Golden Agent of the Adonis (16)

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But most importantly, Fang Zhenxuan had about 50,000 followers on his account — the majority of whom were still active. And seeing the filled-up comment section of his posts, it could be seen that he was a popular student. In fact, it appeared that he was also known to be the most handsome guy in the school.

Chu Xiang lifted her gaze toward him and asked, “You wanted to be a lawyer?”

Fang Zhenxuan nodded his head. “That’s right. That was a former dream of mine. However, simply possessing an undergraduate degree in that industry was insufficient. Adding to that the fact that I skipped a year, the knowledge that I’ve accumulated was lacking and would not bode well for my chances in searching for employment in the field. Besides, one needed the necessary qualifications and experience to become a lawyer. As such, the salary for a lawyer just starting out would not be very high. Further taking into account the long working hours and the possibility that I might need to work upon receiving a call in the middle of the night, it would be far too much for me both physically and mentally as I would also need to take care of Xinxin. Thus, I concluded that it would not be a suitable job for me.”

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Chu Xiang then asked, “So, if you manage to earn enough money in the entertainment industry, would you still want to attend graduate school and get a doctorate degree to become a lawyer?”

Fang Zhenxuan had only ever been thinking about ways to make enough money. He never considered the possibility that he would ever make more money than he needed. After taking a moment to think, he shook his head and said regretful tone, “Probably not. I don’t know when it happened, but I’ve nearly lost all my passion for becoming a lawyer. Miss Chu, don’t worry. I understand that both the talent and their manager are complements of one another. If you manage to make me famous, I will definitely not leave or toss you aside.”

“I’m not worried about such things. I was only asking out of curiosity,” Chu Xiang said with a smile before returning his phone. “Are you comfortable with revealing your IRL information? If so, we’ll be making use of this account.”

Fang Zhenxuan replied without much thinking, “Sure. Everything about where I used to study, where I used to work, and me taking care of Xinxin, there’s really nothing here that I’m ashamed of.”

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“Alright. Then, I’ll get started. But first, would you mind helping me buy a laptop from some electronic store nearby? Since there really aren’t any great stores around here, go ahead and buy the one with the highest specifications.”

Chu Xiang transferred him 50,000 yuan before opening the newly-made group chat of six to inquire more about the situation on Chen Lifeng’s side.

After telling Xinxin to stay there and watch TV obediently, Fang Zhenxuan walked over to greet the nurse at the counter before entering the elevator to go and buy a new laptop. Wanting to come back to see just how Chu Xiang was going to settle the whole situation, he dashed out quickly. He did not want to miss even a single exchange that would take place as he had a feeling that this might go down in history as a classic case among all PR cases.

Just as Fang Zhenxuan hurried out, Chu Xiang had already received a reply, stating how things over at Chen Lifeng’s side were beginning to settle down. After further consideration, the chances of the termination going through were now rather plausible.

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Chu Xiang then sent a message to her assistant, Xiaolin, who often went around running errands for her, telling her to keep an eye on the movements happening within the company. Very soon, she would find out that the company had called Chen Lifeng over, seemingly to discuss the renewal of his contract. But seeing the expression on Director Liang’s face, they did not appear to have reached an agreement. At the very least, there were no signs of them having done so.

Hearing that, the corner of her lips curled up into a slight smile. After all, she had deliberately brought up the topic of the renewal of the contract to cause a sort of disconnect between the company and Chen Lifeng. In fact, his contract with the company would soon expire in six months. At first, both he and Chu Xiang found the terms of the contract quite reasonable. Since neither of them had any intentions of parting ways with the company at that time, the company had no reason to consider the possibility that one of them might leave either.

Having discussed the matter with Chen Lifeng, the company figured that Chen Lifeng had no intentions to renew his contract with them. As such, it was only a given that they separated him from a capable manager like Chu Xiang.

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Besides, Chu Xiang had already made a request to the company, stating that she would become Fang Zhenxuan’s manager. Hearing about her decision, the five other people in the private group chat were dumbfounded.

“Who’s Fang Zhenxuan?”

In response, Chu Xiang told them about how she met Fang Zhenxuan and what they talked about before saying, “Fang Zhenxuan may be a newbie in the field, but I’m confident that I have what it takes to make him famous. After getting two more days of rest, I’ll get him started on work. Having stained my reputation previously, I must quickly do something to prove myself.”

After looking through Fang Zhenxuan’s profile, the HR department confirmed that he was indeed a newbie in the field. And upon interviewing him, he seemed rather average. While he may have a good appearance, it would not give him that big of an advantage either. In fact, there were plenty of talents in the field with rather lacking appearances. But with the magic of modern makeup, even the less physically appealing individuals would appear quite handsome or beautiful to their fans.

And since Chen Lifeng did not have any experience in the field, the company thus did not see the need to make any special arrangements for him. But seeing how much Chu Xiang vouched for him, they decided to give him a chance. However, if she did not procure any results, they would replace Fang Zhenxuan with someone more capable. Naturally, Chu Xiang agreed without question.

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