The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (56)

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Looking at the rice bowl, the Commander shook his head, laughed and cursed, and drank it all in one breath. The same went for everyone. Everything didn’t look down on how they were tricked by Chu Xiang because this was how feelings in the barracks form. After such an incident, everyone admired Chu Xiang even more, because she was not a meek submissive. She had her own temper and personality. Soldiers worshiped the strong, and Chu Xiang was a powerhouse who taught them a lesson without batting an eyelid.

Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Chu Xiang suggested, “It’s still bright. How about we do the marksmanship test today as well? I heard Yin Xu say that there are two snipers in the army. I don’t know if I’m lucky enough to see them today.”

“Okay, let’s go!” Soldiers have always been enthusiastic. When everyone saw that Chu Xiang was openly challenging someone else, they were immediately enlivened. Although they were not the best of the bests, they were all elites, and nobody wanted to lose.

The Commander looked at Yin Xu. “Is Chu Xiang’s marksmanship good?”

“It should be better than your expectations.” Yin Xu shrugged. “However, I haven’t seen her fire a gun, so I don’t know.”

“Brat, you’re still beating around the bush with me. How dare you recommend her if you don’t know?”

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“Oh, so you know that I recommended her because she’s strong enough? Then you’ve gotten off on the wrong foot for putting on airs!”

“Go, go, go! You know shit! Who would approve of her without this? Let’s go and see how capable Chu Xiang is.”

Chu Xiang has not undergone formal training, but her marksmanship was honed in the post-apocalyptic world in her previous life. It was a real life-and-death battle, tempered purely from the battle.

When Chu Xiang arrived at the shooting range, she first fiddled with the gun in her hand to familiarize herself with the feel. Liang Jie, the “sniper” in the army, took the initiative to step out. He picked up another gun and said, “Sister Xiang, shall I go first?”

Chu Xiang gestured for him to go ahead and stood aside with a smile. Her attitude was so relaxed that the soldiers couldn’t help but recall her leisurely attitude before the assessment. They wondered if she would show another jaw dropping performance.

Liang Jie held one gun in one hand and another in the other. He aimed and shot quickly, firing three shots without thinking. All of them hit the center of the ten rings, and the bullets passed through the same hole!

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The crowd immediately clapped their hands and whistled and cheered. Before they could calm down, Chu Xiang casually raised her gun with one hand and also fired three shots. The thing was all the bullets also passed through the same hole. Unlike Liang Jie, her hole was tiny, which meant that she could shoot more accurately and achieved zero-error shooting!

Liang Jie was bereft of speech for a moment, but then he refused to admit defeat: “Shall we compare on mobile shooting?”

Chu Xiang nodded and replied, “Sure. It’s rare for everyone to play together. It’s fun to play more tricks.”

Liang Jie immediately asked someone to arrange the targets. He was called a sniper, and his marksmanship was naturally excellent. While the target was moving, he hit the heart with one shot.

Chu Xiang still fired a shot casually, hitting the center of the human figure’s brow. And as she fired the second and third shots, everything hit the center of the forehead!

She could hit the same spot on a moving target. This was simply mind-blowing!

Liang Jie was in disbelief and admiration. He exclaimed excitedly, “Sister Xiang! How did you do that?”

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Chu Xiang stroked the gun in her hand and smiled, “I haven’t practiced for a long time. Maybe it’s still a talent.”

She could even hit Level 5 zombies that were fleeing fast, what was a small stand?

The other “sniper” was also excited, and he strode forward to compete with Chu Xiang. The result was of course that he lost miserably. Chu Xiang never missed a shot!

The marksmanship assessment was totally unnecessary. Chu Xiang was a veritable sniper.

When the marksmanship competition ended, Chu Xiang asked them to go to the training ground to learn from each other. This kind of sparring was of course the most lively. Besides, Chu Xiang performed superbly throughout the day so these soldiers in the army would inevitably crave for a win. They hoped that at least one of them could beat her.

However, when it came to fighting, what Chu Xiang knew was not only the tricks she learned in the post-apocalyptic world, but also the tricks she had studied in combination with various exercises. How could these people in the army rival her?

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Thus, a strange phenomenon ensued in the training ground. This recruit, Chu Xiang, abused them so badly! Sometimes they didn’t even get to see how she moved, and her opponent was already down.

At the beginning, everyone became more and more enthusiastic, and rushed to challenge Chu Xiang successively. Afterwards, they were all wilted. They were really abused so badly that they couldn’t find any flaws at all.

They were really awake now. What was gentle and kind? Who was the good Sister-in-law? Chu Xiang was too formidable. This was her vengeance against them making things difficult for her earlier. Nevertheless, everyone was enthused, excited to have such a strong comrade in arms!

The stronger Chu Xiang was, the more they liked her. All this while, Chu Xiang’s frank and open “retaliation” was really to their liking. This showed that Chu Xiang did not really mind it, but she used their method to get closer to them.

After a day of such abuse, they sincerely accepted Chu Xiang completely. They no longer had doubts.

The Commander was the happiest among them. He patted Yin Xu and sighed: “You came back well this time. With you and Chu Xiang, this mission is more secure. However, the high danger level remains the same. Don’t be careless. You must complete it and come back whole.”

His statement was tantamount to approving Chu Xiang and Yin Xu to do the mission together, which was the highest recognition. Yin Xu confidently replied, “Prepare the celebration feast and wait for our return.”

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