The Lucky Star Control Corporation in the 70s (68)

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Li Yuezhen said a lot sincerely, but the other side has no response, so she looked at the receiver suspiciously, “Hello? Chu Xiang, are you listening to me?”

Chu Xiang then picked up the earpiece on the table and lazily said: “You done? I’m not interested in hearing your story.”

“You!” Li Yuezhen’s face was red. The sound from the receiver was loud, so everyone heard Chu Xiang’s words. Li Yuezhen felt ashamed and furious. She is Chu Xiang’s mother after all. But before she got mad, her mouth got covered by Chu Weiguo, and he dragged her to the side, passing the receiver to the police chief.

These days, they have gone mad a bit, but Chu Weiguo still remembered that Chu Xin’s life rested on Chu Xiang’s hands. They could not afford to offend Chu Xiang by virtue of being their own parents.

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The police chief looked at them, cleared his throat and picked up the receiver and said with a smile: “Hello, Colonel Chu, I am the police chief of our county, Fang Tong.”

Chu Xiang said bluntly: “Hello, Chief Fang, I would like to explain the situation first, I and the Chu family all long ago severed relations. Our team leader and the whole village can testify. Whatever happened to them, it has nothing to do with me, so no need to contact me.”

Fang Tong was a little surprised. When he saw that the Chu family was so anxious and about to grab the phone, he gestured his men to stop them and said tentatively: “Here’s the situation. It is a special case because the entire country is paying attention to you right now, and they are paying close attention to our county. Naturally, they would pay attention to the place you grow up in. Now that Chu Lan and Chu Xin are detained, it is likely to cause a bad impact, so it still needs to be handled carefully. Look, how about I explain to you in detail?”

Chu Xiang was also a little curious about what happened to them. Seeing that the day is still early, she pulled a chair to sit down, and while pouring tea, she said: “Do tell, Chief Fang.”

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“According to our investigation, Chu Xin broke into a home with two other people half a month ago…”

Fang Tong recounted in great detail the events of Chu Xin’s story. He was not afraid of anything, but really feel that this matter should be handled carefully. One mistake is likely to make them a national focus. It may become a positive example, it may also become a negative example, or even a big joke. Whether he will be honored or fired from his job, it could be due to one whimsical thought from Chu Xiang. Therefore, before he decides, he had to carefully understand Chu Xiang’s attitude.

Chu Xiang did not expect that there was a human life involved. After listening, she directly said, “Chief Fang just handle it with justice. If they really want to claim themselves as my family and want to get any special treatment, then I think a military family member committing a crime should be further punished to set an example.”

The Chu family people are dumbfounded!

“Chu Xiang!!!” Old Mrs. Chu screamed, lunging to the phone and shouting curses, “That’s your own brother, you beast! You’re worse than a dog or a pig, you cheap girl, why didn’t I strangle you to death in the first place!!!”

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Chu Xiang laughed, “Shouldn’t you choke Chu Xin and Chu Lan? They are the ones disgracing the Chu family’s ancestors. If it’s really that spiritual as you say, I guess they will rise from the dead soon. How dare you make a scene? Are you afraid of being expelled by your ancestors after death? All right, I’m busy. If you’re so free, go visit your reincarnated lucky charm and your only family hope, I’m an outsider who was expelled from the Chu family, so I won’t get involved. Chief Fang, if the masses attempt to make trouble, coercion, interfere with the process of handling the case, I hope you will deal with it strictly, so that outsiders can see the discipline of our county. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Good, then I won’t bother Colonel Chu anymore.” Fang Tong was in a great mood, the corners of his mouth were hooked up. With Chu Xiang’s words, he will handle this matter strictly and can definitely get praised as a just and righteous man. This is a good opportunity for his promotion!

The Chu family people relentlessly stopped him from hanging up, but that was also useless. Now, they are not a hero’s family, but a bunch of unruly people who interfere with public security cases. Fang Tong waved his hand and told people to detain them, not wasting words on them anymore. The public security officers threatened them to be quiet, or else things won’t be as simple as detention. It’s against the law to interfere with public security, and it’s even more serious to assault police.

The Chu family were villagers who had never seen a public security officer in their lives. If they’ve seen one in the past, even if they did nothing wrong, they would never dare to look up. These days, with Chu Xiang’s heroic deeds almost soaring to the sky, they were suddenly overwhelmed with fear when they were threatened.

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Not only they cannot share the same glory by mentioning Chu Xiang, they still had to be dealt with severely. Chu Xin and Chu Lan could not be saved, and even they were all imprisoned!

What should they do? They’re doomed!

When Chu Lan learned this news, she collapsed on the ground and laughed loudly, with a harsh and piercing sound. She laughed so hard that tears flowed down her face. The others couldn’t help but frown at her insane act, and just as the guards arrived to take her to the hospital, she suddenly calmed down, wiped away her tears and said, “I just want to make a phone call, just one phone call.”

The call she wanted to make was not for Chu Xiang, but for her ex-husband Song Yang. This was not against the law, so the guards agreed to her request.

It took several transitions to finally reach Song Yang. Chu Lan smiled especially happily when she heard his voice. “Song Yang, Chu Xiang has become an officer, a great hero, do you regret it? If you hadn’t disliked her disfigurement, she would be your wife now. Hahahahahaha, do you regret it? Do you regret it Song Yang?”

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