Chapter 86. Former Hero: Hub

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Sharon and I return to the inn, after checking our room on reception, we’re moving to our room on the top-floor.

While climbing the stairs of the five-layered inn, Sharon is filled with expectation about the race in one month later.

When we arrive in the room, I’ll invite Laurier before Sharon did it.
Initiative victory. If I can secure Laurier before Sharon, the race most likely become winner.

No, let’s stop it.

As I was thinking about it, Sharon most likely gonna invite Laurier too, as the result of their talk, I can easily predict Laurier will agree to pairing with Sharon.

There is no need to ruin the pair.

Uwaa… Even if I said it, the analysis become in vain..
I felt sad somehow.

To comfort my sadness feeling, I stroke Sharon’s ass who climbing the stairs in front of me.


Wa, Haruto-kun!? Why do you suddenly do that!?]

Sharon turned around suppressing her skirt and ass while blushing.

No matter how much time passed, she looks innocent like her first time.

Lack of qualification as adventurer, there is always danger being attacked by enemy anytime.
Don’t let down your guard a bit]

Such absurd argument.

[Hee… Is that so?
Then, is it alright to attack Haruto too?]

Uwaa, so scary.

Sharon who grasping her fist, looking at me with cold gaze.
Because she standing two-rows above me, it give a super more intimidating effect, super scary.

That is right? Similar with Demon king?

[It’s lie. I’m sorry. That’s just pour of moment. Please forgive me]

I, immediately surrender. So miserable.

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[Good grief…. If, if you want to touch, etto… Don’t do it so sudden, if you say it beforehand…]

She is not that angry in the first place, Sharon seems accept my apology obediently.
And then, while she averting her gaze nervously, she said some lovely words.

That is right? Similar with Angel?


We’re watching each other.

I pull Sharon’s hand, climbing the staircase.
And moving my hand to her waist, I hold Sharon.

[Can I kiss you?]
[R,right now on this place…?]

Sharon said it while facing down her face, glance to checking around. There is no people in the surrounding.

[… If, if it’s only kiss]

Sharon shuts her eyes, she put her arms behind my back.
When she touch my back, I felt her shivering through her clothes.

This girl, is really cute girl.

When I hug her more tighter, I kiss Sharon lips.

When we’re kissing, I can felt Sharon’s warm breath.
And also when I taste the softness of her lips, obviously, it’s impossible for me to endure it.

Learning ability? What is that?

I am quietly move my hand to Sharon’s bottom.

Sharon give fast reaction, squirming her body.
However, I suppress her by holding her head with my other hand, sealing her movement.

The strategy note on how to capture Sharon.

Sharon become meek when we’re kissing!

I can do it!

I have confident of this strategical victory, my right hand who touching Sharon’s ass moving to inside her skirt.

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However, suddenly I felt a pain in my side.


The reason definitely Sharon.
Sharon pinch my side, she twist it hard.

It’s painful. So painful, Sharon-chan.

She might don’t want to blow me using her punch on this place, is this Sharon generousity?
No, this kind of pinching is more painful.

[Mou! You said only kissing!
Haruto ecchi! Bedda!] (TL note: Sharon sticking her tongue out)

What just happening?
The strategy note is failed…?

Is it means Sharon is also growing-up, eh?

I wonder if it’s fine if I’m also stick my tongue in.
No such thing.


I need to apologize later.

Sharon has already running disappear, leaving my by myself, I climb up the stairs while tottering.

Human, there is always a day which everything doesn’t go as you wished.

When I arrived on the room, I offer my apologize to Sharon, since she doesn’t angry, then the matter is solved.
Sharon is really a good girl.

Aside of that, about the crossing race.

I wonder if

Sharon invite Laurier, this one is approved.
Rithina who went to give greeting earlier, were invited as special guests instead, it seems she also gonna make some greeting on the venue on the big day.
Mina who doesn’t have intention to participate in race on public, gonna be Rithina’s escort.

Well, up to here is can be expected.
The problem is Celes and Tanya.

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These two people, somehow become close with each other before I know it, Tanya invited Celes, Celes accept it.
When I am talking about the race, the partnership just established, there is no room for me to act.
When I finished speaking about the race, I have been left out completely.

This is impossible…

And then, I am right now, timidly sitting toward the wall in the corner of the room.

No, I have expected things will become like this from beginning
I have predicted Mina won’t participating on the race, excluding consider the number of people, I have also predicted that Rithina won’t be participating too.

[Haruto… Are you alright?]

From my back, I heard Sharon asking anxiously.

Even though I didn’t see her because I face the wall, most likely everyone also looking at me.

Wait a moment.
I’ll recovering soon.

As I recovering, my self-excuse will starting.

Let’s think about it positively.

I am the exclude ones, if there is one girl being excluded too.
Yes, If it’s become like that, it’s good thing I am the excluded ones.

So, as a master of this garem, it’s necessary for me to play this role.

Everyone might become strained awkwardly, it’s far better for me for them get along with each others.

Okay, this is it. Let’s think this way.

Self-reasoning/excuse ended.

Oh well on this situation, Celes who don’t usually participating on this kind of event, I didn’t expected to join too.

I who regain my peace of mind, stand-up and face everyone.

[Oou. Do you recovered?]

When I turning around, everyone is normal except Sharon.

Moreover, there is Laurier voice.
While whole enjoying eat candy.

I am, depressed!

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No, wait. Calm down.

Right now, everyone trusted me that I won’t get depressed by these kind of things, it’s good evidence.

Ku, so painful.

… Oh well.
If I’m hesitate forever, nothing will be starting.

Let’s think about the race partner for later.

[By the way, Rithina-sama. Aside from the race things, how is the blacksmith-sama going?]

To pull myself up, I asked Rithina.

It is so.
To begin with, we’re coming to this city to not take part in the race.

It is to create a personal weapon for me, we’re coming here to get the best blacksmith to make my weapon.

[Hm, let’s see.
We have been introduced to an excellent blacksmith.
I’ll guide you there tomorrow]

Rithina put down her tea cup on the table soundlessly, while answering my question.

[Really? Thank you very much]

When Rithina did something, I recalled to have heard any noises.
The royal family is sure amazing.

Anyway, our aim to get a blacksmith seems fulfilled.

Then, as Rithina said, let’s go over there tomorrow.

But, the price.

As expected, perhaps I need to borrow money from everyone.

Uuun… Is that it?
The victory price from the race?
Nevertheless the plan won’t change.

The unexpected problem begin to pile-up.

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