Golden Agent of the Adonis (25)

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Some people questioned the authenticity of those photos in the orphanage, some scolded Chu Xiang for using charity to whitewash her dark history and some scolded the company for supporting Chu Xiang behind their backs. Their anger seemed to be at its peak because they felt that Chu Xiang was blurring the focus, deceiving the public and wronging their beloved Chen Lifeng.

The head of the Public Relations Department sent a message to their small group of six: [@ChuXiang, have you really donated so much money to the orphanage? Is this Weibo post real? Did you have them post it?]

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Of course, it was done under Chu Xiang’s request. It’s okay to do good deeds without leaving a name, but it wasn’t too bad to leave a name either. People should know that the kindness of the original owner was true. However, she was just playing the role of a low-key agent who only cared about the company and did not want trouble, so there were some things that could not be admitted.

She replied: [I just received a call from the orphanage. A sister who grew up with me saw the trending search and felt that I was framed. She was the one who asked the Director of the orphanage to post it, but the contents are all true.]

Several people in the small group sent her an emoticon package. Chu Xiang said again: [Chen Lifeng’s fans are getting even more active, I’m sorry. If they continue to make trouble like this, it will definitely affect Chen Lifeng’s popularity with the passers-by and it will also have a certain impact on the company’s image and Manager Liang’s image. The situation isn’t looking too good.]

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The head of the Public Relations Department replied immediately: [Who’s claiming otherwise? There truly isn’t anyone else that has the intelligence to deal with this situation any better than you did. Somehow, even Manager Liang was involved as they claim that the company favors you? If it really did favor you, this matter would have been resolved ages ago. Aren’t they just protecting their precious Fengfeng the entire day? I’m speechless.]

Chu Xiang said: [How about this— I have been contributing in some public community service throughout these years. In addition to the welfare home, I also built Hope Primary School, donated money to many disaster areas. Plus, I also donated money and materials to mountainous and rural areas. I’ll get in touch and see if I can have them voice out for me since public welfare is a good image. One may not be a big deal, but if there are many, I think it might bring about certain benefits. No matter how irrational Chen Lifeng’s fans are, they can’t scold me when they see that I have done so much charitable work since they should be aware that their words would affect Chen Lifeng’s reputation. By releasing this news, the company’s statement can mention that the company cooperates with their employees to give back to the society. With that, we can diminish and possibly eradicate the negative viewpoint towards the company at least in that aspect. Does that sound okay?]

The workers in that small group discussed it and found it feasible. The fans believed that the company was partial to Chu Xiang and it took at least 7 or 8 hours for them to finish ranting their complaints. Wasn’t the involvement of the company an ironic joke to the other colleagues? Besides, even if Manager Liang didn’t express his opinions, those subordinates should remove Manager Liang’s involvement from the case as soon as possible. Otherwise, what other reasons were they placed into the Public Relations Department for? To have the General Manager dragged into this mess and receive backlash?

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Public welfare was definitely the best umbrella, especially since Chu Xiang had done so many charitable activities. A colleague who knew which neighborhood Chu Xiang lived in suddenly realized something. Despite Chen Lifeng earning so much money, it was no wonder Chu Xiang adamantly remained in that tiny neighborhood— all of the money she earned had been donated!

Chu Xiang’s image was once again elevated in their hearts. To them, it was simply impossible for a person with such character to pester and boss around Chen Lifeng for many years whilst trying to destroy other people’s feelings. So far, after the people in the company exchanged information between one another, no one believed the demeaning rumors on the Internet. Instead, everyone collectively held a bit of disdain towards Chen Lifeng.

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After the company agreed with the plan, Chu Xiang asked the people, whom she had contacted prior, to post on Weibo according to a given timeline. Involved in the plans were some mountainous areas and rural places, but there were even formal donation certificates issued by government officials. The original owner had indeed done a lot of good deeds. As she didn’t care much to doll herself up, her one and only intention was to help Chen Lifend as she battled each day to make sure that he obtained the opportunities she thought he deserved. Besides that, the next thing she liked to do best was to donate to charity and help out the needy.

It might be because the original owner felt the warmth of the orphanage since she was a child and thought of herself as a very lucky child, so she hoped to pass on that love to others. Therefore, she donated most of her savings to various places.

At this time, the company finally issued a statement.

The words in the statement were very official, but there was no ambiguity in them at all. It was stated very clearly that Chen Lifeng and Chu Xiang were not at odds with each other and the separation between them was just a normal job transfer for the better development of both parties. The statement also pointed out that Chu Xiang only knew about Chen Lifeng’s love affair 3 days ago just like everyone else, which meant that she didn’t and never had played a role in destroying the budding relationship between the two artists.

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