Golden Agent of the Adonis (7)

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Chu Xiang said, “I don’t have any evidence to prove that Chen Lifeng harmed me, but the slanderous information on the Internet is not solid. Although Chen Lifeng is a new actor, he exposed his love affair and changed his agent as soon as he won the Best Actor Award… Oh, Manager Liang, outsiders would spectate the drama whereas insiders would keep an eye on the door(1). The management and those hotshot Directors/ Producers have no idea whether Chen Lifeng will have such good resources in the future. Hence, there is no need for the company to give up on me for him. ”

(T/N: This term refers to the fact that people who don’t have the knowledge or the skills to understand something can only judge based on a matter’s appearance. In retrospect, those who truly know how to handle the matter are the ones who make sure that no detail goes unnoticed.)

Mr. Liang said, “The company didn’t say that they would give up on you, but the matter must be resolved as soon as possible so that the company cannot be affected. Besides, Chen Lifeng’s commercial value must also be considered.”

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The implication was that if it is not necessary, Chen Lifeng’s commercial value couldn’t afford to be damaged. After all, this would also be damaging the company’s interests. Chu Xiang didn’t know how many companies they had opened, so of course she understood this truth. She smiled and said, “I don’t mean to fight against him, so he can change his agent if he wants to. The agent and the artist will always advance and retreat together. If both sides do not mutually agree to each other, tying them up would merely be sending them off to their deaths. At any rate, I have no intention to pester him as well.”

“Oh? I heard that you had a fight with him yesterday?”

“It’s nothing big and it wouldn’t cause a stir; I just wanted to know his thought process since there wasn’t even a warning before everything happened. He kept his love affair a secret and my role as an agent was caught off guard by the exposure of his relationship, resulting in me having to clean the mess up for him. He also suddenly brought up the topic of changing an agent, so I just asked a few things. Otherwise, nothing else was of importance.”

Chu Xiang paused and said, “Manager Liang, you don’t have to give up either me or Cheng Lifeng. We both come to this industry to work and we are still in the same company, so we are not rivals. Although I have no evidence to prove that all the black materials on the Internet are fake, I have a way to deal with this matter. It would slowly wash off the dark  stains on my body and make sure that it won’t affect the company. The question is— is Manager Liang willing to give me this opportunity?”

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Mr. Liang thought for a while, “You should come to the company and talk about it as the matter is not that serious. As long as the situation is contained and prevented from spreading, anything is still up for discussion. Come here and explain the situation so we can go deeper into it with the people in the Public Relations Department.”

Chu Xiang regretfully added,, “I may not be able to go to work for the time being. Yesterday I was unhappy and had a couple more glasses, but I didn’t expect to be diagnosed with alcohol poisoning whilst entering the hospital. As of now, I don’t have the strength to lift my phone. But don’t worry, Manager Liang, I will give the Public Relations Department a call later to see if they can hold a voice conference. I’ll get this sorted out as soon as possible.”

How could it be possible to get alcohol poisoning just after a few extra cups? And for her to drink that much, perhaps she wasn’t as nonchalant about Chen Lifeng’s change of agent as he thought. It was reported on the Internet that Chu Xiang liked Chen Lifeng and pestered him before. Manager Liang didn’t know if that was the truth, but at this time Chu Xiang was speaking frankly and promised to solve the matter as soon as possible, which made him appreciate her attitude.

She wasn’t panicking even when met with unforeseen circumstances, so she seemed like a capable person.

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The situation was not too serious. Thus, Manager Liang was willing to give her a chance, “Then you should contact the Public Relations Department as soon as possible. Have a good rest.”

Chu Xiang hung up the phone, looked up and saw Fang Zhenxuan looking at her with bright eyes. She smiled and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Fang Zhenxuan looked at her and smiled, “It’s nothing, I just think that when you are working, um… you’re quite amazing.”

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He wanted to say that she was handsome and attractive just now, as if her whole body was glowing. However, it would feel too sudden to say such things. In the end, only the word ‘amazing’ came out of his mouth.

Chu Xiang smiled, “That’s considered amazing? I haven’t solved any problems yet. Was that why you didn’t want to give me my phone all along? Because you were worried that I would be saddened to see all the gossip and rumors that concerned me?”

Fang Zhenxuan didn’t expect for his tactics to be seen through as he scratched his head in embarrassment, “Yeah.”

Chu Xiang clicked on the trending search and looked at the photo of Chen Lifeng and Zhou Yuan. She said with a smile, “How could it be? I will only make the person who broke the news regret ever doing so by paying the price.”

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