Return of the Swallow

Chapter 558

Chapter 558.1: Secret Imperial Decree

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Hearing that, Pang Xiao’s face turned grave. Anything that concerned Qin Yining was his bottom line. Even if Li Qitian hadn’t done anything yet, just hearing anyone speak of it was intolerable for him. 

Tao Jun couldn’t help a sigh either when he saw the unsightly look on the prince’s face. Although the regular folk may not care all that much about everything that Pang Xiao had done for Great Zhou, those in the military remembered his deeds all too clearly. They would never believe the rumors about the prince turning traitor. 

For a man of such high esteem and brilliant military achievements, even if he really did defect to Tatar, how would their khan dare to really trust him? What if he was secretly loyal to his former nation? What if he won the popular opinion in Tatar and commanded even greater influence than the khan? 

Therefore, anybody with a discerning eye could immediately tell that the emperor’s actions were a scheme to constrain the prince. 

“Alright, I know now.” Pang Xiao smiled. “I’ll be careful and pay more heed to this. However, I think His Majesty will also consider our nation’s dignity and reputation. If news spreads that we had to send a woman to Tatar to sue for peace, it would be quite an embarrassment for Great Zhou.” 

Tao Jun nodded. “I hope that will be the case.” 

Pang Xiao then inquired into the recent happenings with the Tatar.

The general wouldn’t have shared things so easily if anyone else was asking him. However, the war god himself was in front of him, and he possessed Ji Zeyu’s token. Thus, he didn’t hide anything and went into full detail about the current situation with the Tatar.

Pang Xiao listened earnestly, frequently commenting and reminding Tao Jun of the details he needed to pay attention to at the border frontier. 

Seeing how the prince still fretted over the border situation despite being targeted with a hefty mix of doubt and ire, Tao Jun couldn’t help but grow a bit emotional. Ever since ancient times, outstanding subjects have always attracted their liege’s wariness and suspicion.

One didn’t even need to look far. Pang Xiao’s father, Pang Zhongzheng, was a prime example of this. In the year of his demise, his prestige had shone so bright that it brought down a cloud of mistrust from his lord, the Northern Ji emperor. That was why the emperor had gone along with the enemy’s plan and in fact made use of it to remove this perceived threat. 

Having received Pang Zhongzheng’s legacy of wisdom and experience, Pang Xiao had grown to become a talented figure that he also garnered his emperor’s suspicions like his father once had. Such a situation truly made onlookers lament. 

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When Pang Xiao returned to his room, Qin Yining had already taken a bath, changed her clothes, and freshened up. Her long, half-dried hair scattered loosely over her shoulders as she sat on a heated platform by the window, using the light from a lantern to mend Pang Xiao’s trousers.

Hearing the door open and close, she raised her head with a smile. “You’re back.”

“Mmhmm.” Pang Xiao’s entire heart turned soft when he looked into her eyes that sparkled like the stars. He quickly walked over and leaned down, placing a kiss on her forehead. He couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw her mending his trousers, “You can just leave things like that for the servants.”

“I have nothing to do these days. Besides, the people you brought are all a bunch of coarse men. What do they know about needlework?” Qin Yining didn’t raise her head, her fair hands working nimbly. Orange lighting casted a soft glow on her face, creating a heartwarming sight. 

Pang Xiao’s heart soared with happiness and he kissed her cheek. “I’ll go bathe.”

“Go ahead, the maids have already prepared warm water and I placed the outfit you like on the screen.”

“I see.” Pang Xiao smiled and carressed her face before quickly making his way to the bathroom. He washed his face, rinsed his mouth, changed into a fresh set of clothes, and tousled his hair dry before coming out. 

Qin Yining had finished stitching his trousers at this point and was now mending a frayed cuff on one of his outer robes. She smiled to see the ends of his hair still dripping with water. “Come sit, I’ll help dry your hair.” 

Pang Xiao sat in front of his darling with a smile. Qin Yining knelt behind him, using a cotton handkerchief to gently dry his hair. 

Pang Xiao closed his eyes with great contentment, enjoying this beautiful moment of tranquillity. When his beloved moved onto massaging his scalp, he smiled. “Alright, that’s enough. Your arms will grow tired if you keep this up.” 

“How tired could they possibly get?” Qin Yining refused to stop. “What did General Tao request your attention for earlier?”

Pang Xiao didn’t recall his earlier mood and also skipped over the important things. 

“I asked about the current situation with the Tatar. Siqin is recruiting men and amassing supplies again, so it looks like he hasn’t given up on his plans to invade the south. He seems like a man possessed and will not be deterred from expanding his territory. It’s a bit strange, really.” 

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Hearing that, Qin Yining also began to ponder. 

“I was thinking the same thing as well. I’d previously thought that he only wanted to grasp political power in Tatar. Though his ambitions are great, he’s already the Tatar khan and after his machinations, his popularity in Tatar is very high. 

“He should be very satisfied with this if he just wanted to rule a corner of the world. However, his ambitions seem more like he wants to conquer everything beneath the heavens, which is rather surprising. In fact, I have a little unconfirmed suspicion about all of this.” 

“Oh? Let’s hear it.”  Pang Xiao reached out, pulling Qin Yining onto his lap.


Chapter 558.2: Secret Imperial Decree

She put down the handkerchief and held onto his arm, her voice serious. “This is just something that occurred to me out of the blue. I have no evidence and what I say can’t be taken as truth.”

Pang Xiao caressed her soft, tender hand. 

“Out with it, there are no outsiders here. Besides, I’ve always felt that a woman’s sixth sense is uncannily accurate. You, my mother, and my grandmother are all like this. They sometimes have an inexplicable idea, like it’d be dangerous if I didn’t do a certain thing. Although there was no basis to their words at the time, events that unfolded later proved them to be right. So go ahead and speak your mind, it might give me some ideas.”

Qin Yining nodded. “Back when Great Yan was gripped by war, the Soothsayer took the alias of Priestess Liu and hid in Great Yan to avoid pursuers. She stayed in the Celestial Nunnery on the surface, but in reality, she had ties with both the dog emperor and trampress, as well as frequent dealings with many influential figures at court. Although none of their relationships were particularly deep, there are times when you only need an imperceptible influence to change something. 

“When she saw Great Yan falling in ruin, the Soothsayer went to Tatar. I saw her in the Tatar palace. At that time, her intent to stir chaos was even more evident and she even urged Anari Khan to kill me. We then saw Tatar later fall into internal unrest, and though I never saw her take action with my own eyes, I’ve always felt that she had something to do with all of it. 

“The Soothsayer is famous for telling the fortunes of the three of you.” Qin Yining looked at Pang Xiao’s expression and added carefully, “I don’t know what she originally said, but after that, Li Qitian seemed to grow increasingly fearful of you. I’ve always had a feeling that the Soothsayer played a role in all of these incidents, but I’m still not sure what exactly her aim is.” 

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Hearing that, Pang Xiao fell into deep pondering. 

He hadn’t given thought to any of this until Qin Yining mentioned it. Now that she mentioned it, he reviewed all of the Soothsayer’s actions over the past few years and found that things were really as she’d said. The Soothsayer was involved in every incident that had occured. 

“You’re right,” Pang Xiao said thoughtfully. “What exactly was she planning in doing that?” 

Qin Yining pursed her lips, “When she was foretelling your fortune, she said something about the Emperor Star and three killer stars. Do you believe what she said?”

Startled, Pang Xiao broke into a wide grin. “No, I don’t actually believe those sorts of sayings.” 

“Sir Mu once said the Soothsayer foretold, ‘In times of chaos, a fox spirit shall descend with indescribable disorder and snuff out the previous dynasty’s fortunes. Three ominous stars: the Greedy Wolf Star, Field Marshal, and Army will escort the Emperor Star to the apex and restore peace to the world’. 

“The fox spirit throwing the world into chaos should refer to Great Yan’s trampress. The Greedy Wolf Star lies to the north. Looking at things now, it should be referring to Utkin Khan. Field Marshal, Army, and the Emperor Stars are clearly Ji Lan, Li Qitian, and you. 

“After the Army Star, also known as Seven Kills, ascended to the throne, he was particularly wary of you because you’re the originally divined Emperor star. He guards against you at every turn while his hostility toward Prince Consort Ji is relatively lower. 

“I’ve been wondering, are her divinations real or not? If they are real, what should’ve happened to the world? If they’re not and the Soothsayer said such things on purpose, what is she plotting?” 

Qin Yining’s brows scrunched together as she pondered, deep in thought. With how tense the situation was right now, Li Qitian had plainly finished with his preparations and was just waiting for them to return to the capital. 

If the couple was the cowardly or less dependable sort, they should make good their escape and live a peaceful life. However, whether it was Pang Xiao or herself, neither of them could completely cast off all of the responsibility on their shoulders and force their families to deal with the consequences. 

Therefore, no matter how daunting their prospects seemed, they still had to return to the capital. All these unknown elements were making the situation even more complicated. 

“My dear? Alright, let’s not think about it any more.” Pang Xiao called Qin Yining’s name several times, but received no response. He knew that she was fretting over everything she’d just shared with him. 

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He pulled her into his embrace, rocking her as he spoke. “All you need to do is lay down your worries and stay by my side. I’ll handle everything. I have my ways to deal with His Majesty. Your health is fragile and after experiencing so many torments outside, aren’t you just looking for trouble if you keep thinking so much for no reason?”

He dropped kisses on her forehead, lashes, and nose bridge before finally pecking softly at her lips. “There’s a dear, stop thinking about it. Just leave it all to me.” 

Warmth obstructed Qin Yining’s lips from voicing further worries. The kiss was like a hot spring, gentle and relaxing, making her feel warm and cozy. She slowly melted in his chest, her body quickly turning hot as her heart raced. 


Their days at Skywolf Pass were even more leisurely than their stay at Skyzone Pass.  Tao Jun gathered his friends and the soldiers under his command to host a feast for the prince every day. 

Pang Xiao tried bidding farewell several times and wanted to return to the capital, but Tao Jun kept protesting, “My brothers haven’t met enough with Your Highness.” 

If not that, he’d say, “There’s still a brother of mine that’s arriving here the day after tomorrow. He’s always admired Your Highness and wished to see you with his own eyes. Your Highness must stay another two days and give him some face.” 

How could Pang Xiao not see that Tao Jun was stalling for time?

Whenever there was a chance over the past couple of days, the general would either directly or indirectly urge the prince to not return to the capital. He constantly cautioned against various schemes or traps. Wouldn’t it be better to live a free and comfortable life with Her Highness? He could quietly return for his family at another opportunity. 

With that, the prince’s entourage stayed at Skywolf Pass for more than twenty days. 

Grass was about to start growing on Yi Binghu’s head! Over the past twenty days, he sent five secret letters to the capital, each one painstakingly describing how arrogant and unbridled Pang Xiao flaunted himself and clearly listing all of his offenses. 

Just when Yi Binghu ordered the sixth letter to be sent out, a royal decree from the capital finally arrived.

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