Return of Mount Hua Sect

Chapter 377: 377

Baek Cheon sighed as he looked at Chung-Myung returning.

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'He's an unaccounted for anyway.'

Chung-Myung is the most frivolous human being in Hwasan. No one with an enemy in Hawsan would deny this fact.

But Chung-Myung sometimes shows something they can't imagine.

I don't know if it's for a day or two.

Chung-Myung, who came right in front of the Hwasan disciples, immediately relaxed his expression and shrugged.

"Ahem! This is how you're supposed to fall behind, this is it!"


Why don't you shut up?

If that's the case, I might have a different way of looking at least.

Baek Cheon sighed inside and frowned slightly.

"But isn't it so cruel in your hand?"


Chung-Myung scratched his cheek. And he said, looking at the enemy's history of looking at the details of the review.

"Living quarters, living quarters.


"Do you know what to do to be the least cruel?"


"I'm killing them all."


Baek Cheon closed his mouth.

It's a playful way of saying it, but it's never a joke. He doesn't joke about this.

"How can that be less cruel?"

"Is it more cruel for one person to die? Or is it more cruel for two people to die?"

"He is…… of course it's two."

"So, how many more do you think they'll kill per person in their lives?"


Baek Cheon's face is slightly stiff.

I've never thought about it that way.


Chung-Myung shook his head to explain something more.

This is not an area that can be understood by words anyway. Baek Cheon would also know that they would only harm the people if they were more alive. It's just that I can't accept that Chung-Myung easily harms and kills people.

Chung-Myung sighed slightly.

"I'm not going to tell you to be mindful, not to have things in your hands," he said.…."

And I looked at Baek Cheon with more serious eyes.

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"All you have to do is embrace warmth. There's no warmth in the sword."


Then, Hyun Young helped Chung-Myung.

"I think the same. How can we call him an apostle if there is no compassion in the heart of the Doe, but the good men of Hwasan have done nothing to bring evil to bear."


"Even if you were to inspect the plum blossoms, you would have made a name for yourself in the Dead Sea by cutting down countless Heukdo groups overnight. He wouldn't have done such a thing because he was unkind and thoughtful of others. Isn't it all from the deep end?"

"That's right!"

Baek Cheon's eyes glistened rapidly when the word plum inspection came out.

But Chung-Myung's insides burned black when he saw it.

Why are you responding differently to the same thing.

That's why people have to use the cover somehow!


I cut a lot of black and white in one night?

'It should have been once or twice.'

When are you talking about? Chung-Myung was lost in thought for a moment.

At that time, Baek Cheon said with a slight reminder.

"I'm talking about the fact that you punished the Black Moon, which was notorious in Nakyang."

"That's exactly what it is. Even though Maehwa Screening was never a man who considered murder easy, he never forgave those who tormented his people! That day, he woke up without hesitation to see the Heukdo crowd who were taking over the people of both men.It was one of the few anecdotes that were told in Hwasan.

This was passed down as a legend in Nakyang, so it was hard for any student of Hwasan not to know.

It's just...

Oh, that.

Chung-Myung's expression quickly became awkward.

These bastards are drinking people!




Chung-Myung slightly erased the truth from the past that came to mind.

'Yes, that's what it is, as a result.'

Let's forget

Forget about it.


Hyun Young frowned and returned to the point.

"It's better to be a place where Hwasan is ignorant than to see you get hurt or die while putting things in your hands for no reason.""

At that point, Hwasan's disciples saw Hyun Young again.

Of course, I knew that Hyun Young was the most realistic of the elders. But I didn't expect that to come out of that mouth.

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"So in the future, even if the same thing happens, never fear things in your hands."

"Yes, Elder!"

The answer was loud, but not everyone would have organized their thoughts.

But this was the only thing Chung-Myung couldn't force.

Anyone who lives in Kang-ho will think about it at least once. A man with a sword in his hand cannot avoid murder forever.

Chung-Myung would not say that whatever conclusion they reached was wrong. His values are his own, and Chung-Myung's ideas are not absolutely right.

It's just...

"Think more about it."


"So you don't regret it."

Everyone nodded still at Chung-Myung's words.


Watching everything from Hawasan's intrusion to the defeat of the Red Squad, Nam Jamyong was an inexplicable and delicate feeling.

You knocked down that Jokessado Yoppyyong?'

More than a dozen of Jongnam's descendants dared not dare to fight and abandoned their homes. Isn't the arm of the reason for that Joksado Yoppyong?

I can't believe that Baek Cheon, the Hwajjung sword, knocked down Joksado Yoppyyong, not Hwasan Sinryong or Shaolin's Hye Yeon.

When the hell did Hwasan get so strong?'

You said it's a latecomer at best.

How can we dismiss him as a mere posthumous figure when he has defeated Yuppyeong?

Nam Jamyong turned his eyes towards the canal. There were images of the fallen soldiers and the enemy soldiers trying to recover their colleagues.



Those who had locked the door after sensing a terrible situation also began to stick out their heads one by one.

Nam Jamyong's face is visibly stiff.

Until a while ago, only attention was focused on driving out enemy forces, but when the matter was resolved, I started to worry about the future.

"Oh, is it over?"

"......Oh, it's still there."

"Look, I think that fallen guy over there is the boss."

"Well, did Hwasan's disciples defeat the whole crowd?"

Nam Jamyong's face looking around showed signs of embarrassment.

Still, many people are just sticking their heads out, but some courageous people crept out.

"Well, do, doctors. Can we go out?"

When someone approached carefully and asked, Hwasan's disciples nodded nonchalantly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just stay away from them. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet. And be careful before they all leave the West Coast."

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"Go, thank you!"

Everyone who heard that was sure.That Hwasan defeated that enemy force.

As if to prove it, enemy soldiers carried their wounded colleagues on their backs and began to leave the coffin weakly.

"Where are you taking it easy, you bastards. I'm going to beat you all up and make you crawl out! Why don't you get out of here right now.

When Chung-Myung shouted, the enemy soldiers panicked and performed their wonders. Literally, the people who were watching cheered at the sight of the tail running away.

"I've got it!"

"Sa, you're alive! We're alive!"

"That's perfect, those Sapa!"

The people of the West Bank began to flock out like clouds as the two doors, which were a sign of the situation, opened in unison.

They shot and cursed at the back of the fleeing enemy.

"Well, well, if Jong-nam hadn't been there, you wouldn't have stepped in!"

"I know!"

"Oh, my God! Why is Jongnam coming out right now?"


And some of them got choked up and screamed.

"Did Jong-nam do the bongmun, or did the shorthand do the bongmun? Where are the descendants of Jongnam who thought they would protect us at times like this? I mean, we've all pulled the strings together!"


"For God's sake, how much government money I've been offering!"

"How does it make sense to run away without any of the many shamans left! And you can't call them political factions!"

Anger rose from place to place.

The reason why people want to learn martial arts is to protect themselves. And the reason for this is that when a moment comes, I believe they will protect me.

However, as soon as the danger came, Jongnam's shorthanders ran away, saying, "I don't know."

Who can trust and follow a gatekeeper who has left the people they are supposed to protect without protecting themselves against the Sapa?

Angry public sentiment burned like wildfire.

"If only Bonsan hadn't been there, this would have happened.…."

"Don't talk nonsense! Did you learn Jongnam's slang somewhere other than Jongnam? That's what Bon-san taught you, so the shorthand will do!"


"Of course, it wouldn't have happened if Jong-nam hadn't been there. But if there is a bigger enemy next time, where is the guarantee that Jong-nam will not abandon the West Bank and run away?"

"…Isn't that too much?"

"He said he could tell his parents by looking at their children! If you look at the shorthand, you can see what Jongnam is like. Anyway, I'm very disappointed in Jongnam because of this! I'm never going to do anything to anyone who's ever been in the South again!"

Many people tacitly agreed with the statement.

There were not many people who openly complained because they have yet to completely shake off Jongnam's influence, but just looking at most of his expressions and eyes, it was clear that there was already a great deal of distrust.

"On the other hand, what about Hwasan? Didn't they risk their lives to protect us even though they just entered the West Bank?"

"…because you didn't pay your respects?"

"Don't say stupid things! have not been sealed However, would Jongnam try to fight with only the three great disciples? I didn't believe it when I heard that my servant was slowly losing ground to Hwasan, but now I understand why you're saying that!"

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On the other hand, there was a lot of favor in the eyes on Hwasan.

Why wouldn't you?

The disciples of Hwasan are all young and young and young. Young people younger than them risked their lives against the scariest enemies of the Sapa and finally protected the West Bank.If they hadn't ostracized the English before this happened, they might have been less grateful. But everyone who came out here knew. They all rejected Hwagyeongmun because they could not overcome the pressure of Jongnam's

But they risked their lives for themselves.

"You've done everything you can to keep up with him and not get involved with him. Now that it's getting a little dangerous, you're running without a tail? That's not what a man would do!"

There was a mixture of goodwill for Hwasan and hostility against Jongnam.

Nam Jamyong closed his eyes at the scene.

It's over.

Power cannot be everything.

Only when there is a belief that the power will be used in the right direction can it be meaningful.

Now that this has happened, Jongnam's inner family will never regain trust in the West Bank again.

It is no different from the bandits without trust that they will protect themselves from the people's perspective.

'You morons, you morons. That's why I stopped you. How am I supposed to see my face again?'

Now that he knew that I had no power to control this flow, he lamented that the earth had died.

Most of them were busy expressing their anger towards Jongnam, but some of them sneaked up on the Wasan faction and thanked them in person.

"Thank you. Thank you very much. I survived thanks to you."

"Oh, don't say that."

Chung-Myung answered firmly, sticking out his belly.

"Thanks is something to be thankful for. What is this to be appreciated for? If you open a gate to the West Bank, you must die with the people of the West Bank! You have to live with the people of the West Bank! It's a shame to be thanked for what's natural!"

Listening to his flowing words, Hwasan's disciples were in awe.

Did you grease your mouth?'

"Wow, he's killing Jongnam's inner circle like that.'

I'm saying it's better to step on others than to be praised. As expected, it's Chung-Myung. I respect you.'

"Hwasan! It's really Hwasan! You said Hwasan's majesty made the world cry, and now I know why!"

"But thank you very much. I survived thanks to Hwasan. How many people would have died without Hwasan!"

"I don't know how to express this gratitude."

Chung-Myung, who had a solemn look on his face, began to flinch and laugh little by little.

"Hehe. What's the big deal?"

"No! That's great! What a great thing this is!"

"Hooray! Hooray to the Wasans!"

Chung-Myung's mouth crept open at the pouring cheers, applause, and countless handshake requests.


"Thank you so much, gentlemen!"

"Hooray! Hooray to the Wasans!"

The sound of cheers, laughter, and new trust filled the West Bank.

It was not known whether the loud shout was heard to Jongnam, who locked the door firmly.

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