The Strongest Fox-Demon (61)

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Chu Xiang took Bai Yi to a crowded street and they strolled around leisurely. Whenever she saw couples or men and women walking together, she pointed at them for her. Bai Yi saw that some couples were loving and sweet while others were arguing and bickering. Some men and women were shy and reserved while others were polite and detached.

There were various ways that men and women get along, and because they could hear the voices of those people, they easily knew what kind of relationship they had. There was a man and a woman who Bai Yi thought were very sweet, but the woman was actually the man’s concubine. There was a couple who looked at each other blandly, but when their carriage arrived, the man immediately protected his wife and asked her to board first.

Bai Yi felt like she was watching the various states of life. She looked at each of them intently, as if in hopes of seeing something. She felt like she understood something, but also seemed to have comprehended nothing and was still in the clouds.

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Finally, Chu Xiang asked her, “Do you think Zhuang Yulang treats you well?”

Well? In the past, she would have answered “Yes” without any hesitation because she thought her treatment was nice, ah. Zhuang Yulang secretly hid chicken drumsticks and gave them to her, the little fox. He delayed his homework and picked herbs to cure her. He argued with his mother to take her home and raise her, hug her, care for her, and worry about her. Later, when Zhuang Yulang saw her stumble, he stepped forward to help her. He heard that she was an orphan, so he took her in and helped her when she was bullied by Zhuang Liu. He was nothing but kind to her.

But now? Zhuang Yulang took it for granted that she opened a pharmacy to support the whole family and didn’t care whether she was exhausted or not. Of course, as a demon she didn’t feel weary. However, if she were really an ordinary woman, could she not be tired after working long and hard?

Zhuang Yulang took her “family heirloom”, but that gratitude has been gradually forgotten. He seemed to have forgotten how his intelligence came to be and just enjoyed all the benefits. He even went on a stroll around the lake with another woman for fun. When she questioned him, he lost his temper and left.

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If he treated her well, then none of the men on the street treated their wives badly.

After seeing so many couples, Bai Yi has a deeper understanding of what was “good” and “bad”. For the first time, she truly felt from the bottom of her heart that Zhuang Yulang treated her badly.

She whispered to Chu Xiang, “Was I wrong? He was so good at the beginning. Why did he turn out like this? If I hadn’t persuaded him to come to the capital, if I hadn’t made him rich, if I hadn’t given him the Snow Lotus Pill… Will he still be that kind benefactor?”

Chu Xiang led her to the edge of the lake, looked at the water and said, “Who knows? Ifs are just ifs. You can’t start over. However, people’s nature never changes. If you marry him, you also will never let him live in poverty for life. Sooner or later, he will still reach this point.”

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Chu Xiang smiled and continued, “Do you think such things don’t occur in the countryside? In villages, there are also people who commit adultery. They are soaked in pig cages and expelled from the clan, ah. If a person can’t resist temptations, he may escape one, but he will most certainly encounter another and more.”

Bai Yi also smiled, but her smile was uglier than crying. “Am I stupid? You have to teach me everything.”

“Not at all. As I said just now, human nature will never change. Even without me, you will figure it out after suffering a loss. The only difference is time. Think about it, would you be at the mercy of others without me?”

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“Of course not!” Bai Yi answered without thinking. She was a demon with profound cultivation. How could she allow herself to be bullied by ordinary mortals? That could only happen when pigs fly!

Bai Yi looked at the water and took a deep breath. “I’m not reconciled. How am I inferior to that Miss Jiang?”

Chu Xiang pointed out, “Maybe it’s the bearing of an official’s daughter, maybe it’s her family background, who knows? There’s no question that you have some differences.”

Bai Yi said with a half-smile, “Then I would like to find out what he thinks. Doesn’t he even want his wife who will help him become the prime minister?”

For the first time, the lady was bent on finding out what her lover thought. Chu Xiang smiled and did not object. Let her figure it out if that was what she wanted. Compared with mortals, their life span was too long. They always have to find something to occupy themselves and pass the time. She just wondered how Zhuang Yulang would choose. Could he humble himself down and apologize to Bai Yi? Did he know who was more important between Bai Yi and Miss Jiang? Maybe they will part ways soon.

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