The Strongest Fox-Demon (51)

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Chu Xiang has never taken the imperial exams, but the test she has taken in modern times was no easier than this. Of course, she knew that for a cultivator, keen hearing and eyesight plus a good memory were beneficial to learning. If you had some talent, doing well in the exams was no sweat. Perhaps Li Yufeng was blessed with this talent. Since he promised it, she thought he was capable of bringing it to fruition, so she instructed, “Don’t forget to review your books. You must do better than Zhuang Yulang in the exam.”

“Got it,” Li Yufeng agreed straight away. The next day he found a bunch of books, read them one by one in the teahouse, and occasionally wrote articles.

After all, such things as catching ghosts and subduing demons were rare. Even if people encountered them, their first reaction was to pray to God and worship Buddha instead of going to teahouses for help. This kind of thing couldn’t be publicized, but word of mouth should be spread secretly bit by bit, so Chu Xiang and Li Yufeng didn’t wait for customers nor felt anxious at all.

Today a lady who was nearly forty years old entered the teahouse. While she was leading two maids to a room on the third floor, she happened to meet Chu Xiang who was going down. Chu Xiang glanced at her and stopped. “Madam, your yintang2 is dark, the bottom of your eyes are blue, and your body is heavy with ghost energy. It seems that you are haunted by evil spirits. Within three days, you will encounter a bloodbath.”

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The maid next to the lady yelled, “What nonsense are you talking about?!”

The lady raised her hand to stop the maid from continuing, looked at Chu Xiang seriously, and sighed. “Miss, you are beautiful, and I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you.”

Chu Xiang smiled and replied, “Thank you for your compliments, Madam. There is a kind of tea in the shop called ‘Chuji’. If you have any difficulties, you can order a cup of Chuji, and someone will lead you to see me. That evil spirit is swooping down menacingly. Be careful, Madam. Excuse me.”

Chu Xiang was about to see their supplier, so she bypassed her and went downstairs without chatting with her.

The maid was a little dissatisfied, feeling that Chu Xiang had neglected her lady. However, the lady threw a respectful glance at Chu Xiang and whispered, “Only those with strength have confidence. That Miss is not an ordinary person. Let’s go.”

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The lady chose a private room of the teahouse because it offered excellent privacy. She had an appointment with a Daoist master just to solve the abnormal situation at home. However, Chu Xiang saw at a glance that something wasn’t right with her, so she left a deep impression on her. After talking with the Daoist master, she had this insistent intuition that Chu Xiang’s ability was higher than the master.

Three days later, the maid who scolded Chu Xiang came in a rush, and as soon as she entered the teahouse, she grabbed a waiter’s hand and cried, “Take me to see your proprietress quickly. Please, you can name the price, quickly!”

The waiter in the shop was hired by Li Yufeng. He was a bit wise, so he knew something was wrong at a glance. Hence, he quickly brought her to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang saw the tearful little maid and spoke straight to the point, “Has something happened to your lady? Is it serious?”

The little maid nodded like a chicken pecking rice and cried, “Lady Boss, it was this ignorant servant who bumped into you that day. Please forgive this petty servant’s fault. I beg you to go and see my lady! You said that the lady will encounter a bloodbath within three days. There was a Daoist master who performed an altar ritual and said that he had driven the ghost away. We believed him. However, the wind unexpectedly blew just now and such a tall candlestick frame crashed on my lady. The vase on the table also inexplicably fell down and landed on my lady’s head. She shed a lot of blood…”

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The maid wept while gesticulating. She was out of breath, which showed that it was really serious. This seemingly abnormal phenomenon made her panic and frightened, and her whole body shook as she recounted the incident.

Li Yufeng came over and asked Chu Xiang, “Would you like to go and take a look?”

“Of course.” Chu Xiang got up and patted the maid’s shoulder. Awave of spiritual power entered the maid’s body and her complexion became much better. “Let’s go, lead the way. Your Madam can’t wait. By the way, send someone to the Zhuangji Pharmacy and ask for a doctor. They are proficient at medicine.”

“Yes, yes, I’ll ask someone to go immediately.” The little maid didn’t come by herself, so she immediately ordered someone to go to Zhuangji Pharmacy to invite a doctor. Their Madam bled profusely. Of course they invited a doctor, but since Chu Xiang pointed to Zhuangji, they must ask someone there.

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Zhuangji Pharmacy was the drugstore that Bai Yi opened. At that time, Bai Yi wanted to call it “Baiji”, which came to mind from the name of Chu Xiang’s teahouse. However, Zhuang Liu didn’t like it that much, saying that they should name it “Zhuangji”, after their family. Zhuang Liu insisted, and Bai Yi didn’t care much. Anyway, it was just a shop, so they finally called it Zhuangji.

Chu Xiang and Li Yufeng went to the Chen Manor where the lady lived and met Bai Yi and Bai You who rushed over at the door. The four of them went in together with the little maid, and felt a strong Yin energy as soon as they entered the door.

Bai Yi scanned the surroundings and sent a voice transmission to them, [This evil spirit has not been around for many years, but he has committed multiple evil deeds. He has harmed many people.]

Chu Xiang became a little interested. [Today counts as our first transaction. Finish it well. We also can count it as eliminating a scourge for the people.]


2 Yintang – Hall of Impression/a single point located between the eyebrows

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