The Strongest Fox-Demon (18)

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Their relationship and mutual understanding of one another cannot be described by mere words. Since Chu Xiang had all the memories of the original host, Bai Yi and she only needed to give each other a look or some sort of gesture to understand what they were going to do. And at this moment, they would take advantage of the time when Li Yufeng is cooking to map out his house. Not only that, but Chu Xiang had even set up two traps just in case he had any plans of going against them.

One should always stand guard against any possibilities of danger. In accordance with that saying, Chu Xiang never ever put down her guard. Even if she had already put her trust in Li Yufeng, it’s never bad to be prepared for any chances of danger.

After he finished cooking the Ice Fish, Li Yufeng propped up the two fish — one for each fox. And as expected, he was able to not only bring out the full flavor of the fish but also maintain the spiritual energy within the fish with his cooking skills. On the other hand, he really did only leave a bowl of soup for himself. While the soup did contain a decent amount of spiritual essence, it was nothing compared to that of the fish itself. In spite of that, it was still beneficial for his injuries.

Chu Xiang shot a quick glance at Bai Yi, signaling for her to wait. Only after tasting the fish herself and making sure it was safe did Chu Xiang let Bai Yi eat it. Upon the consumption of the Ice Fish, both Chu Xiang and Bai Yi’s bodies surged with spiritual energy. Immediately, they dashed into Li Yufeng’s cultivation room and sat face-to-face in the center while rejuvenating their internal cultivation.

At that moment, Chu Xiang said to Li Yufeng, “We’ll leave our safety in your hands. Thank you for your trouble.”

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Since it was the first time Chu Xiang spoke in such a polite manner to Li Yufeng, he could not help but burst into laughter — to which he started rubbing his head and cursing at himself for doing something so ridiculous. After all, it was only natural for Chu Xiang to thank him, seeing how he had essentially been her personal servant for the past few days. So what’s there to be happy about here?

At this point, Li Yufeng and Chu Xiang were both having the same thoughts. Since they keep coming across each other and even have favorable impressions of each other during each encounter, it must be the work of fate. No matter what kind of fate they may have with one another, they can at the very least be sure that they’re not enemies at this moment. Besides, it’s always good to have another friend.

With that, Li Yufeng carefully set up a Demonic Qi Repelling Array surrounding the courtyard. This particular courtyard had been passed down to him from his ancestors and contained many profound strategems and arrays. What he did was suppress and hide both Chu Xiang and Bai Yi’s demonic qi from the outside. Unless their cultivation level was much higher or if someone knows about the layout of his house, it would be extremely difficult for them to detect the presence of the two foxes.

At first, Li Yufeng intended to do some studying after setting up the array, but who knew that he would have uninvited guests in the middle of the night!

At that moment, three Daoist priests knocked on his door and announced, “Is this Li Yufeng’s residence? We have something to ask.”

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In response, Li Yufeng gave out a sneer and thought, “Something to ask? Who did they think they were?”

He did not initially intend to respond to them as he continued sipping on his tea while reading through his book. However, the Daoist priests knocked even harder on his door and said, “Is the demon hunter, Li Yufeng, here? We’re currently in pursuit of two injured foxes. Did you happen to come across them? We heard you’re rather knowledgeable about the matters in this city. Have you received any news regarding them?”

A twitch jittered across his brows.

“Two injured foxes?”

He then turned toward the direction of his cultivation room.

“Aren’t they talking about those two?”

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They only came to this city due to their injuries and debt of gratitude to their benefactor. Of course, they’d only have a benefactor after meeting with misfortune. So it turns out that these Daoist priests were the ones who caused their injuries?

While Li Yufeng treated demons with more patience, he surprisingly did not have much patience towards other humans — perhaps due to some sort of bad history with them. Thus, he was more inclined to side with Chu Xiang. Standing up and opening the door, he said with a smile, “Ah, Sir Daoist priest, please excuse me for not coming out to greet you immediately. Why don’t you come in?”

The leader of the Daoist priests flung his horsetail whisk and replied with a cold expression, “No need, you just need to answer our question. Have you come across the trails of two foxes?”

“I have not,” Li Yufeng responded earnestly. “I haven’t come across any demons in this city lately. But I’ll have you know that I’m very strict when it comes to such things. If two fox spirits happen to appear in the city, I would have already gone out to catch them.”

The Daoist priests acknowledged his words with a nod.

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“Those two foxes have committed unforgivable crimes against the heavens. One is red; the other white. And both have been cultivating for several centuries. While we may have inflicted serious injuries upon them, you certainly shouldn’t underestimate them. Be sure to keep a lookout for them. If you do indeed come across their trails, make sure to contact us immediately as we’re most fit for the job.”

Li Yufeng replied naturally, “I’ll definitely contact you if I do find any traces of them. Since it’s already so late into the night, why don’t you stay here for the night?”

“We appreciate the offer but no need. Since we have more urgent matters at hand, we’ll be taking our leave now.”

At this moment, the Daoist priests were anxiously searching for Chu Xiang to steal her internal art. Knowing the fact that she had been severely injured, how could they be willing to waste their time here? Since the demon hunter in this city did not detect their presence, that would naturally mean that they did not take refuge here. As such, they needed to hurry over to the next city to prevent the two foxes from getting further away from their grasp!

However, they failed to consider the fact that a demon hunter was actually covering up for the two foxes. Due to their impatience and oversight, they left the city without much thought even though they were as close as a few steps away from the demons they were looking for.

From this short period, Li Yufeng had already analyzed the traits and characteristics of the three Daoist priests — further taking note of their existence. From his experience and knowledge of the Daoist priests, they would travel in small groups and be extremely wary of outsiders. Since they would always share anything they discover amongst themselves, they were naturally able to increase their cultivation at a decently fast rate. But who knew just what Chu Xiang and Bai Yi did to incur their wrath? After all, it certainly won’t be a good thing to be targeted by such people.

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