The Strongest Fox-Demon (20)

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“Jinx!” Bai Yi muttered, touching Chu Xiang’s arm. “Xiang’er, what do you think? Should we chase or not?”

“Don’t worry. Let’s figure out the situation first.” Chu Xiang looked at Li Yufeng. “Do you know them? Or have you heard of them? Can you tell us about them?”

It suddenly dawned on Li Yufeng. “Are you willing to treat me as a friend, so you let me wait for you here? Are you trying to get me to tell you these pieces of nonsense?”

Chu Xiang smiled and said, “Then tell, will you? Don’t you like people talking to you? We are talking to you now. Don’t you want to talk?”

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“Let me think, let me think. All right, my lady!” Li Yufeng mulled over it for a while and began to tell them what he knew.

Those Daoist masters were not active in the area, and all that Li Yufeng knew about them was from hearsays. He has never dealt with them. However, according to news he heard, there were six Daoist masters in the group. One of them was very powerful in drawing talismans, one was gifted in forming formations, and one was an expert in using swords. The remaining three were slightly weaker than them and mainly assisted them.

The six Daoist masters were notorious because they were rather hostile to people. Moreover, getting along with them always felt like you owed them money. They were akin to stinky, hard rocks in a latrine. Li Yufeng also deliberately gave examples of the scenes of his meetings with the three Daoist masters in detail and described their rudeness quite vividly.

The only good thing about these six Daoist masters being together was that they weren’t on good terms with anyone. If they were truly wiped out all together, heh, then they would be exterminated. That was it. No one would avenge them , On the contrary, people might even rob the goodies they collected.

Li Yufeng talked at length and Chu Xiang got a lot of information. She slowly analyzed and deduced the purpose of the six Daoist masters from it. It seemed that this time they wanted to dig their internal alchemy to refine medicine for one of those six. The man was hit by a cold poison and his life was hanging by the thread. If he could use a great demon’s internal alchemy to refine medicine, he would be cured in a matter of days.

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The internal alchemy of the great demon was difficult to obtain. The six Daoist masters must have been searching for one for a long time. In the end, because the original owner and Bai Yi lived in the mountains all year round and were rather simple in temperament, they set their sights on them and deliberately planned their death.

Bai Yi said, simmering in anger, “Who do they think they are? Yet they call themselves righteous people! Do they deserve the title? They are far worse than us, demons!”

Li Yufeng sighed. “Alas, I totally agree with you. There are good and bad demons, and the same is true for people. It’s fine to be so obsessed with being a human, a demon or something else, right? Just distinguish good from bad.”

Chu Xiang tapped her finger on the table for a moment and said, “They are now separated and their combat power has been halved. Moreover, they came here today and believed what you said. They believed that we were not here, so they would definitely relax their vigilance. Yiyi, today is the best time to kill them. Shall we go?”

“Let’s go!” Bai Yi stood up immediately without any hesitation. “This vengeance must be exacted. The sooner the better!”

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Chu Xiang nodded. “All right, let’s go.”

Li Yufeng quickly stopped them. “Hey, why don’t you both just leave? They hurt you so badly. Can you guys go like this now and win? Revenge has always been about accumulating strength, and it’s not too late to take revenge after ten years…”

Chu Xiang interrupted him and said, “I can’t wait that long. I have always liked to get even on the spot. It’s been delayed this time, waiting until I have recovered from my injuries. I can’t delay any longer.”

“My thoughts exactly. Why is it not too late in ten years? Ten years is too late for everything. We must retaliate right now!” At this point, Bai Yi took Chu Xiang’s words as decree. Besides, she now felt that Chu Xiang was indeed much smarter than her, making her more willing to listen to her.

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Li Yufeng thought about it for a while and said, “Okay, then, I’ll still help you. However, if someone finds out that I helped two demons, I will never get along with others in the future. Wait for me to change my outfit.”

Li Yufeng’s family made a bunch of weird items. After a while, he transformed into a stooped old man with a white beard, coughing and walking out bent over.

Bai Yi found him funny and said smilingly, “Human beings are too amusing. It’s so troublesome to change your appearance.”

Li Yufeng was full of doubts when he heard this. “Don’t you, demons, have to do this? Can you transform into everything? Can’t other demons detect it?”

“It’s not that we can transform into everything but at least we don’t have to go to so much trouble, like sticking your beard for a long time.” Bai Yi felt that she really did not understand mortals. It was right to leave her benefactor for the time being, lest she accidentally get into trouble and implicate him.

It was Chu Xiang’s first time as a fox demon and she hadn’t transformed into anything else. She didn’t say anything when she heard their exchange, but she suddenly transformed into a snow-white rabbit, balled up on a stool like a snowy pom-pom.

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