The man was looking at the monitor with his mouth wide open. Next to him, Alice let out a laugh. The man stayed frozen for a moment and soon hushed to tap the keyboard.

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“…No… This… No way…”

He checked the synchronization rate that Odin had recorded and could not help but utter a few swears. When he (Laden) was punching the slime, his synchronization rate was not even 3%. However, when confronting the orc, it soared to 8%.

“This… Is this even possible? At level 1, moreover, a player who just created his avatar. His synchronization was at 3% when he was hunting slimes, but how did it increase to 8% when he battled the orc?”

The man turned his head. He looked at the smiling Alice, eager for an explanation.

“That’s because this is his specialty.”


“That kid’s specialty is originally PVP. That is, fighting a player like him. And an orc… has the shape of a human. It’s not a human, though.”

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“…No… Even if it’s like that…”

“Who had the highest synchronization rate on the tutorial before?”

“…What? Uh… That was… The person who recorded the highest rate… was Lukas. Around 6%.”

“Among the top rankers. The average of their highest rate was around 5%, right? How are they now?”


It was not exactly a secret. The man hesitated for a while, but soon began tapping the keyboard letting out a sigh.

“…First… The current rank 1, Lake, recorded 14% of synchronization. If we just consider the top 100 and calculate the median, the average of the highest synchronization rate would be 13%. Moreover, it is with a number that just lasted a second.”

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“A kid who just created his avatar reached 8% of synchronization. If it’s like that, he has enough value for me to go and recruit him myself, right?”

Alice said smiling brightly. The man could not refute her words anymore. If he reached 8% during the tutorial, when he grows to the same level of the current top ranker….

‘…Maybe he will surpass 20%.’

“Delete his synchronization rate.”


The man asked with big eyes.

“No, senpai. Even if it is a request from you… But deleting a synchronization rate? That’s a bit…”

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“If you can’t delete it, then alter it. To around 5%.”

“I am saying that I can’t.”

“Do you want to die?”

Alice asked with a smile. Hearing her statement, the man opened and closed his mouth a few times before avoiding her gaze and look down.

“…If this gets discovered…”

“If that happens I will take responsibility, so don’t worry. And end the tutorial now. At this point, there is no meaning to continue.”

“…How are you going to deal with this? That kid, he opened the system window earlier. If he sends a complain it will get troublesome. The department that manage reports is different from ours.”

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“Don’t worry, I will go myself.”

Alice spoke and tapped the man’s shoulder. He hastily looked up again.

“Will you go in?”

“We have to show at least that much of sincerity, right? And that way, it is easier to deceive him.”

Alice left these words and turned around. The man could only look at her back getting distant while she hummed away happily.

“…Hugged the wrong thigh.”

The man covered his face with his hands and kept mumbling.

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