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Troy planted a kiss on my lips gently. His kiss erased the doubts I have in my heart. I smiled at him sweetly.

"Come. You must be tired." Troy lifted me up gently in his arms. I encircled my arms around his neck.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked curiously.

We're inside a plane and the space is limited so I was curious as to where Troy was headed.

Troy gave me teasing smile. "Oh yes, it's your first time to board my private plane."

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"Yes. I also have my own private plane. Well it's much smaller than yours." I said pouting my lips at him. I know he is starting to tease me.

Troy walked towards the back of the plane. There I saw a door. Troy opened it and we went in.

It was a spacious and luxurious bedroom. My eyes went wide with surprise. I know Troy is rich but I never thought that his private plane will be this luxurious. The past 8 years I knew him wasn't enough. I'm glad that I will be with this man for the rest of my life. I will be with my angel.

"I don't know if this counts as carrying the bride into the threshold. But I guess this will do." Troy chuckled jokingly.

"You're teasing me again." I was a bit irritated but I felt amused by his teasing and giggled as well.

Troy gently put me down on the big queen sized bed. I sat up and looked around.

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The bedroom was in white and dark wood colors. It was luxurious and big but also comfortable in the eyes. At the far side was a small door.

"Is that the restroom and shower?" I asked Troy.

"Yes." Troy nodded. "Do you want to use it?"

I nodded. I need to relieve myself and take a shower.

"Do you want me to help you?" Troy has a wolfish grin. I know what he was thinking. I blushed.

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"N-no." I pushed him slightly. "I need some 'me' time." I said shyly.

Troy's grin widened more. "Okay. The towel and bathrobes are inside. You can use my toiletries if you want. Yours are still inside the luggage."

"Thanks." I answered. It will be a hassle to search for my toiletries because I was not the one that packed my things. It was Andrea.

I walked slowly towards the restroom and entered. I closed the door behind me.

I relieved myself immediately. This is one of the uncomfortable moments of being pregnant, frequently peeing.

After that I removed the clothes Andrea arranged for me to wear. I thought that this is one of my designs from my summer collection.

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"Maybe we are going to a tropical country." The thought let me get excited. I haven't been to the beach for quite sometime.

I entered the shower and turned it on. The shower was just the right temperature. It helped me calm myself.

The day was about to end. When I thought of it, this was a long day. Many things happened. There were also not so pleasant happenings when I remember meeting Troy's ex. But overall it was happy. Remembering Troy's vows made me smile. I feel my heart squeeze with happiness.

I get Troy's shower gel from the stand. I squeezed some in my hand and smell it.

'It smells of Troy.' I thought to myself. I love his smell, especially now I was pregnant. Smelling him helps me to relax.

I rub the gel on my body. Troy's smell is starting to spread all over. I turn the shower on again and wash myself. I get one of the towels on the rack and start to dry myself. After a while I get a bathrobe on the hanger and put it on.

I exited the rest room and saw Troy half naked. His upper body was bare, exposing his muscles and well defined abs. I stare at him in awe.

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