The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (63)

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“Uncle Chai!!!” Jin Ze and the others shouted in alarm, immediately jumping into the water to rescue Uncle Chai.

Chu Xiang crouched behind a bush and looked around nervously, raising her voice, “Hurry! The place is too open and easy to target. Hurry up!”

When Uncle Chai was rescued, he immediately cast a suspicious look at Chu Xiang, only to see that Chu Xiang was vigilantly hiding. Yin Xu, Li Dong, and Liang Jie were on guard on three sides of her, keeping her safe in the middle, with their jaws tense and their fingers on the trigger, perfectly matching each of their identities. Nothing looked suspicious.

He subconsciously touched his chest, and suddenly his face changed and he dove back into the water!

“Uncle Chai! What’s wrong?” Jin Ze reached out in surprise. His face was full of confusion, “Uncle Chai, are you hurt? I’ll bring you up!”

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Uncle Chai barked, “I dropped my pocket watch. I must find it. Quick, call everyone to come and find it! And,” he pointed to Chu Xiang with a grim face, his voice suppressed with anger, “Arrest them all! Search them!”

Chu Xiang snapped her head back, looking at the approaching thugs, and stood up with a frosty expression, “Uncle Chai, what is this supposed to mean?”

Uncle Chai narrowed his eyes and stared at her, not letting go of the slightest change in her face, and said in a deep voice: “Sorry, I lost something valuable and must find it immediately. Forgive me, Ms. Lin.”

“Heh, Uncle Chai suspected that I stole something?” Chu Xiang sneered and fished out the gun on her waist, “You think too lowly of me, Uncle Chai!”

Yin Xu, Li Dong, and Liang Jie instantly pointed six guns at the people around the. Uncle Chai’s men have also drawn out their guns, and tension rose. By now, all of Chu Xiang’s buried thunderbolts have exploded. The silence of the manor made the atmosphere even tenser, accompanied by the smell of smoke in the air. The situation was very grim.

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Uncle Chai still had a cold face as he walked up the bank holding Jin Ze’s hand. He stared at Chu Xiang and enunciated each word: “The item is very valuable, so I’m sorry. Today we must check everything, and if this matter is really not related to Ms. Lin, I will definitely apologize to Ms. Lin and give you a satisfactory explanation.”

“Impossible! If I let you do as you please to me today, how can I survive in the business in the future?” Chu Xiang slowly aimed the gun at his head and said coldly, “If you dare then let’s die together!”

Uncle Chai stared mutedly at her for two seconds and suddenly smiled, “You’re still young and vigorous, You’d rather die than give in. I admire you. How about this, Ms. Lin? I ask that you cooperate with me, and if there is a misunderstanding, from today onwards, you will be my closest partner. All the goods you want will be free of charge. How about that?”

Yin Xu timely stepped up to Chu Xiang and whispered, “Sister Xiang, we don’t know what’s going on outside, safety comes first, Since Uncle Chai is so sincere, let’s think of this as another chance to cooperate.”

Chu Xiang looked at Uncle Chai for a moment in silence, put away the gun, and said in a cold voice: “Only this once.”

Uncle Chai signaled his men, and immediately someone respectfully invited the four of them to the nearest room, and in the shortest possible time found a maid to search Chu Xiang. Since Chu Xiang had already stuffed the pocket watch into inventory, there was nothing to be found. The same thing happened to Yin Xu and the others.

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Uncle Chai was relieved by this result. As it means they are allies and not enemies, there is no need for him to be too nervous. He still appreciated Chu Xiang as a collaborator and suspected that the pocket watch fell into the pond and could be found sooner or later.

Uncle Chai asked his men to surround the pond and arranged for Jin Ze to lead a large group of men to search for the watch. Uncle Chai had a bad premonition and went back to his room with a heavy heart to shower and change his clothes.

Chu Xiang took the opportunity to excuse herself to wash her hands and opened the pocket watch alone in the small space. There was indeed a list hidden inside, and it was the list of agents they were looking for!

Chu Xiang put away the pocket watch and walked out in a relaxed mood. She picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. When she put it down, she slanted the lid against the cup.

Liang Jie’s pupils constricted for a moment and he lowered his eyes to restrain his excitement. Li Dong also quietly took a deep breath to maintain his expression.

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This is their predetermined secret code. Anyone who puts the lid on the cup like this means that the task has been completed and the list was obtained.

Yin Xu casually refilled Chu Xiang’s tea, but the surprise he felt in his heart was not any lesser than Li Dong’s. He thought back carefully on all the events of the past two days and nights.

If there was any window of opportunity for Chu Xiang to get that list, it could only have been when she and Uncle Chai were close together just now.

This coincided with Uncle Chai’s loss of important items.

However, they were all body searched, so where did Chu Xiang hide the item? If all that was Chu Xiang’s plan, the explosion must have been Chu Xiang’s handiwork. Chu Xiang could only have placed it on that night when she was scouting, and she found another list that night too. Just how much did she accomplish, and how did she do it?

Chu Xiang is incredibly powerful.

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