Return of Mount Hua Sect

Chapter 344: 344

Late at night, Cheongmaegwan.

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A loud laugh leaked out of the Yeonshin Cheongmaegwan.

The people in it were having so much fun pouring alcohol into each other's glasses.

"Hahahaha. I didn't think it'd be this easy!"

"I thought it wouldn't be easy to make a reputation recently, but I was surprised that it was so much simpler than I thought."

Hyun Pop, who had been listening to him for a while, threw a drink and smirked.

"Hyun Jong used to be a fragile person. And now the reputable latecomers...…but they're still children."

"That's right, Father."

"Although I was lucky enough to make a name for myself, it was not long before the limitation was revealed. If I had left it like this."

"That's why we're here, isn't we?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Hyun Pop nodded loudly.

"Don't forget that the only reason we came to Hwasan is for Hwasan."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Yeah, pour me another drink."

It was then.

"How dare they drink nonchalantly in the conduit. I'm not ashamed to see my ancestors!"

The door burst open and a man walked in. Then everyone stood up and bowed their heads.



Hyun Dang frowned. I saw a bunch of loose liquor bottles.

"You haven't forgotten where this is yet, have you?"

"I'm sorry, everyone seems too nervous."

Hyun Pop said cautiously with a shy face.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

"After decades of regaining my life, it is not easy to stop drinking and meat."

"Foolish people."

Hyun Dang went inside without hesitation and sat at the head of the table. And said with a stern face.

"Just hang in there a little bit. Soon this Hwasan will return to our law. Until then, you should be careful with your eyes and ears around you and keep your body in shape."

"I'll keep that in mind. Death penalty."


After talking, Hyun Dang looked around my children, Hyun Pop, and his children.

'This is when you use the term blessing in disguise.'

I couldn't stand it and ran out of Hwasan, but it couldn't have been so easy to live a new life.

It was never easy for a Taoist, who had polished his way in the mountains and devoted himself to learning nothing, to return and adapt to the world.

However, thanks to the struggle, the family has been achieved, and the children have grown up to support him firmly.

'Many of these will be supportive.'

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If it could permeate Hwasan as it is, it would be entirely his power. If that happens, wouldn't you be as good as a writer even if you didn't steal the position of a writer?

'If I can make the first one the next Hwasan writer, all of this will be mine.'

Hyun Dang smiled brightly.


"You have to call me Hyun Pop here."

"Yeah, that's right. Hyun Pop아. What happened to what I asked you to find out?"

"Yes, I've done some research in the meantime, but I think it's true that there's a lot of money in Hwasan. In just two days, the warehouse is full of goods that entered Hwasan."


"In addition, Hwasan has exclusive rights to trade with Unnam. It's an astronomical business that can make a fortune if you can use it well. The Wasans are so naive that they don't seem to know how much this job is worth."

Hyun Pop smiled brightly.

"If I run out of full power, I can put the death penalty on a pile of money.""It's not me, it's Hwasan."

"Of course, death penalty."

Strictly speaking, Hyun Dang's mouth also crept into a smile. I tried to calm down, but the corners of my mouth didn't move as I wanted.

Hyun Pop smiled triumphantly at him.

"Don't you think they're feeling the limits when they don't really resist too much."


Then Hyun Dang made a slight frown.

"Don't take it easy."


"Hyun Jong in your memory may be clumsy and indecisive, but anyway, Hyun Jong has sustained the collapsing Hwasan for decades, and has re-established Hwasan's reputation, which everyone thought had fallen."

Hyun Pop's face is slightly distorted. It was something I didn't want to admit.

"Where is that Hyun Jong's skill?"

"As Hyun Jong said, the river and mountain will change in 10 years. There's nothing wrong with a person being different for 30 years."

"You mean that Hyun Jong?"

There was a clear sneer in his voice.

"The death penalty: Ten years will change the rivers and mountains, but people will not change after ten years. You know it's not easy for people to change, right?"

"……That's not so wrong either."

"As the death penalty said, if Hyun Jong is different from before, why would he still leave us alone? If the death penalty were in his shoes, would you have put up with it?"


When Hyun Dang didn't answer, Hyun Pop grinned as if to look at it.

"Being cautious is good, but being too careful can ruin things. Sometimes you can get more when you move boldly."

"Yeah, that's true."

Hyun Dang nodded slowly with a slightly complicated face.

He knows that Hyun Pop is not so wrong. But Hawsan's reaction kept disturbing a corner of his mind.

It can't be this green.'

It can't be easy to produce results and gain fame in a strong team. If it was so easy, Hyun Dang wouldn't have left Hwasan.

If you've made that achievement, there must be a good reason.

But the reason was not in Hyun Dang's eyes. The latecomers' skills seem to be too high, but the unborn and wise men's skills that would have taught them don't seem to be much better than in the past.….

'I'm sure there's something.'

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Hyun Dang shook his head.

I don't know what's missing, but now is the time to push ahead with the fight, as Hyun Pop said. If you give them time to think, it will be impossible to regain their position.

"Anyway, if Hyun Jong is not a scarecrow, he will come up with his own measures by tomorrow."

"Yes, and if we can cover up that measure, we're going to have him in our hands."

"Yes, you should."

"The death penalty. After a long time, you finally get back to the death penalty."

"Oh, my. You're talking like a sore thumb. I only claimed to suffer for the future of Hwasan."

"Of course, death penalty."

The two smiled at each other.

* * *

"What about the disciples?"

"I don't really complain……."

"They're so...…."

Hyun Jong sighed deeply with a sad face.

It would be better if they followed and complained about what they were doing.

His disciples were not complaining a single word to him."Are you still trying to interfere with your disciples?"


Hyun Jong frowned at Hyun Sang's answer.

Hyun Sang looked at Hyun Jong and opened his mouth with a sigh.

"I know why you are so careful, long-literatee. And I know that you can't act as emotionally as we do because you're a long writer. However, if this continues, it will have a negative effect on the disciples."

"…What about Hyun Young?"

"I'm stuck in my room because I don't want to see her."

"……Tsk tsk. Not a child."

Hyun Jong shook his head.

This time, Hyun Sang took sides as if he understood Hyun Young.

"One thing is, you have to understand that, Jang Moon-in."

"……why don't I know."

Hyun Jong looked down at the teacup and said,

"Don't you want to kick them out just because it's me? No, rather, I would have the biggest heart."

"What if I do………."

"Because I know I shouldn't do what I want."

Hyun Jong looked Hyun Sang straight.

"If I throw them away, I'm sure there will be people who want to use them. Then the price should be fully paid by Hwasan's disciples, not by us."

"……long story."

"I had no choice but to worry about it. What's the best. What path should we take to keep those children from getting caught up in the shadows of the past?"

Hyun Jong, who sighed low, continued in a heavy voice.

"Hyun Sang."

"Yes, a long writer."

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"I don't want my children to be harmed by my personal feelings."

Hyun Sang sighed secretly. After hearing Hyun Jong's thoughts, I felt even more uncomfortable.

I didn't expect the meaning, but I felt more complicated when I heard it in person.

Do it.

When did Hyun Jong ever think of himself? His actions were always in the comfort of Hawasan and his disciples.

Hyun Sang often felt so frustrated that his side was angry. But in the end, I believed and followed because I knew it was right.

And this time, too, but...….

"Long storyline. I know what you mean, but it's starting to have a bad effect on children."

"…That's right."

Hyun Jong nodded quietly.

"Now we need to take action. I've already come to a conclusion."

His gaze turned to the distant sky.

"The death penalty... No, bring him in."

"Yes, a long writer."

Hyun Sang stood up, nodding firmly.

Two groups sat face to face in the place of the long writer, Hwasan.

One side is the elders of Hwasan, including Hyun Jong.

And the other were Hyun Dang and Hyun Pop, wise men who had left the past behind Hwasan.

We met like this a few days ago, but today's atmosphere was heavier than then.

It was Hyun Dang who opened his mouth first.

"Yeah, it's a job."

Hyun Young, who was guarding Hyun Jong's right side with his relaxed and soft voice, said coldly.

"Be careful what you say."

"…… hmm?"

"You are now an expert of the great Hwasanite. The other day, I tolerated that rudeness, but once again, if you commit the same rudeness, you'll see how stern Hawsan's law is then."

Hyun Dang glanced at Hyun Young with disapproving eyes.

However, he nodded as if there was nothing good about the angle."I made a slip of my tongue. So, what brings you here? Long story?

It wasn't complete respect, but it was a decent engineering college.

Hyun Young still looked unhappy, but kept his mouth shut to avoid further interrupting the conversation.

Hyun Jong opened his mouth with a slight smile.

"How was your tour for a few days?"

Hyun Dang looked into Hyun Jong's face as if he was going to check his intentions.

However, it was not easy to grasp the hidden meaning. Hyun Jong in the past may have been able to see his expression and voice. But now Hyun Jong's innermost thoughts were hard to understand.

"It was great, a long storyteller."

Hyun Dang flickered his head as if he was satisfied.

"More than anything, I'm delighted that Hwasan is full of energy. Wasan in the past didn't. I could guess how hard the writer had been without looking at me."

Such a favorable remark was unexpected by Hyun Sang, who slightly distorted his eyebrows.

One, fortunately or unfortunately, Hyun Dang's words did not deviate much from Hyun Sang's expectations.


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Hyun Dang brought up the subject with a subtle angry tone.

As it is full of energy, there are a lot of things that are too much. Especially, I could not help but be disappointed that the laws of the upper and lower were not properly established and that the good men could not carry on at all."

"Is that so?"

Hyun Jong smiled brightly. There was no sign of displeasure.

Hyun Dang's eyebrows wriggled at the calm response.

"Maybe the writer didn't understand me."

"No, I fully understand."



Hyun Jong nodded slowly.

"And that's the kind of reaction you're saying?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"…long story?"

His gaze at Hyun Dang was strangely subdued.

"One of the writers of a literary group should not completely ignore the outside comments, but should not be swayed by the words. So I don't have to take the review of the death penalty in full."

I'm saying this with a smile.

However, the bones that could not be hidden were revealed.

It means that Hwasan's long writer is Hyun Jong no matter what anyone says, and Hyun Dang, who abandoned Hwasan himself, is just a foreigner, so it is meaningless to evaluate him.

'This guy...'

Recognizing the meaning, Hyun Dang slightly distorted his relaxed face.

But after seeing the expression, Hyun Jong continued his speech in a calm and new way.

"The death penalty."

"…Tell me. A long story."

"The death penalty for abandoning the Munpa and abandoning the enemy of Hwasan has allowed us to live in Hwasan because we understand the mind of the Moonpa who had to. Wasan was such a difficult and difficult place at the time."

"The priest……."


When Hyun Dang's voice was about to get a little wet, Hyun Jong cut it off firmly.

"I understand the death penalty. I understand. However, there are those who have finally devoted their youth to Hwasan despite the difficult and difficult circumstances. There are people who would have rather run away than live happily, but foolishly chose to live as Hwasan's disciples."


Before I knew it, Hyun Jong's eyes were so cool.

"As the death penalty says. If the death penalty helps, Hwasan may be a little better than he is now is. One, as soon as that happens, Hwasan will no longer be Hwasan."

Hyun Dang's face trembled.

Hyun Jong, who spoke quietly with a determined face, was exuding unparalleled energy."Hey, when did he ever...…?'

Hyun Jong stares at Hyun Dang like that. Finally said.

"The death penalty. No, Hauryang."

"…, you!"

"That's enough. Now get out of Hwasan. And……."

A cold, cool gaze penetrated Hyun Dang.

"Don't ever try to cross the threshold of Hwasan again. At that time, you will realize how stern Hawsan's law is."

Hyun Dang was so overwhelmed that he couldn't seem to find anything to say and ended up closing his mouth without realizing it.

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