The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (66)

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Once Li Yuezhen saw that the threat worked, she was immediately energized and started fussing at the chief, forcing him to give Chu Xiang a call. If they can’t reach Chu Xiang, then get Yang Yuelan, or Yin Qiuwen’s school if Yang Yuelan can’t be contacted. In short, they must get Chu Xiang to save Chu Xin, or Li Yuezhen will kill herself. If all of Chu Xiang’s relatives died in front of the chief’s house, no honor will be left of the village.

Chu Xiang has just received an honorable mention, and the whole country is celebrating together. Their village was also made known nationwide. However, if it was revealed that all her relatives died in their village, what would become of their village? What would others think of them? And how should the chief handle it?

This is also a major event that affects the reputation of the village, so everyone becomes cautious. They dared not casually speak for fear of causing any irreparable consequences that would affect everyone.

The chief was under the greatest pressure, and the excitement he had just felt vanished into thin air, only to be filled with guilt. He felt guilty for Chu Xiang and Yin Xu. The couple had earned so much glory for their village, honoring their ancestors, and even left their family’s things to him when they left, but now he couldn’t even stop the Chu family people. He could only compromise in order to prevent them from corrupting the village’s reputation by seeking death.

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For a moment, the chief had an evil thought in his heart. While looking at the Chu family people who were so rude, he wanted to call someone to arrest and imprison them, and not allow them to come out ever again!

However, this thought only lasted for a moment. The chief immediately reassessed himself and regretted it deeply. How could he have such a thought? Chu Xiang and Yin Xu are heroes; if he commits an illegal act for such a matter, he would be putting the cart before the horse, and he would be doing a disservice to the country and the villagers!

The chief coldly looked at the Chu family people for a long time. His face was gloomy as he contacted Skinny Monkey. The last time he contacted Yin Xu, Yin Xu gave him Skinny Monkey’s number. It was said that Skinny Monkey was doing well in the capital, and his phone was installed in his own store. The chief still hoped that there was a way to solve this matter without making things difficult for Chu Xiang. Skinny Monkey had a lot of ideas and was the most suitable person to discuss this with.

Once Old Mrs. Chu woke up, she ran to the chief and stared at him as he made a call. She feared that he would pull one on them and sow dissension. The chief was pissed off, and his daughter-in-law has been berating Old Mrs. Chu next to him, but to no avail, the most terrifying kind of people were those who didn’t fear death. There was nothing they could do.

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When Skinny Monkey received the call, he was also in a dilemma. He knew that Chu Xiang could really deny all blood relatives. However, this time it involved public opinion. If the hero did not care about her relatives, how would the public react? It was best to let Chu Xiang decide for herself. Skinny Monkey wouldn’t dare make the call.

Therefore, Skinny Monkey contacted Fatty immediately and asked him to help contact the troops. The Chu family waited for an entire day without a response, so they called Skinny Monkey again. He scolded the Chu family, “What? Do you know who you’re looking for? It’s the Colonel of the special forces! You think you can find her as easily as a beggar on the roadside? If you have the ability to do so, you can do it yourself, but if you don’t have the ability, just wait patiently!”

The Chu family is angry but also cannot do anything. Skinny Monkey insisted he couldn’t reach Chu Xiang, and they couldn’t threaten him with their deaths. What if they managed to get a hold of Chu Xiang after waiting for a little while longer.

They waited for another half day. Once they really cannot wait anymore, several people planned and went to the county police station to look for Chu Xin.

“We are Chu Xiang’s family. That Chu Xiang who was reported in the newspaper. Chu Xin is her younger brother!”

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“Yeah, he’s her biological brother. Please do us a favor and let Chu Xin out, or at least let us see him.”

“Do you know Yin Xu? That’s my son-in-law. We’re all family.”

“And Chu Lan, Chu Lan is Chu Xiang’s older sister. She’s also a blood relative, a family!”

The Chu family is anxious about Chu Xin, but Chu Lan’s mother also wants to take advantage of the opportunity to insert herself. These days, the news was all about Chu Xiang and Yin Xu. The county knows that they are from their subordinate villages, and they are also honored. The authorities mention them every time they hold a meeting, so it can be said that they attach great importance to the county, more so than anywhere else in the country, so naturally they cannot handle things related to Chu Xiang arbitrarily.

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Once the chief police verified they were really Chu Xiang’s relatives, he immediately investigated the charges against Chu Lan and Chu Xin. Chu Lan, needless to say, scammed the whole village of money. This charge could be considered serious or not, depending on what Chu Xiang wanted. However, it was different for Chu Xin. He broke into a house for theft. While taking the money, he was discovered by the owner and thus, smashed the owner’s head. The victim died as a result of untimely resuscitation.

Although it was not a premeditated murder, a human life was lost. This was a big deal. If Chu Xiang wanted to cover it up, with the whole nation watching them, things would be difficult for them.

It is common for people to think that a person is unlikely to exterminate a family member, so the chief police was in a bind. Under the condition of not affecting the status quo, the Chu family was allowed to meet Chu Lan and Chu Xin while they actively try to find a way to get in touch with Chu Xiang.

Chu Lan’s face was haggard when she saw her mother and listened to her mother say what could save her. She couldn’t catch up. Chu Xiang and Yin Xu became heroes. How is this possible? How did this happen?

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