer as if she was grabbing a life-saving straw, asking the officer to help her retrieve her bags.

The officer was very responsible and brought her back to the police station. He filed a serious record and sent someone to investigate. But in such an era without surveillance, countless people at the station carried both big and small bags. Where could they find them?

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It was not without reason that thieves were rampant in this era. If thieves were not caught and shot in the past couple of years, there would have been more thieves now, especially in a public place like the train station. Once you lose something, 99% of the time you can’t retrieve it.

Chu Lan waited at the police station until evening, only to receive the disappointing news. She didn’t have much expectation in her heart to get those goods back, and the bad news was more like a validation that her misfortune was still on track and it never ended.

No one knew her bad luck better than she did. How could the police help her get her stuff back? Even if they find the person who stole it, the goods must have been ruined for various reasons. It was impossible for her to retrieve them!

Chu Lan trudged home disheartened, feeling terribly aggrieved deep inside. However, it never occurred to her that what was waiting for her at home was not comfort, but a joint trial.

As soon as she entered the house, she saw Song Yang sitting there with her father-in-law and her mother-in-law, staring at her as if they were one step from tearing her apart.

She stop in her tracks and said preemptively, “I told you we must look after each other when we go out. Little Sister-in-law didn’t like me, and she stayed far away from me throughout the journey. I couldn’t bear it and took a nap and lost several bags of goods…”

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Her mother-in-law slapped the table, “Shut up! You mean it’s my daughter’s fault that you lost them? Why are you talking nonsense like this? It was your glib tongue that fooled us into giving you so much money to do a clothing business, yet what came out of it? You lost all your money and still dare to bully my daughter?”

Chu Lan defended herself, “I didn’t lose everything. You saw how profitable the business was when I first started. Otherwise, you would not have given me money, right? Then we all agreed to do business. How can I be blamed for the losses and profits of this thing? Didn’t Sister-in-law bring back a few bags of clothes? I’ll try to change the style and sell them at a good price to make up for the loss. It definitely won’t be a loss.”

“Not a loss? Ptooey!” Her mother-in-law stood up, pointed at her nose and riled at her, “I got it figured out. You only have the ability to open your mouth, nothing else. You can’t do anything else. Do you still want to touch those clothes? Don’t even think about it! You agreed at the outset that this is the last time. If you fail to get it done, you will divorce Song Yang. Don’t try to renege on it either. Divorce tomorrow and deal with it immediately.”

Chu Lan promptly answered, “This doesn’t count! How can this be counted? I won’t leave. This is out of the question.” She looked at Song Yang and said angrily, “Song Yang, say something!”

Song Yang frowned and said, “Chu Lan, we’re really incompatible. Let’s go together and break up. Let’s get the divorce done and stop holding each other back.”

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Chu Lan said incredulously, “Song Yang, say that again? Who took care of you in the countryside? Who took care of the family’s work so you could study hard? Who let my whole family support you? And now you want to divorce me? You are ungrateful! You’re a white-eyed wolf!”

Song Yang frowned even more. “I didn’t ask you to do any of those. Besides, I didn’t have to go to university. It’s you, who wants me to enter university. Ever since I didn’t get into college, you’ve kept yapping in my ear every day for me to study and take the college entrance exam. Do you know how annoying it is? I really can’t stand you anymore. If we could start all over, I’d rather not know you!”

Chu Lan felt as if she was punched hard. It was so painful that she couldn’t say a word. She covered her chest and took a few breaths, then rushed up in anger and beat Song Yang up. “You son of a bitch! That’s easy for you to say, I’ll kill you!”

“Stop!” Of course, her parents-in-law would help their family. They quickly dragged her away, and her mother-in-law hit her several times.

Now the Song family couldn’t tolerate her any longer. She actually dared to hit Song Yang. This was the most unforgivable sin in the eyes of the Song family!

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