The Strongest Fox-Demon (40)

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Chu Xiang and Li Yufeng straightened up and asked, “Are you also here to hide from the rain? We can’t find dry wood anywhere at the moment. Come here and join us by the fire.”

Chu Xiang naturally pulled Bai Yi over. “Little Sister, dry your clothes quickly. Don’t catch a cold.”

Bai Yi took advantage of the situation and said, “Thank you, Sister. Brother Zhuang, Aunt, come and enjoy the fire. We have to hurry. If we catch a cold, we will be in trouble.”

This was a fact. If someone falls ill on the way to the capital, it will cost a lot of money to stop and consult a doctor. They have already hired a carriage to carry their belongings. If they fall ill as well, they will run out of money.

Zhuang Yulang politely thanked them, approached and took a seat. Li Yufeng then casually chatted with him and soon revealed that he was a candidate for the imperial exam. He was amazed that Zhuang Yulang was also going to the capital to take part in it. Before long, the two began talking about literary works and knowledge and soon became acquainted.

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Scholars have always commanded admiration, so Zhuang Liu’s impression of Li Yufeng skyrocketed. Meanwhile, Zhuang Liu was giving the enchanting Chu Xiang, who was dressed in red and was having a good time talking with Bai Yi, a  disdainful glance. When she saw her fighting with Li Yufeng earlier, she felt even more certain of her decision to tag along. Otherwise, wouldn’t Zhuang Yulang and Bai Yi also do the same? Would there still be studying to speak of?

She asked Chu Xiang caustically, “Are you married? Did the elders in your family let you go to the capital for the imperial exam?”

Chu Xiang despised talking to her, so she replied offhandedly, “Of course we are married, and neither of us has elders in our families.”

“No wonder,” Zhuang Liu muttered under her breath, “You may not like to hear what I have to say…”

“Then keep it to yourself.” Chu Xiang blocked the rest of her speech with a smile. “We’re strangers who met by chance. Why are you saying things that others don’t like to hear? This trip to the capital is a travel to an unfamiliar place. If your unpleasant words should come to a high-ranking official’s ears, it will be a disaster for your son’s future, don’t you think?” ”

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Zhuang Liu’s immediate reaction was to say “How sharp tongued you are”, but Zhuang Yulang beat her to it. He preceded her by saying, “You are entirely right. Please forgive her.”

Zhuang Liu glanced at Zhuang Yulang’s face and shut her mouth. However, she was very upset, thinking that her son was ashamed of her. But then again, when she inspected Chu Xiang and Li Yufeng’s clothes, the two did give off a wealthy impression. The materials of their clothes were several times better than theirs. She was glad she didn’t spout nonsense just now. Since then, she became timid and overcautious.

Bai Yi felt a burst of joy seeing Chu Xiang clashing with Zhuang Liu and sent a voice transmission to her. She said, [Look at her face. It has turned into a pig’s liver. She really deserves it. All her mouth knows to do is to nag all day long. If only I could say the same thing to her].

[You can, as long as you leave your benefactor.]

[I… Brother Zhuang promised to marry me in private, and he will marry me after the exam.]

Chu Xiang glanced at her. [There is no way out then. When she becomes your mother-in-law, you will suffer. What do you think has got you so obsessed? Do you really have to court trouble for yourself? I heard that there is a particularly good looking snake demon in the Cui Bamboo Forest. How about liking someone else? Repay a favor if you want to. Why do you have to like him?]

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Bai Yi said speechlessly, [Can I still control liking someone? Then, I shouldn’t have been tempted by my benefactor from the start. This is not something you can just change, no? If that’s the case, can you replace Li Yufeng if you want to?]

Chu Xiang wondered, [Why can’t I replace him when it is necessary?]

Li Yufeng coughed a few times and handed Chu Xiang two roasted chicken legs, [Come on now, I can hear you two through voice transmission. Take me into account. I can’t be replaced. I have what Xiangxiang wants. Of course, there is no need to replace me.]

Chu Xiang handed a chicken leg to Bai Yi, and then watched her give the chicken leg to Zhuang Liu. Zhuang Liu insisted on giving it to Zhuang Yulang. In the end, Zhuang Yulang strongly refused, so his mother ate it.

Chu Xiang sighed: [The reason why I asked you to replace him is because of this gap. What exactly are you trying to do? Is it fun to take care of them? Neither pays off similarly. It’s pointless.]

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Comparison in everything was the most terrifying. After Li Yufeng handed some chicken wings to Chu Xiang, Bai Yi also had doubts about Zhuang Yulang who was waiting to eat next to her. Li Yufeng liked Chu Xiang so he treated her nicely at all times. Meanwhile, Zhuang Yulang also said that he liked her but  why…Why did it seem like he has never done anything for her?

Bai Yi was a little depressed. Chu Xiang invited her to go and see the snake demon but she refused. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Liu mentioned Cuizhu Mountain. She has long heard that there was an Immortal Doctor in Cuizhu Mountain. He was not only highly skilled in medicine, but also very accurate in fortune telling. Since they happened to pass by his place, of course she wanted to try his fortune telling. It would be best if he could figure out that Zhuang Yulang was a renowned literary genius who had descended to the mortal realm. That way she would be relieved.

When Zhuang Liu said this, Li Yufeng questioned, “Is he really that accurate? Then we, husband and wife, will go and have a look.”

Zhuang Liu glanced at Chu Xiang’s stomach and understood everything. “It is to pray for a son, right? That’s perfect. The Immortal Doctor not only knows fortune-telling, but also has excellent medical skills. Whatever it is, he can take a look.”

Li Yufeng smiled and said, “That’s not true. Being blessed by a child is a gift bestowed by the heavens. There is no need to force it. We are just going to join in the excitement. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. There’s no need to be in such a rush and miss out on the beauty along the way.”

Zhuang Yulang seconded, “Without doubt, Brother Li. As the saying goes, ‘man who travels far knows more’. It’s not advisable to hurry on with your journey. You should really enjoy the scenery along the way.”

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