Return of the Swallow

Chapter 559

Chapter 559.1: Pregnancy

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Yi Binghu conscientiously bathed himself and lit incense before opening a secret imperial decree with utmost devotion. The shock from the simple sentence within it almost made him burst into tears. 

The secret decree ordered him not to be rude to the prince and princess consort, to escort the prince with all pomp and circumstance that should be accorded to him, and treat the prince with utmost courtesy on the way back.

What did His Majesty mean by this?!

His first orders had been to seize and escort Pang Xiao back to the capital like a felon, to transport the prince in a criminal’s carriage for sentencing and judgment!

Why had His Majesty suddenly changed his mind?!

He’d already shed all pretense of cordiality with the prince, but now had to suddenly turn all deferential and respectful in accordance to his new orders. He would be made an utter fool, a laughingstock, a, a, a nothing!

Yi Binghu was furious, but didn’t really dare to be angry at the emperor. He could only redirect all the pain and anguish onto Pang Xiao’s head.

If it weren’t for Pang Xiao, why would he have to endure such humiliation??

He’d lost face in the Valiant Tigers before but finally regained some of it when he was escorting a disgraced criminal. But now that sinner was someone he had to bow and scrape before?!

A hot knot of anger and frustration in his chest, Yi Binghu had nowhere to vent it. Despite everything, all he could do was clench his teeth and change his attitude in the end. The next time he saw Pang Xiao, all manner of proper greetings and honorifics were on full display. The prince gave the orders, and Yi Binghu no longer subjected him to daily abuse of setting out on their way. 

This naturally didn’t go unnoticed, and Pang Xiao had a good laugh with Qin Yining when he returned to their quarters.

After indulging in a fit of giggles, Qin Yining asked doubtfully, “Why has he suddenly changed his attitude for no reason? There is always something untoward behind unexpected turns of events. You should thoroughly investigate this, there must be a reason behind this sudden change in attitude.”

“Our thoughts have traveled down the same path.” Pang Xiao looked at Qin Yining with deep praise and affection. “His Majesty sent Yi Binghu a secret decree that our people intercepted first before delivering it to him. His Majesty has ordered him to treat us with all due courtesy.” 

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Qin Yining instantly understood. “It looks like they’ve finished preparing for us at the capital. His Majesty is afraid of startling us, lest we run away en route and waste all his preparations, correct?” 

“Precisely. Furthermore, His Majesty also wants to save face. Very few people believe his proclamation that I committed treason. Even if you put aside my own moral conduct and achievements, just the fact that my wife killed the Tatar khan makes it impossible for me to have defected to the Tatars. His Majesty must’ve been slow from anger to make such a claim earlier.

“His Majesty has changed tactics now. Perhaps too many don’t believe his version of events, or that public opinion is just too much, he wants to smooth things over so his dignity is salvaged. The best method is to coax us back to the capital first, where it’ll be much easier to punish us."

Qin Yining nodded, her brows still creased with worry. Possibly due to a surplus of anxiety, she felt her stomach turn and a wave of nausea wash over her. However, she didn’t want her husband to worry, so she swallowed down the reflex and suppressed the disgusting feeling. 

Pang Xiao was very observant and Qin Yining was his greatest love. Her appetite hadn’t been too good these days, and she’d suffered nausea and dry heaving this morning, moaning her stomach felt unwell. Seeing her pale complexion now and how she swallowed like she was forcing something down, he couldn’t help but worry. 

“Does your stomach hurt? Are you still nauseous?” 

Qin Yining shook her head, tears pooling in her eyes as a biological reaction from suppressing the urge to throw up. It proved too much for her to endure in the end and she pushed Pang Xiao away, stooping down to throw up. 

Pang Xiao panicked, not knowing what to do as he patted her back. “What is it? What’s happening?” He roared in the direction of the door, “Somebody hurry for a physician!”

Tao Jun’s family wasn’t with him and there were no womenfolk in the office. Even the maids in the courtyard had only been prepared after Pang Xiao’s retinue arrived. 

The maids were scared witless by Pang Xiao’s thunderclap of a roar. Dazed, it took them a while to collect their wits before they scrambled every which way for a doctor. 

Throwing up all of the porridge she’d had for breakfast, some of it even overflowed to Qin Yining’s nose. She screwed her eyes shut from the biting pain in her head, unable to help tears from streaming down her face. 

Pang Xiao was so heartbroken that he almost started crying with her. He grabbed a handkerchief to dry her face and fetched water to rinse her mouth. Finally, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, setting her down on blankets laid out on the heated platform. 

He sat down beside her, holding her ice-cold hand. “What should we do about this? I didn’t see you eat anything either. Don’t tell me… has somebody poisoned you?!”

The more he thought about it, the more likely the possibility seemed. Why, Yi Binghu’s face twisted whenever he saw the prince! He was behind all this! Pang Xiao flew into a sudden rage, “Yi Binghu, that damned bastard! I’ll have his head for this!”

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Chapter 559.2: Pregnancy

Qin Yining’s head began to ache from his constant nagging and hovering. When she heard his random declaration to kill someone, she couldn’t help a helpless sigh. “Stop being so noisy, it’s making my head hurt.”

“Alright, alright, alright, I’ll be quiet. I’ll just keep you company here.” 

Pang Xiao had already planned out how he’d torture Yi Binghu to death. He didn’t care that the bastard had been sent by the emperor. Whoever dared so much as look at his wife in the wrong way must die! 

The physician soon arrived, entering with Tao Jun and his wife when they also heard the news.  Pang Xiao fidgeted off to the side while the physician examined Qin Yining. 

Tao Jun waited out in the courtyard, his mood complicated. With how deep the prince’s feelings were for Her Highness, how would His Highness be able to cope if she met with an unexpected accident?

However, he was also a little glad. Now that Her Highness has fallen sick at this critical juncture, wouldn’t that postpone Pang Xiao’s return to the capital? Considering that, Her Highness’s illness was truly timely. 

Inside the room, the physician carefully took Qin Yining’s pulse before turning to Pang Xiao. “Would it be possible to have Her Highness reveal her elegant face so this old physician can see her complexion?” 

Pang Xiao immediately raised the netting by the bed. 

The old doctor observed her for a while before finally checking her tongue. He smiled when he reached his conclusion. “Congratulations, Your Highness. Her Highness is blessed with a child!” 

Qin Yining’s eyes went round with shock. 

Pang Xiao froze into a stone sculpture, asking only a long while later, “What did you just say?”

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“Congratulations, Your Highness. Her Highness is blessed with a child! She looks to be only one month along. Although her pulse isn’t the clearest, this old physician has many years of experience and wouldn’t mistake her condition.”

Qin Yining couldn’t help but think back over recent times. Sure enough, it seemed like her monthly bleeding hadn’t come for almost two months!

Furthermore, she couldn’t place how many times they’d been together after their reunification. Based on the amount of time that’d passed, conception seemed to have taken place the first time they were together after he found her!

She suddenly noticed how her beloved was grinning like a fool. 

“Ahaha, a child? I’m going to be a father this soon?!”

The handsome prince’s lovestruck smile reminded the old doctor of his own youth. He couldn’t help but smile as he raised cupped hands. “Congratulations, so many congratulations! Your Highness will be a father around the eleventh or twelfth month of the year.” 

“You are wise in the ways of medicine and skilled in your craft, sir!” Pang Xiao bobbed his head rapidly in delight before calling out to Huzi. “Hurry and prepare a large red envelope. There will be many times in which we have to rely on the good doctor in the future!” 

The old physician was all smiles as he followed Huzi to receive his tip.

Pang Xiao jumped onto the platform like an enormous spoiled cat and carefully embraced Qin Yining, nuzzling and kissing her. “My dear, my darling, we are to have a child! Did you hear that? Did you? I’m going to be a father!” 

Although Qin Yining still felt nauseated, Pang Xiao’s sheer giddiness and exuberant antics truly amused her. 

“You were practically shouting it from the rooftops, how could I have not heard you?” she snorted with laughter.

Pang Xiao merrily kissed her cheeks. “Are you still feeling unwell? Do you want to eat something?” He fired off more questions before Qin Yining could reply, “Say, do you think it’ll be a boy or a girl?”

“Do you want a boy or a girl?” Qin Yining asked jokingly.

“Both are fine.” Pang Xiao pulled Qin Yining closer, lying by her side as he let his mind wander. “If it’s a girl, she’ll definitely be as intelligent and beautiful as you. I have to spoil her to the heavens and give her the best life. I can also teach her martial arts so if our future son-in-law ever dares to bully her, she and I can beat him to death together!

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“A boy would also be good. I would raise him well and teach him how to be a good older brother. A boy should have a proper sense of responsibility. In the future, he has to take care of his younger brothers and sisters.”

Hearing that, Qin Yining laughed. “You said both are fine, but why do you sound so ridiculously biased? If it’s a girl, you’ll pamper her to the high heavens, but a boy’s ‘just fine’ and you even plan on strictly disciplining him from young?” 

“Boys should be treated with tough love so they can shoulder responsibility when they’re older. Girls should be spoiled. Things are done right no matter how you pamper them.”  Pang Xiao declared righteously, his eyes bright. He helped her sit up and placed a kiss on Qin Yining’s pale lips. “My dear, thank you.” 

Qin Yining looked at the emotion running deep in Pang Xiao’s eyes. It felt like the softest part of her heart was wrapped in the warmest hug of contentment. Her eyes couldn’t help but curve into smiling crescents as she flung her arms around his neck, stretching forward to peck his cheek.

“What are you thanking me for? We’re husband and wife. The child will call you father and me, mother. If we’re speaking of thanks, shouldn’t I be thanking you?”

“Just look at you, that mindset of yours is what makes you live a life harder than ordinary women.” Pang Xiao drew her in closer. “Carrying a child for ten months is much more exhausting, the one who should be saying thank you is me.” 

“Alright, we don’t need to keep thanking each other back and forth,” Qin Yining giggled.

“That’s right,” Pang Xiao suddenly exclaimed, “I need to go arrange a luxurious feast and invite all of the Elite Tigers to feast!” 

“What are you doing? Do you have to go that far?” 

“What do you mean, go that far? I just want to celebrate becoming a father.” Pang Xiao was like the mouse that’d gotten into the cookie jar and strode out majestically to inform his men. 

Out in the courtyard, Tao Jun gave his happy congratulations when he heard the news. He even mentioned that he would have his brothers come drink in celebration. 

After giving his orders, Pang Xiao immediately returned to the room, refusing help from all four maids and experienced wives that Tao Jun sent. He insisted on serving tea and fetching water himself, making the servants sigh with, “His and her Highness are truly in deep love” and “Her Highness sure is fortunate.” 

Meanwhile, in stark contrast to the cheers and laughter that filled the residence upon hearing of Her Highness’ blessing, Yi Binghu’s face sank with anger. If Her Highness was pregnant, wouldn’t that mean their journey would be delayed even further? His Majesty would be furious with him!

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