Troy held my cheeks and pulled it to him. His sweet wet lips touched mine. We share a passionate kiss and it deepened in no time. "Hmm." Troy moaned. I can feel his desire for me in his kiss. After a while Troy withdrew. I can feel my cheeks are flush. My body was feeling hot even with the coldness of the night. Troy caress my cheeks gently. I look at his emerald green eyes. It was burning with desire. "Let's go inside." Troy whispered into my ear slowly and seductively. "I want you." He said sweetly. My heart was thumping wildly with his sudden confession. With all the stress that work has given us we haven't made love for the past few days. It's embarrassing but after I become pregnant making the act everyday made it a routine. I am always craving for his touch, his kisses, his love. Troy scooped me up in his arms suddenly. "Ahh." I was surprised. I encircled my arms around his neck for support. Troy carried me inside towards our room. Once inside he closed the door hurriedly and put me on the bed. He lay me down gently. Then his mouth was on mine in no time. It took me by surprise that I made a silent yelp. His kiss was deep and hungry. He was ravaging the insides of my mouth with his skillful tongue. "Hmmm." I moaned with the intensity. Troy retreated. He was hovering on top of me carefully. My little bump has been getting bigger and him on top would be a 'no' from here on. I was catching my breath from the intense kiss Troy and I shared. I can see him unbuttoning his white shirt and throwing it on the floor. I can see his well defined upper body. His buff chest and 6-pack abs are something to behold upon. His biceps and triceps are well defined and strong. I lick my lips unconsciously. Troy saw this and his lips curved up into a wolfish grin. He hovered near my ear and whispered. "You on top." I felt shy after hearing his words. After that he lied down in bed and pulled me up on him. I was now squatting on top of him. "You know what to do." Troy was still wearing his wolfish grin. I can feel my cheeks become hot. Maybe I am blushing so red right now. Troy reached for my hand and put it on top of his hard manhood which is still cover with his pants. I do as Troy has gestured me to do. I caressed his bulging manhood, up and down. "Hmmm." Troy was enjoying what I'm doing. He closed his eyes and arched his head. Knowing that he was enjoying this I became even bolder. I opened the button of his pants and pulled down the zipper. I tugged his underwear down and his manhood sprang out like it was greeting me. I hold his hard manhood. It was warm to the touch. I continue my caress on his bulging manhood. "Ahhh... Jill." Troy moaned in pleasure. Hearing this made me hot all over. I lower my self to him and embrace his manhood with my lips. "Oh f*ck....Jill ahhh." Troy moaned. I suck his manhood gently. I use my tongue to play with his tip. All the while I can hear Troy moaning. "Hmmmm... ahhhh. Jill..." Troy is nearing his climax. I sucked harder wanting to hear Troy moan in pleasure. "Ahhhh... Jill." Troy said and he came inside my mouth. I gulped in his juices. "Jill your naughty tonight." Troy said with a hoarse but sexy voice. Then I feel his fingers press on my sex that is just under my underwear. "Ahhh.." I moaned with his sudden attack. His ever so skillful fingers caress my sensitive spot. "Hmmm." I was enjoying his fingers on me. I can feel his hands moving on my hips and inside my dress. He was tugging off my underwear and I help him take it off. Troy's fingers are now inside me. "Ahhh.... T-Troy." I stuttered. He was massaging my insides gently. "Hmmm... Ahhhh... Troy." I can feel myself building up inside. "Yes, Jill. I want to hear you." Troy said seductively. "Ahhhh...." I climaxed with his touch. I feel my body convulsing. I was panting and catching my breath. "I love you Jill. I love you so much." Troy said gently. I feel my heart squeeze with happiness. Then his hands went to my hips and helped me up. Gently I eased myself on his manhood. "Ahhhh." I felt my insides are full with him. Then slowly I moved above him. The feeling was intense now that I am on top. His manhood was hitting my insides deliciously. "Hmmm....Troy." I moaned in pleasure. "Jill.... my Jill." Troy was also moving. He was hitting my insides hard. "You.Are.So.Sweet." "Ahhhhh." I feel his movements quicken and I was moving with him. "Jill. I love you, my Jill." Troy was saying my name over and over. "T-Troy. Ahhhh." I was building up again. His manhood is hitting me in the right spot. "Yes, Jill. Let it out." Troy said with a sexy voice. Like it was a magic word, I came on top of him. "Ahhhhh." "Yes. Jill... ahhhh." Troy climaxed after. I felt the fatigue and tiredness after and lied down beside Troy. I can feel him pull me into his embrace. "Sleep my love." Troy said while kissing my forehead. I have known another side of Troy today. Even knowing this dark side, I know in myself that I would still love him. He is my angel, now and forever. He is the man that I will only love. Sleepiness has engulfed me and I drifted in a deep slumber.

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