The Strongest Fox-Demon (94)

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Chu Xiang asked all the demons who had nothing else to do to disperse, or cultivate, or choose their own job to do, and then returned to the capital with Bai Yi, Bai You and nearly a hundred other demons.

Of course, such a momentous event as the unification of the demon realm has spread throughout the cultivation world, and the eminent monks and Daoist masters in the capital have also received the news. They also knew that Chu Xiang led the demons to manage the flood successfully and won the golden light of virtue.

The golden light of virtue was something that every cultivator thirsted for but has never seen, but it actually fell on a bunch of demons. Some were jealous while some were infinitely emotional. However, they couldn’t do anything else. They could no longer Chu Xiang and the demons under her command because they were the very demons who had received the golden light of virtue!

Whoever denounced them must have sufficient reason and troops to do so. Once upon a time, they dared to condemn Chu Xiang after she had saved people, but that was only on the basis of people’s prejudice and fear of demons. As in the case of this miracle, demons helped protect a city of people against a natural disaster. This intangible sense of security quickly reversed people’s prejudice against them, so Prince Qi and his lackeys lost what little bit of advantage they had.

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Prince Qi didn’t understand why Li Yufeng didn’t argue with him at the beginning, and instead said to wait for Chu Xiang’s return before they could discuss again. However, it now registered to him. Li Yufeng trusted Chu Xiang and knew that the day she returned to the capital, he would never be able to touch her again!

Prince Qi found it a mystery why Li Yufeng was so lucky. He was raised by his grandfather as the heir from birth, taught him the way of cultivation, showered him with countless treasures, and let him roam freely around the world to his heart’s content. Because their father felt indebted to him, he, too, gave all his fatherly love to him even though the number of times they saw each other could be counted on one finger. He believed every word Li Yufeng said and actively paved the way for him. Li Yufeng even managed to marry the Demon King who unified the demon realm and gained the golden light of virtue, which provided insurmountable assistance for him to seize the throne.

Why were all the good things in the world taken up by Li Yufeng?

Even Prince Qi, the enemy, thought so, let alone other people. Li Yufeng’s ability and skill in the court hall were remarkable, and his only ‘blemish’ was that he married a demon, who turned out to be an extraordinarily benevolent one that was blessed with the golden light of virtue. What else could they say? Shutting up was their best option.

The Emperor hadn’t been so happy in decades. The more he watched Li Yufeng and Chu Xiang having dinner together, the more satisfied he became. He also did not want to wait for his death before letting Li Yufeng ascend to the throne. He wanted to see his favorite son sit on the throne with his own eyes, and he also wanted to watch the Demon King who denied his son a title accept the empress position, being the mother of the nation.

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You could say that the Emperor was going all out for the sake of his son’s status. Hence, while Li Yufeng was reviewing some memorials, he took the opportunity and specially talked to Chu Xiang for a long time. From the time Li Yufeng met his wife, it could be said that his fight for the throne was entirely for her.

Chu Xiang could hear the pride and helplessness in his tone. After tea and dinner, Chu Xiang sat in the yard with him in the sun and chatted, and occasionally had a heart-to-heart conversation, which was quite pleasant.

Moments later, Chu Xiang smiled at the Emperor’s expectant gaze and called out the title he was dying to hear, “Imperial Father, does this count as a marriage between a mortal and a demon? It’s just as well that the disaster has just passed, so how about making the wedding a grand affair?”

The Emperor was pleasantly surprised. “Most definitely! Of course, of course! You can do whatever you want. You can open my private treasury and celebrate it as grand as you want.”

Chu Xiang sat casually in the chair, put her hand on her chin and said, “I’m marrying Yufeng and will become his empress. The people know me, but Yufeng is still unknown in my demon realm. Why don’t we go back to the demon realm and have another wedding ceremony, and officially crown Yufeng as my imperial husband?”

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“Okay, what? Do what? The Emperor?” After subconsciously agreeing, the Emperor felt that something wasn’t right. However, after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it seemed… reasonable.

His son was the next Emperor, but Chu Xiang was also the Emperor of the Demon Realm. I-It seemed like the only way for his son to be truly recognized by the Demon Realm was to become her imperial husband. Otherwise, he would have no place to cry if one day Chu Xiang decided to run away.

The more the Emperor thought about it, the more he felt that this was double insurance, so he “married off” his son without hesitation. He even gave his private treasury to Chu Xiang as his son’s “dowry”.

This interesting old man amused Chu Xiang to no end, so she went to play with him whenever she was free. This rendered the old Emperor happy and his health improved a lot.

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Li Yufeng was conferred the Crown Prince by the Emperor. His Majesty made it clear in the court hall that he would pass the throne to him once the Ministry of Rites finished preparing the enthronement ceremony.

With the emperor’s dictates, all the neutral ministers who defended him naturally transferred their support to Li Yufeng. In turn, Prince Qi’s faction was hit hard, falling into panic and anxiety.

The Imperial Concubine’s family was the most unwilling. After decades of planning, they might end up exposed and punished. Prince Qi might continue to enjoy the glory and wealth as an idle prince, but what about them? Their first born descendant was already sent to prison.

If the imperial concubine’s family wanted to cause trouble, they naturally had to stimulate Prince Qi and the Third Prince first. Prince Qi couldn’t accept defeat while the Third Prince could not hold his anger. Thus, after a discussion, everyone decided to force the Emperor to abdicate and seize power.

Li Yufeng has taken in a number of ministers, but he has not yet had the chance to intervene in the army, unlike them, who had been in the court for decades. They have countless connections. At this point in time, they still had a chance of winning with this aspect included, so they must not give up.

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