The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (61)

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Chu Xiang offered to split up for the sake of ease of movement, and as soon as she left the room, she and Yin Xu split up.

Although she has very little spiritual power in this life, this much spiritual power is enough to sharpen her ears and see as bright as day in the dark, so she moved very fast, and disappeared from Yin Xu’s view in the blink of an eye.

Yin Xu glanced in her direction, composed himself and bowed slightly, then silently began to explore. Meanwhile, Chu Xiang took out an infrared heat-sensing glass from her inventory space, put them on and knew the location of everyone in the manor. She easily avoided everyone and found the study.

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There were two people guarding the front door of the study. Chu Xiang took a look at it from afar and quietly went to lure two wolf dogs. The wolf-dogs recognize their masters, but Chu Xiang wrapped her body with spiritual energy, and all the animals would only become indiscriminately close to her. She took out a small piece of meat from the space, infused it with spiritual energy, and threw it far away.

The two wolf dogs barked furiously and rushed out to grab the piece of meat. Because there was spiritual energy in it, the two of them fought instantly! The two men at the door of the study were closest to the dogs and were startled to see this, so they hurriedly pulled out their guns and went to check. The duration of time they left the study was only half a minute, but Chu Xiang has already sneaked into the study in this gap.

She took out her camera and took a lot of pictures in the study, then started to carefully avoid the traps. She searched for possible information. A room had many places to hide things. Although difficult to find, Chu Xiang, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, has seen and gained a lot of knowledge. She can always guess some secret locations. It took her five minutes to remove the table legs and find a list from the hollow ones.

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Chu Xiang immediately used the camera to take a clear picture of the three-page list, and then restored the list and the table leg to their original state. She scanned the list twice. It was a list of people involved in Uncle Chai’s drug business, mostly partners and some capable underlings, not the list of agents they were looking for, but it was still a great gain.

Chu Xiang searched the study for another three minutes, but found nothing else. She checked the photos she took when she first came in and returned everything to its original position without a single deviation. Even the little scraps of paper clipped to the side of the drawer were clipped back. She then climbed the beam at the door and casted a wind spell. Immediately, a gust of wind blew open the window and topple over the pen stand on the desk.

The two people outside the door opened the door to check. Since the window is next to them, they saw with their own eyes how it was blown open by the wind and no one came in. Naturally, they did not grow suspicious and left after picking up the pen holder and closed the window. Meanwhile. Chu Xiang took advantage of their entry. She quickly tumbled out of the house behind their back, landing silently along the edge of the eaves in the side of the study and diving into the night.

It took only half an hour from the time she scouted to the time she finished looking for something to get out of the study. Then, she went to Uncle Chai’s place. Here, the security is even tighter. The house is surrounded by more than a dozen people. Chu Xiang wasted a lot of effort to get on the roof and slowly lift a tile to look inside.

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Uncle Chai is still awake. Having a new partner and the potential to gain new contacts excited him, but also make him nervous. He had to be cautious and rethink everything, so he did not feel the slightest bit drowsy. Jin Ze was preparing tea next to him, and the two conversed about Chu Xiang and their business somewhat seriously.

Throughout the day, Chu Xiang’s side was basically her and Yin Xu taking the mantle, with Li Dong and Liang Jie reducing their presence. Both she and Yin Xu are experienced, calm and adaptable, showing no flaws at all, and it was only when Jin Ze wanted to send someone to Chu Xiang that Yin Xu showed some “emotion”, which reassured Jin Ze that there is no such thing as a perfect partner with no weaknesses. Yin Xu’s “emotions” are a good example of the relationship between the two of them, explaining the source of their tacit understanding of each other’s actions.

Uncle Chai and Jin Ze talked and analyzed for a long time, and finally concluded that they had to work with Chu Xiang, but they had to be very careful.

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Chu Xiang lurked on the roof for a long time, observing the layout of the room and speculating on important locations where things might be hidden. Then she observed Uncle Chai. The important things must only be known to Uncle Chai himself. No matter how good a person is at hiding, they will have subconscious reactions when they relax.

When she studied acting, she studied micro-expressions, and when Uncle Chai and Jin Ze were talking and when it was just Uncle Chai himself, his various expressions gave away certain information. Chu Xiang noticed that he touched the pocket watch hanging on his chest twice during this period, and before going to bed, he folded his clothes neatly and placed them on the chair, but put the pocket watch under his pillow.

A pocket watch – If held a special meaning, it is normal to be placed under the pillow as a kind of comfort. But for a person like Uncle Chai, Chu Xiang does not think he would allow himself to have such a soft side. Then this pocket watch is likely to have another meaning that deserves to be valued.

Chu Xiang’s current strength is not that strong, so it is not appropriate to alert the opponent. If she guessed wrongly, causing a commotion would cost them the chance to go undercover. She put back the tiles and quietly went back to her residence.

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