Golden Agent of the Adonis (1)

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Chu Xiang woke up in another world. Upon opening her eyes, she was first greeted with a blurry sight of a ceiling and felt a bit disconnected. She came to the modern times again, it seemed. It’s been a very long time, after all.

Opening her eyes exhausted all the strength she had and with that, she slowly closed them again, only to feel that she had lost track of all her other senses. Chu Xiang tried her best to maintain the last sliver of sobriety as she nourished her current body with the spiritual power in her soul.

This body had lost its vitality, so she couldn’t make herself recover all at one go. Hence, she could only turn her spiritual power into thin filaments. Like a drop of water dripping into the sea, she nourished her body very slowly. Fortunately, this method was useful, albeit requiring more time.

She heard noisy voices around her and seemed to hear someone calling her name. Then, she was pushed into the emergency room.

“Quick! The patient is suffering from acute alcoholism and respiratory failure. Immediately prepare for gastric lavage, intramuscular injection, monitoring of ECG and blood pressure…”

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Chu Xiang knew that someone was rescuing her and she tried to use her subtle spiritual power to dissolve the alcohol in her body. Her consciousness was in a jumbled mess but after an unknown period of time, she finally felt that her breathing became normal and also the doctor’s voice of relief.

[Little Mirror, keep an eye on my situation and wake me up immediately if something is wrong.] She gave the Qiankun Mirror an order before letting herself fall unconscious with peace of mind.

She was saved, but as she was both physically and mentally exhausted, she needed rest.

The doctor checked Chu Xiang’s various physical data again and told the nurse to take good care of her before walking out of the emergency room, exhausted. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a young man standing outside coming up to him.

“Doctor, how is the patient inside?”

The doctor took off his mask and asked, “Are you a family member?”

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“Oh, no,” The boy thought for a while and said, “We belong to the same company, so we can be considered colleagues.”

The doctor nodded, “She was in a very critical situation just now.  Alcoholism is not a trivial matter. Although we managed to save her, she still needs to remain under observation in the hospital for a few days and requires meticulous care. If you can contact her family, please do so as soon as possible and have her family come to the ward with her as she is very weak now.”

“Okay, thank you doctor,” The man  saw that the doctor was tired, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

Afterwards, he saw Chu Xiang being pushed out by the nurse and asked softly, “Is she still in a coma? When will she wake up?”

The nurse thought for a while and said, “She probably won’t wake up tonight and I guess that at earliest, she’ll awaken at around 7 or 8 o’ clock tomorrow morning.. Are you her family member? If so, you should go through the hospitalization procedures as soon as possible as it would be best to give her a single ward and let her rest quietly. By the way, any family members have to stay with her as well. She will have an infusion later, so if anything goes wrong during the infusion, the family members must immediately notify the nurse station.”

“I’m not her family member, but is her mobile phone there? You can try to contact her family members from there.”

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The nurse frowned in embarrassment, “I tried it before, but her phone is locked with a password combination, so it won’t work.”

The man took out his mobile phone and looked for a phone number, “How about this? I’ll go through the hospitalization procedures for her first and settle for a single ward for her. Then, I’ll try to contact her family and find someone to take care of her.”

“Okay, please hurry up,” The nurse responded and pushed Chu Xiang to the single ward.

The man found the number he was looking for and called the company while walking towards the reception.

The call was connected quickly as the gentle and polite voice of the artificial customer service sounded, “Hello, this is Xingchen Entertainment, how can I help you?”

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The man said, “Hello, I saw that Agent Chu Xiang has fallen ill in the hospital and I need to contact her family. Is it possible for you to find the needed contact information?”

“Sorry sir, the workers’ contact information cannot be disclosed to outsiders and the customer service department does not have the authority to query the emergency contacts of the employees.”

“My name is Fang Zhenxuan. I went to the company for an interview today and I’m about to sign a contract, so you can check it out. If you can’t contact the family of Agent Chu Xiang, then it’s okay to find someone familiar with her or an assistant of hers. The doctor said that she needs someone to accompany her right now.”

“I apologize, sir, but it is really not my place to disclose this. I can report this news to the supervisor after work tomorrow. If the situation is true, the supervisor will make arrangements for the related matters. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

The voice of the customer service was gentle, but it was always business-like when it came to solving problems. Since the company rules were stated as such, there were no exceptions. Despite discussing back and forth for so long, he couldn’t find anyone to take care of Chu Xiang. It also happened that it was his turn to pay for the hospitalization procedures, so he hung up the phone and settled said matters first.

After that, he took the list to the nurse and asked the nurse about the procedures to have one of them look after her. The nurse said that it would be practically impossible to get a nurse to take care of a patient after work hours, so she asked Fang Zhenxuan to monitor Chu Xiang first.

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