The Strongest Fox-Demon (70)

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Li Yufeng channeled spiritual power to the Emperor once more. He smiled blithely and said, “Imperial Father, don’t get excited. You haven’t seen your eldest daughter-in-law yet. Don’t pass out again. Come on, calm down. I just found a demon, it’s no big deal.”

“It’s no big deal? You just told me that you want me to see your ability. If you marry a demon, no matter how strongly competent you are, the ministers of the dynasty will never agree to let you sit as the Emperor. You! The Li family has brought you up crookedly. What a mess!… How could you… There are plenty of excellent ladies out there… Don’t tell me, are you covetting that fox demon’s beauty?” How could the Emperor not be stimulated? He was utterly shocked that he barely spoke coherently!

Li Yufeng scratched his face and said helplessly, “Perhaps she covets my beauty. Fortunately, Imperial Father, you conceived me beautifully. Otherwise, she would have ignored me.”

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The Emperor’s eyes widened. “You! You are a good-for-nothing! Then why are you here to fight for the throne? You can just hide in the mountains to cultivate with your fox demon. What are you here to stir things up? Once you enter the court, the minds of those ministers will most likely sway again. Won’t there be chaos?”

Li Yufeng sighed. “The mountains are so boring. Xiang’er is fond of interesting things. Imperial Father, I’m serious. So what if she is a demon? Xiang’er has the world in her heart. She has already sent people to provide disaster relief. If she joins the royal family, it will be our royal family’s blessing. Besides, I’m not boasting. With me and Xiang’er in charge, do you still need to worry? In the next hundred years, the world will be prosperous, stable and peaceful. Even if my predestined life-span is over, Xiang’er will take care of our descendants for my sake. It will be impossible to subjugate this country.”

“What subjugated country! You rebellious son! What are you talking about?!” The Emperor frowned and scolded him. However, any emperor was aware that it was not an easy task to secure a dynasty of hundreds of years. Wanting to stabilize and prosper at the same time was terribly difficult. Li Yufeng’s words touched him, but his first reaction to the title “fox demon” was the ruin of the country and the people. I never heard that marrying a fox demon can still dominate the country. He has never heard that someone could still rule over a country after marrying a fox demon.

Li Yufeng saw through his thoughts and smiled smugly. He said, “Compared to others, your son’s vision has never failed just yet. I’ve toiled and moiled to bring Xiang’er here to help. If you are unhappy about it, at the worst I will just work harder to build a separate power for Xiang’er to play with instead of coming back.”

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“Go! What kind of power will you build? It will only add to the chaos!” The Emperor shook his head and sighed. “Get going and handle the business at hand first, and we will talk later. I need to think this over. I also want to meet my future eldest daughter-in-law. I’m tired. Let me rest for a while.”

“Right away. Here’s some spiritual tea that your daughter-in-law personally prepared. It’s good for your health. Try it. I’ll leave you to rest then, Imperial Father.” Li Yufeng placed a jar of spiritual tea on the table and left with a smile.

There was nowhere to hide anything on Li Yufeng’s body, yet he just took out a pot of spiritual tea out of thin air. Such “supernatural means” were not worth mentioning to cultivators like them. The Emperor looked at the jar and sighed. Monarchs and generals couldn’t cultivate. Even his empress stopped cultivating after she married him. Otherwise, she would not have died so young due to illness. Li Yufeng chose the throne, so his future life expectancy was bound to be shortened. To what extent did he like the woman to have made such a choice?

However, didn’t Li Yufeng’s mother choose the same way back then? Perhaps everyone in the Li family was affectionate. If they hadn’t snatched Li Yufeng away, guilt tripped him and forced him to agree, he wouldn’t have later taken a concubine and sired sons. He had always been plagued with shame towards his main wife, Mrs. Li. Even though Li Yufeng seldom returned over the years and even changed his surname to Li, he still wanted to give him the best of everything. Now that Li Yufeng wants the throne, he should take a good look at whether Li Yufeng has the ability. Now that Li Yufeng wanted the throne, he would take a good look at whether he was capable of doing so.

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The Emperor slowly lay down on the soft couch, closed his eyes and meditated. He must take good care of himself. If ever Li Yufeng failed to perform, he still must try to teach him until he could no longer hold on. Moreover, there was also his fox demon wife. He could let him be fooled by a demon, right? He still has a pile of worries. He couldn’t die just yet.

Mrs. Li’s beautiful and gentle appearance flashed before his eyes, and he sighed inwardly. For the sake of his son, he would delay seeing her.

Chief Li’s surname was bestowed by the Emperor to show his closeness to the Li family. As he has been the closest person to the Emperor for decades, it was only natural that he knew how much he valued Li Yufeng. By the time Li Yufeng came out, he had already ordered people to arrange the bedchamber and study for the Crown Prince. He also dispatched a full complement of palace staff to wait on him.

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Even if in the end Li Yufeng failed to sit on the throne, his life in the palace during this period must be at the level of the Crown Prince.

Li Yufeng said to Chief Li with satisfaction, “Please accompany me in the next few days. I also have some competent people. Send someone to bring them in.”

“Ring away, Prince Xiao Yao.” Chief Li bowed to him with due respect and immediately went to make arrangements after responding. The other palace staff noticed his attitude and naturally treated Li Yufeng with great respect.

More than a dozen ministers were summoned into the palace to wait for discussion in the Crown Prince’s study. Li Yufeng arrived with his own people. After which he ordered them to relay in detail the flood in the south and the plague in the suburbs of the capital.

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