Return of the Swallow

Chapter 557

Chapter 557.1: The Status Quo

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It took twice as long for Pang Xiao to travel from Skyzone Pass to Skywolf Pass than before, as he was afraid of Qin Yining catching a cold. Using his authority as a common-born prince, he gave her the largest, warmest carriage and stopped to rest whenever they happened upon a beautiful scenery. If they came across a small town where there was a marketplace, they would also make a short stop as well.

It didn’t seem as if they were sinners returning to the capital with a heavy heart, what with the way they stopped intermittently. Rather, it seemed as if Pang Xiao were taking the princess consort out on vacation.

Yi Binghu’s head ached out of frustration, yet those around him held Pang Xiao in particular high regard—they assented to every statement the prince made.

Qin Yining lifted the carriage’s curtain and looked out to see Yi Binghu’s face all scrunched up; he seemed to have lost some weight over the past few days. 

She leaned back into Pang Xiao’s embrace. “At this rate,” she murmured, “General Yi’s robust physique will be no more. He’s barely eaten anything over the past couple of days.”

Leaning against a large cushion, Pang Xiao was half lying down with his long legs propped up. He held a book about military tactics in one hand and hugged Qin Yining against his chest with the other. The two of them shared a thick blanket; Qin Yining even had a little portable heater in her lap, warm and comfortable as could be.

“That man is both crooked and pompous. It would do him some good if this experience tempered his character; if not, there’s little else we can do about it. He was kicked out of the Valiant Tigers because his temperament is too unstable. Something like that could easily affect the state of the army as a whole.”

Qin Yining couldn’t help laughing at that. “It seems that you have a rather deep understanding of your subordinates. As the saying goes, one should put the right people in the right place.”

Pang Xiao chuckled and kissed the top of Qin Yining’s head. “It’s like playing chess—you must know the function of every single piece and what they are capable of when arranged on the board.”

Qin Yining nodded and turned over in Pang Xiao’s arms. “That's why I say that man can’t compare to you.”

Her approving tone tickled a burst of laughter out of Pang Xiao. “Your heart is biased towards me, so you always think well of me no matter what it is.”

“That’s not true. Anyone who sees clearly can tell who is more outstanding. If you weren’t truly excellent, why would the men of the military, men with no fear of killing or risking their lives, approve of you?”

Tens of thousands of compliments from outsiders couldn’t hold a candle to how happy one word from Qin Yining made him feel. Pang Xiao cheerfully kissed her on the cheek. “For the lady to approve thusly, this husband is most delighted,” he murmured in a low voice.

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Qin Yining buried her face into Pang Xiao’s chest. “You and your glib tongue,” she retorted, her lips just barely concealing her mirth.

“What’s this glib tongue you speak of? I mean every word I said from the bottom of my heart.”

It was too warm beneath the covers and her cushion too comfortable; Qin Yining’s head buzzed, her eyelids growing heavier as she clutched her hand warmer.

The sight of his darling curled up in his arms like a kitten intensified Pang Xiao’s urge to coddle her. He slowly patted her back and murmured as if cooing to a child. “Sleep. I'll watch over you.”

Qin Yining closed her eyes and slipped into a deep slumber.

After roughly eight days of crawling progress, the entourage finally arrived at the two checkpoints of the northern border: Skywolf Pass.

As they approached, Pang Xiao switched to riding horseback next to Qin Yining’s carriage.

Yi Binghu mentally cursed Pang Xiao for being a wily fox. He usually enjoys the luxury of riding in a carriage like a woman, then changes to a horse after arriving at the border so he can pretend to be a man!

Pang Xiao noticed the odd look in Yi Binghu’s eyes, but he didn’t take it to heart. As he led the retinue to the gates of the Skywolf Pass, someone shouted down at them from the top of the guard tower. “State your name and business!”

“We are escorting the Faithful Prince of the First Rank back to the capital and seek passage through Skywolf Pass,” Huzi called out. “Please open the gates.”

Jumbled footsteps traveled from the gates. A moment later, someone leaned outside to take a look. After confirming that they were indeed who they said they were, the man descended from the tower, and the gates opened shortly after.

A troop of guardsmen came forward and flanked them in two lines. A tall, strong, and armored middle-aged man with a scarred face followed in quick strides, sword in hand. Seeing that the other man was on foot, Pang Xiao jumped down from his horse. Behind him, the Elite Tigers followed suit.

Yi Binghu smirked and scoffed lightly. “Just look at him put on this show.”

Standing next to him were Wei Erbao, Li Daniu, Qian Dongji, and a few others who had long developed a distaste for Yi Binghu. But seeing how he outranked them by quite a bit, though, there was nothing they could do about him except go along with the Elite Tigers and dismount from their horses.

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Yi Binghu stuck out like a sore thumb as the only one still on horseback. In the end, he had no choice but to dismount with a dark look on his face. The general who oversaw Skywolf Pass was a non-nonsense man—surely he didn’t intend on going against royal decree and letting Pang Xiao off easily!

Thinking this, Yi Binghu quickly strode in front of Pang Xiao and raised a cupped fist salute at the approaching man. “General Tao.”

"General Yi. So you’ve found the Faithful Prince of the First Rank’s entourage and are accompanying them on their return?"

These words practically had Yi Binghu’s brain exploding with fury. Accompanying them? No, he was dragging back a traitor to stand trial!!

But when he turned his head back, he was greeted by the sight of a majestic carriage, impressively arrayed troops, and the illustrious prince himself—all of this pointed toward him accompanying them on their travels, not guarding a criminal.

Yi Binghu’s face became as black as thunderclouds. “Yes, I located the prince,” he answered stiffly. “I trust that the general has arranged temporary accommodations for the prince and his company?”

“The relay station is indeed ready to receive them at any time, but His Highness is a distinguished guest. This general shall have the rear residence organized at once for His and Her Highness.”

This again!


Chapter 557.2: The Status Quo

Yi Binghu inwardly screamed at the men stationed at the pass. What were their brains made of?! How was it that Kang Qiong—the supreme commander of the Dragon Riders—had said he’d arranged for Pang Xiao to stay at the relay station when in reality, he intended for the prince to lodge in comfort at the rear residence? And now, even this seemingly upright General Tao was doing the same?

Pang Xiao fiddled with his whip while he observed Yi Binghu’s expressions from the side. What an utterly amusing sight. 

On the other hand, the prince’s whip caught General Tao’s eye. He gave it a blank stare, then stepped forth to offer a respectful salute.

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“This subordinate Tao Jun greets His Highness.”

This is Tao Jun?

A scar snaked across his brows that extended to his temples and he wore a pipe tucked into his belt. Though his rough skin aged him, he appeared to be around his thirties. His appearance was just as Ji Zeyu had described, so Pang Xiao understood at once—this man was the head of his sworn brother’s one hundred confidantes. There was no doubt that he’d suddenly become even more respectful upon seeing his old commander’s whip.

“At ease. Felicitations to General Tao’s recent promotion! This prince has yet to send my congratulations.”

At the time of his departure, Ji Zeyu had told him that Tao Jun was a commander, but now he was the supreme commander of Skywolf Pass. He must have been recently promoted. 

Tao Jun knew that he was no one of importance. Since he and the prince had never crossed paths before, Pang Xiao never would’ve known his previous rank. However, he spoke of a recent promotion and held Li Zeyu’s token in his hand. This man was definitely someone the prince consort greatly approved of, so Ji Zeyu must’ve been the one to tell Pang Xiao about Tao Jun!

“His Highness must be worn from travel and all its hardships.” An amiable note colored Tao Jun’s respectful tone. “It has been a hard trip indeed. This subordinate will send for people to prepare food and wine at once for a welcoming banquet.”

Pang Xiao laughed at that. “Many thanks to General Tao.”

“This way, Your Highnesses.” Tao Jun turned to the side to let them pass. Pang Xiao and the princess consort’s carriage took the lead, while the general himself walked in front of the Elite Tigers and remained extremely courteous as he fell in with their ranks.

Wei Erbao, Li Daniu and the others couldn’t help snickering. 

“His Highness’s prestige shakes the four corners of the earth indeed!” they discussed quietly. “Even the Dragon Riders treat him with utmost respect in every way.”

“Now, ain’t that the truth! Some people think they’re oh-so-important because they hold a minor position when really, they’re just a clown dancing around. I could laugh until my teeth fell out!”

Yi Binghu had already beside himself with rage from seeing Tao Jun treat Pang Xiao the way Kang Qiong had, but now, even those accompanying him were saying such things. His flush turned an alarming red and veins throbbed on his forehead. If he didn't have a reputation to uphold, he would’ve broken out in loud curses at them.

“You will cease this impudence! Stop dawdling and enter the city!” With that self-righteous rebuke, Yi Binghu recovered his dignity and promptly brought up the rear with his horse.

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Wei Erbao and the others watched from behind, unable to suppress their mirth. They walked and chatted with laughter as they followed, the atmosphere as relaxed and merry as if it was the new year.

Once again, Qin Yining was brought to the rear residence to rest while Pang Xiao brought his men to the banquet. He also took Ji Zeyu’s whip with him, which had quite a few people treating him courteously and cordially at first sight.

After the banquet, Tao Jun solemnly saluted Pang Xiao in the main hall of the rear residence. 

“Your Highness, since my master gave his token to you, all one hundred of us brothers are also yours. If Your Highness has any instructions for us, just say the word and we will risk life and limb to see it done.”

Pang Xiao’s gratitude toward Ji Zeyu grew further. He lifted Tao Jun up with both hands with a chuckle.

“Please, there is absolutely no need for such grand courtesies. This prince is returning to the capital to face trial, so there is nothing that I need done for now.”

Hearing this, Tao Jun replied, “Your Highness, please forgive my bluntness, but your situation will be far from optimistic when you return to the capital. I fear His Majesty plans to make you answer for your actions with your life.”

Seeing how honest Tao Jun was in spite of everything, a deep understanding dawned on Pang Xiao that Ji Zeyu’s men were also recognizing him as their master as well because of the whip. He couldn’t help but take his respect for Ji Zeyu’s leadership skills up a few notches.

“Has anything major happened in court while I was away?”

“Everything is recorded in the imperial reports down to the most minor detail, and most of them are unrelated to His Highness,” Tao Jun answered. “The most critical matter at hand is that the Tatars have begun to stir, and their intent to attack Great Zhou is very clear. 

“Though they lost their first shipment of war provisions, their Utkin Khan seems very adamant on stirring up conflict and appears to be gathering rations yet again in preparation for battle.

“If I may be frank, the nation’s treasury is empty, which already makes disaster relief efforts a difficulty. His Majesty has issued a series of troop deployments in preparation for war. This subordinate was just a commander before, it was because of recent developments that I was promoted to guard the pass as a general.

“However, successful as troop maneuvering  has been, what the court still lacks the most is silver. A declaration of war will require the nation’s resources. The Tatars remain unyielding, saying that they mean to avenge their Anari Khan. His Majesty's own intentions also remain to be seen. 

“But in this subordinate’s humble opinion, it would be best if Your Highness didn’t bring Her Highness back. This subordinate is concerned His Majesty will hand Her Highness over in order to prevent war.”

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